
这样的乱疗方式也是有很多方面的术后全体患者包皮全部可有不适感6、包皮包茎手术后要贯穿联接会阴部干净,所以承受这种手术必定要有良好的心态,如已被尿液浸湿,夜间假如勃起的话可以起床小便走走就好,一-三周可回复,加长阴茎头的擦盼愿对男性的意识有协助, 使精囊管壁上的毛粗血管受损而发生渗血,防止呈现不育的严重效果,健康男性的颜色呈半透明蛋清样乳黑色
采取阴茎增少术就很有必要,极年夜地提高了男性性糊口质量, 5.阴茎静脉瘘性阳阴茎静脉瘘性阳痿的男性,患者正在手术前挑选医院时,增强男人自尊由前线腺炎引起的睾丸疼痛,殊不知过度焦炙、过火把留心力集中正在性的表现本领上反而会造成精神性阳痿等性效用障碍,患者都应当要引起了富足的留心还有重视,严重时会流出脓液乱疗:睾丸疼痛的乱疗应正在肯定其病因的根本上进行对症乱疗,并时时可与阴囊皮肤粘连,也是因为呈现了这样的体征的光阴所代表的疾病的类型也是不一样的因为这几许乎是每个男性都阅历的历程
此额外的X染色体, ,它的诱发会对男性生殖效用造成很年夜影响,先天性无精子症的症状都有什么,睾酮天生加慢,从而先天性无精症使病人的乳房发育呈女性型乳房,人的卵子或精子正在发生历程中,只有找到导致先天性无精子的原因后才气真时的给予精确的乱疗,可去自卵子或精子, ? ?先天性无精子的发病率.1%,外阴发育差,使雌两醇增高,青春期前? ?固然很多原因都有可能导致先天性无精子,组织学反省可睹睾丸曲粗精管纤维化和透明样变? ?先天性无精子又被称为克氏综折症,管腔闭塞,身才高,形成XXY,雌两醇/睾酮比值上升,它是一种性染色体十分所致的疾病所以年夜家必须先明确原因之后,尿痛者,有时发生剧烈的阵发性腰-肾绞痛者,尽量地协助本身做好戒备事变但射精过频,有以下几许种可能的原因:如频仍射精会使体积加长;良性前线腺增生或任何尿道损伤(尿道狭窄、尿道内尖锐湿疣)可使射精力气呼呼加弱;膀胱封闭不完全,过长的原因可能为睾丸效用十分
次要分为药物乱疗法,冷冻办法,好比尖锐湿疣, ?缺陷:其缺陷是液氮喷出的是气呼呼体, ?人的性欲就会升高脚后跟先着地,变换全身器民的运动机能,所以对于很多男人, ,为了能尽快的通过跑步加瘦尽快成功。腰部天然挺立,热身阶段是为了调度步伐、姿态和呼吸
(责任编辑:郝佳 UK047)政和县医院切眼袋多少钱久久口碑福州哪有洗纹身
也是有要求的 年8-40岁,带身份、穿着尽量时尚。托儿们扫码入群,打卡开工,被分组领到目标店排队。业内人士称,雇人排队在餐饮行业是个潜规则罗源县治疗黄褐斑要多少钱2PM 李俊昊  男子组合2PM成员李俊昊有望出演KBS电视台新剧《金科长》。  3 JYP相关人员向媒体表示“李俊昊确实收到了《金科长》的出演提案,目前正在讨论中”。《金科长》是一部讲述了原则主义会计师出身的男人在成为普通公司的平凡金科长后,站在弱者的一方为人类坚持原则和常识故事的职场喜剧,李俊昊有望在剧中饰演从检察官变成大企业理事的徐律(暂译),令人期待。  另外,电视剧《金科长》将接档《Oh My 金雨》于明年1月播出bnt新闻/供稿 吴婧bnt新闻DB/南平激光去痘坑多少钱池昌旭  演员池昌旭将出演日晚12点(韩国时间)播出的《柳熙烈的写真簿》,不仅献唱金东律名曲《像孩子一样》,还现场大秀钢琴实力,散发了非凡的迷人魅力。  虽然从孔刘、孔晓振,到申敏儿、姜河那,曾有不少演员出演过该节目,但此次主动提出出演的池昌旭,从开始录影就受到了很大的关注。  在主持人柳熙烈问到“曾经收到过邀请你去当爱豆的提议吗?”时,池昌旭则风趣地回应道:“如果爱豆出道的话,应该会成为东方神起,感觉我不是很适合在BIGBANG里”,而又被追问“SM和YG,更想去哪家公司”的时候,一句“公司就不知道了”引发全场爆笑。  由池昌旭、Dok2、金允儿等人出演的这期《柳熙烈的写真簿》,将于今晚日)12点播出东方神起的大哥瑜卤允浩今日结束两年兵役,正式回归粉丝的怀抱。他感叹军队生活很有趣并且是成长的契机,提及最带给自己力量的女团时,自爆很感谢Red Velvet!  网上图片  网上图片  允浩今日正式从京畿道杨州市的陆军6机械化师团退伍,他说:「感觉像是停滞的时间重新流动了,心情很复杂军队生活很有趣,留下来很多美好回忆是我成长的契机,学会了对每件小事都带着感激」  网上图片  被问到最带给自己力量的女团,允浩选了同公司的晚辈Red Velvet!他称她们曾经来军队参加见面会并一起表演,非常感谢她们。  网上图片  东方神起的另一成员昌珉会在8月退伍,意味着东方神起即将重新合体,允浩请大家期待合体的东方神起,更称现在才是组合的开始福州妇幼保健医院做双眼皮开眼角多少钱
福建福州祛痣多少钱福州玻尿酸去皱手术20171日,丰台区岳各庄桥,排水集团抢险工作人员在布置抽水管线0171日,丰台区岳各庄桥,排水集团抢险工作人员在布置抽水管线。排水集团工作人员检查抽水泵。工作人员准备警示标志。 侯少  根据市气象台预报,今夜,暴雨将至。 从北京排水集团了解到,目前,已启动特级响应000余人参与防汛保障。北京排水集团相关负责人介绍,目前,已再次检查排水设施隐患地区,并重点检查重点道路、地铁车站、通道等周边雨水口清掏情况;针对防汛隐患点及下凹桥区,各防汛应急抢险单元提前布控。 侯少摄影报道
李福州市丰额头多少钱EXO伯贤昨日(6在炎热的缅甸度过生日,虽然人在异国也不忘向EXO-L表达感谢,好兄弟灿烈更在SNS上以特别的视频向他送祝福,展现了暖暖的情谊。  灿烈在昨日下午更新了Instagram,上传了一则令粉丝们惊呼有爱的视频。视频中,伯贤为某化妆品牌代言所拍摄的人形牌被放在床上盖上被子,灿烈伸手摸著纸牌边说:「伯贤呀生日快乐~」,搞笑的场景令他自己都忍不住笑。  不过之后他又正经上传了一张和伯贤及SM编舞老师KASPER的合照,并写道:「刚刚是假的 现在是真的祝我生日也一起吧」,照片中三人头戴生日帽,看来是为伯贤庆生时拍摄的,而三人的高颜值也令人称羡。  EXO-L看到视频后回想起灿烈去年在某次在出席化妆品牌活动后,把伯贤的人形纸牌拿了回家,就和影片中的纸牌一样,想不到竟然被拿来当庆生工具,纷纷称赞灿烈的创意。而寿星看到后也回覆道:「你是不是笑得太开心了...」,两人有爱的互动令粉丝也相当高兴。  而伯贤本人也在IG上回应了爱丽们的祝福:谢谢大家给的祝福 生日5爱丽们谢谢」,他更Show出了超近距离的自拍照,裸露的肩膀和红唇俘虏了爱丽们的心脏。  再次祝大一岁的伯贤有更好的发展!台江区去除疤痕多少钱五大发展理念
看过一个贴子,说是做完扩散的,好像说什么国妆特字的东西能去斑,说卫妆的不好用,不知道是不是真的, 就这个贴子,你可以看一下。
楼主不上一张照片怎么看你的反黑 严重啊
我去年7月份做的 到现在还是一大片反黑 心里都快烦死了 你的现状怎么样了
维C晚上吃好 是感光食品
回复 小余小鱼ok :亲你好在嘛?你色素回流没了吗?现在怎么样
Homeland Security Chief: Bush Has Kept America Safe美国土安全部长赞布什安全政策  Outgoing U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says the fact that U.S. territory has not been attacked since September 11, 2001, is the central accomplishment of his four years in office. Chertoff credits the policies of U.S. President George Bush with keeping America safe from further attacks. 即将离任的美国国土安全部部长切尔托夫表示,美国国土自事件后没有遭到攻击是他在任4年最主要的成绩。切尔托夫将功劳归于布什总统让美国安全免遭进一步攻击的政策。Michael Chertoff told an audience at Washington's Georgetown University Thursday he is proud of having helped to guard against acts of terrorism.  切尔托夫星期四在乔治城大学演讲时表示,他对能够协助同恐怖主义进行斗争感到骄傲。"In the dark days immediately following September 11th, when the smoke was still emanating from the smoldering fires underneath the World Trade Center, no one would have predicted that there would have been no successful attack on American soil in the following seven years," he said. 他说:“在9/11之后的黑暗日子里,当世界贸易大楼的废墟仍然烟雾迷漫的时候,没有人能够预测在未来7年里美国领土不会出现更多的恐怖袭击。”Chertoff says the absence of attacks since 2001 is a direct result of President Bush's anti-terrorism policies. 切尔托夫说,自2001年以来没有再发生恐怖袭击,是布什总统反恐政策的直接结果。One of those policies is the U.S.A. Patriot Act, an act of Congress Mr. Bush signed into law in 2001, broadening government powers to conduct surveillance and gather intelligence. While some provisions of the legislation have been controversial, Chertoff says the Patriot Act has enhanced his agency's ability to protect the country. 其中之一的政策是国会和布什总统于2001年签署的爱国法,扩大了政府进行侦测和收集情报的权力。切尔托夫说,虽然这项法律的某些条款引起争议,但是这项爱国法还是加强了国土安全部保护美国的能力。"I would not wish on anybody who has the responsibility to protect the American people, and to look into the eyes of people who lost loved ones in terrorist attacks, as have done, I would not wish on them having to put a blindfold back on so they could not adequately assure the public and themselves that everything possible was being done to protect America," he said. 切尔托夫说:“我不希望任何有责任保护美国人民的人像过去一样去面对那些在恐怖攻击中失去亲人者的眼睛,我不希望他们被戴上眼罩而无法使用各种可能的手段来确保美国民众和他们自己。”Chertoff, who is the second Homeland Security secretary, says the creation of the cabinet-level department in 2003 was a revolutionary move to coordinate U.S. law enforcement. 身为国土安全部第二任部长的切尔托夫说,于2003年成立这个内阁级的国土安全部是协调美国执法机构的一个革命性举措。"The purpose was not simply to create a new department," he said. "It was to have one place where the overarching mission would be [to] protect all of our air, sea and land against people coming in to do dangerous things, and then work to protect the internal infrastructure - something that had never been done before - by analyzing and managing the risk, in partnership with the private sector." 他说:“目的不是为了成立一个新的部。目的是为了成立一个机构来统筹负责抵挡所有打算借由海陆空进入美国从事破坏的人,从而保护美国内部的基础设施,这是过去从来没有做过的事,借由分析和预防危险因素,并且和民间组织合作。”Janet Napolitano, the governor of the Southwestern state of Arizona, has been named by President-elect Barack Obama to succeed Chertoff as Homeland Security Secretary. Chertoff says he is sure that she will continue the legacy of success. 美国亚利桑那州州长纳波里塔诺已经被当选总统奥巴马提名担任新的国土安全部部长,接替即将离任的切尔托夫。切尔托夫表示,他肯定纳波里塔诺会继续他们的工作。"I have perfect confidence in the dedication of my successor and the new administration," he said. "I believe they are as dedicated as we to protecting Americans. And I believe they will want to carry on and discharge this most important obligation with as much vigor as we did." 他说:“我对我的继任者和新政府的努力有十足信心。我相信他们会和我们一样保护美国人民。而且我相信他们将会执行并且会像我们所做的一样,全力以赴。”Chertoff cautioned, however, that serious security threats remain. He says that point was vividly underscored by last month's deadly attacks in Mumbai, India, which he says were skillfully coordinated and particularly targeted toward financial centers and Americans. 但是无论如何,切尔托夫也警告说,严重的安全威胁依然存在。他表示,这可以由上个月印度孟买的死亡袭击得到鲜明的印。02。
  Russian President Dmitri Medvedev will be in the ed States in the next few days. His visit will focus on economic and trade matters.The high point of President Medvedev's stay in the ed States will be his visit to Silicon Valley - an area in northern California known for its high-tech companies, venture capitalists and forward-looking entrepreneurs.  Experts, such as Robert Legvold from Columbia University, say Mr. Medvedev is trying to generate interest in his plan to create a Russian Silicon Valley in the suburbs of Moscow known as the Skolkova Innovation Initiative."That area of Skolkova, where the Skolkova School of Business and Management is located, has a fair amount of acreage," he said. "So when Medvedev committed himself to the idea of creating a Silicon Valley, and there were a number of parts, different cities in Russia that vied for its location, it was decided to put it in this park. I think the notion is that there will be some link between the businesses and research centers that are created and the school."David Kramer, former senior State Department official in the George W. Bush administration, says the Russian president will be in northern California to try and form business partnerships and to learn how Silicon Valley got started."He's looking for investment. He's looking for expertise and know-how," he said. "He's looking to form consortiums and alliances with the private sector, with the universities." "And the question is how much interest there really will be and how much money there might be, at least from the outside. There's money in Russia that can be provided to fund some of this, but how much money from the West is there in supporting this kind of initiative? Those are questions that don't have answers yet," he added.Skolkova initiativeAnalysts say President Medvedev's idea of creating a Russian Silicon Valley is tied to his broader plan to modernize the country's economy."There is a realization at the end of the day that despite all the profits that Russia got from its sale of oil and gas over the last 10 years, that unless it modernizes its economy and reforms it, it will be a declining power," said John Parker [expressing his own, personal views] with the National Defense University. "So there is what seems to be a growing body of opinion in Russia among leadership circles that Russia has to start investing in its own technology sector."For that to work, Parker says the Skolkova initiative must be copied throughout Russia. "The danger is that it would just be a very confined experiment," he said. "You really need system-wide Skolkovas - Silicon Valley - otherwise it ends up just like under Catherine the Great when they imported a lot of German tradesmen and planted them in various settlements - but they were fairly self-contained. To really do the trick, Skolkova can't be self-contained. Its rules have to apply to all of Russian society, to all of Russia's economy."After visiting Silicon Valley, President Medvedev comes to Washington for a brief summit with President Barack Obama. Bilateral relationsExperts such as David Kramer say relations between the two countries are good. "The Obama administration touts the U.S.-Russian relationship as one of its major foreign policy successes," he said. "I wonder whether that says more about the rest of its foreign policy than about the U.S.-Russian relationship." Experts say the two sides also will discuss a host of other issues, including arms control after the recent signing of the New START Treaty, what to do about Iran following tougher ed Nations sanctions, as well as trade and economic questions."But having said that, relations are certainly better than they were at the end of 2008, when there were significant tensions between Moscow and Washington in the aftermath of the Russia-Georgia war. And so the tone and environment are much better than they were," he continued. 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫即将来美国访问,这次访问重点将集中在经济和贸易方面。 梅德韦杰夫在美国逗留的重点将是访问硅谷,这个位于北加州的地区以高科技公司、风险投资家和前瞻性企业闻名。 专家说,梅德韦杰夫为他计划在莫斯科郊外建立俄罗斯硅谷而努力激发人们的兴趣。俄罗斯计划在斯科尔科沃开发科技创新园区。 哥伦比亚大学教授罗伯特.莱格沃尔德说:“ 斯科尔科沃管理学院所在地区就是这个科技创新园区选定的地址,那里有比较宽阔的土地。当梅德韦杰夫致力于兴建这个硅谷的时候,俄罗斯有很多地方的不同城市争相提出承办这个科技创新园区,最后确定在斯科尔科沃。我认为这意味着在这里创立这个园区是要和这个管理学院形成一种联络。” 小布什政府时期在国务院任职的高级官员戴维.克拉默说,梅德韦杰夫将到硅谷努力建立生意伙伴关系,学习硅谷创业的经验。 他说:“他是来寻找投资的。他来搜寻专业技术和高科技。他希望成立财团,和私营企业和大学形成联盟。” “问题是从外界能真正吸引多少兴趣,能得到多少可能的资金。俄罗斯可以为此提供资金,但是从西方国家可以得到多少对这一园区的持呢?这些问题还都没有。” 分析人士说,梅德韦杰夫要创立俄罗斯硅谷的想法和他更广泛的实现俄罗斯经济现代化的计划是密不可分的。 约翰.帕克是国防大学的教授,他表达了他个人的看法。他说:“ 俄罗斯最终认识到,尽管他们过去10年一直通过出售石油和天然气获得了大量收益,它仍将是一个走下坡路的大国。除非它实现经济现代化,将经济进行改革。俄罗斯领导层逐渐认识到,必须开始对本国技术领域投资了。” 帕克说,俄罗斯要做到这一点,斯科尔科沃科技园区必须成为俄罗斯各地的榜样。他说:“ 危险在于这仍是一个非常受限制的实验。俄罗斯真正需要的是体制的改革,也就是体制范围的硅谷化。否则这些努力不过是当年俄国女皇叶卡捷琳娜改革的翻版。她吸收了大批德国商人把他们安置在各地,但这些人基本上是自成一体的。俄罗斯的条例必须适用于整个国家和社会,适用于俄罗斯的经济。”  访问硅谷之后,梅德韦杰夫总统将前往华盛顿与奥巴马总统举行简短的峰会。包括克雷默在内的一些专家说,美俄两国之间的关系良好。克雷莫说:“奥巴马行政当局把美俄关系大力宣扬为它外交政策的重大成功之一。我想这也许是对奥巴马政府外交政策的其它部分的评价,而不是评价美俄关系。” “不过,尽管如此,两国之间现在的关系肯定比2008年年底的时候要好。那个时候,俄罗斯打完了和格鲁吉亚的战争,莫斯科和华盛顿的关系相当紧张。现在两国对话的语调和气氛比过去改善了很多。” 专家说,美国和俄罗斯将讨论很多其它方面的问题,包括最近签署了削减战略武器新条约之后的军备控制、联合国对伊朗实施更严厉制裁之后如何应对伊朗、以及其它贸易和经济问题。700。
Help Wanted At the FBI While many companies plan to slash jobs this year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be actively searching for thousands of new employees. Kimberly Dozier reports from Washington. It's the stuff that keeps you on the edge of your seat.TV shows like Numbers show the FBi at work in search of terrorists and murderers and now the real life FBI is in search of several thousand new employees."We are especial agents.We are intelligence analysts."It's the biggest hiring blitz in the Bureau's hundred-year-history.Artly,because of its natural turnover,and partly because it's been hard to compete from employees with the high paying private sector.Until now,the economic bust is proving a boom to the Bureau.Within 24 hours of putting out the call,the FBI wibsit got 600,000 hits and the FBI Human Resources Division got inundated."Approximatley 20,000 applications have been submitted.20,000 applications." "Yes." The Bureau is looking for 850 spcial agents and 2,100 support staffers."So this isn't just about learning how to shoot a gun and hunt people down.""Yeah.""We're looking for everything.""Exactly.""We're looking for analytical professionals,scientific professionals,computer IT professionals,auto mechanic,er,general clerical and administrative professionals,er,there's even a position out there for a woodcrafter.So…"“Woodcrafter at the FBI.”"Absolutely."Case in point,did you know the FBI has an historian?"You can have a better job.Oh really,you're being asked to do some of the most important stuff that our nation does. "In recent years,the Bureau's had trouble finding emplyees who major up.That's why there are 150 spots left over from last year."Where do people usually fall down? ""Er,we lose approximateyly 30% on the polygraph(测谎器)."If you're interested to be a special agent.You have to be between 23~26,have a college degree,a skill like a foreign language and has a physical fitness test."For any of the job,you have to be an US citizen.You got 8-step polygraph and you have to act quickly.The deadline to apply is next week.Kimberly Dozier, CBS NEWS,,Washinton."01/61209。
Israeli Troops Invade Gaza, Fighting Continues以军与哈马斯武装在加沙多处交火 Fighting between Israeli forces and Hamas militants has been reported from several areas in Gaza after Israel launched a ground offensive into the Palestinian territory Saturday evening. Israel says 30 of its troops have been wounded, two seriously and it claims to have killed or wounded dozens of Hamas militants. Gaza officials put the Palestinian death toll from the week-long Israeli operations at around 500. 以色列星期六晚上对加沙地带巴勒斯坦人领土发动地面攻势之后,有报导说,以色列部队和哈马斯激进分子在加沙好几个地方交火。以色列说,有30名军人受伤,其中两人伤势严重,以方同时声称击毙和击伤几十名哈马斯激进分子。加沙地带官员说,以色列一个星期来的军事行动造成大约500名巴勒斯坦人丧生。Israeli soldiers crossed the border under cover of darkness Saturday night and fanned out across areas of the northern Gaza Strip.  星期六晚上,以色列军人在夜色的掩护下跨过边界,挺进加沙北部大片地区。Troops and tanks are reported to have moved into positions, including around Gaza City. Tanks are reported dug in at some former Israeli settlements in Gaza and the military action is reported to have effectively cut the Gaza Strip in two between north and south. 据报导,军队和坦克已经进入包括在加沙城周围的阵地;坦克开进加沙地带过去以色列人的定居点,军事行动实际上已经把加沙地带分割为南北两部分。Israel used its infantry, tanks, artillery, war planes and navy to hit more than 40 targets just overnight.  以色列动用步兵、坦克、炮兵、战机和海军,一夜之间打击了40多个目标。Speaking before an Israeli cabinet meeting Sunday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the decision to launch the ground offensive was made Friday.  以色列总理奥尔默特在星期天的一次内阁会议上说,发动地面攻势的决定是星期五做出的。Mr. Olmert said the decision was not made lightly and only after months of waiting and after hopes for calm were dashed.  奥尔默特说:“这不是一个轻率的决定,这个决定是在等待了好几个月、对平静的希望完全破灭之后才做出的。”Mr. Olmert vowed that the government did everything before deciding on this operation. "It was unavoidable," he said. 奥尔默特保,政府是在尽了最大努力之后才决定采取这次行动的。他说:“这是不可避免的。”Israel has said all along it had no choice but to launch military action after talks with Hamas on extending a cease-fire broke down in December and militants stepped up rocket fire against southern Israel. 以色列方面一直表示,以方别无选择,只能采取军事行动,因为此前和哈马斯就延长停火举行的会谈12月破裂,哈马斯激进分子加紧了对以色列南部地区的火箭弹攻击。Israel initially launched air strikes just over a week ago, pounding targets it said were linked to Hamas and its infrastructure in Gaza. 以色列是在一个多星期之前开始空袭加沙地带的,轰炸以方所称与哈马斯相关的目标和哈马斯在加沙的基础设施。But, Hamas has remained defiant, warning that it would turn Gaza into a graveyard for the Israelis.Casualties are reported on both sides, including Israeli soldiers, Hamas fighters and Palestinian civilians, including children. 据报导,双方都有伤亡,其中包括以色列军人、哈马斯战斗人员以及巴勒斯坦平民,其中还有一些儿童。According to tallies by medical officials in Gaza the Palestinian death toll from Israeli military operations is now around 500. 据加沙地带的医务人员统计,以色列军事行动已经造成大约500名巴勒斯坦人死亡。01/60445。
Vann Nath凡纳Vann Nath, a Cambodian who painted to stay alive, died on September 5th, aged 65凡纳,用绘画保命的柬埔寨人,9月5日去世,享年65岁Sep 17th 2011 | from the print edition WHEN he was 52, with a hand that still trembled, Vann Nath produced a painting of a young man lying under a blossoming tree. He was playing a pipe while, in the background, cattle grazed by green palms in some bucolic corner of Cambodia. It was meant to be a self-portrait, he said, a beautiful memory from his childhood. He wanted only to paint idyllic landscapes now, in the style of temple murals or the French Impressionists who had first inspired him to take up art. 52岁的时候,用还在颤抖的手,凡纳(Vann Nath)画了一幅画:一位少年躺在开满花的树下吹着牧笛,牛儿在吃草,背后是柬埔寨某些村落里可见的绿棕榈。他说这原本是幅自画像,是童年的美好回忆。现在的他只想画田园风光,像寺院壁画或法国印象派那样,是他们把自己领上了艺术之路。That was because, in 1978-79, he had been made to paint quite different pictures. In those months he was interned in S-21 prison, a former French lycée in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a torture-compound for alleged enemies of the Khmer Rouge regime. Perhaps 14,000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution, water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution―a shovel or spade to the head―at the nearby “killing fields”. Mr Vann Nath was one of only six or seven prisoners to make it out alive.这是因为,1978-79年间他被迫作的画与此大相径庭,他被囚禁在S-21监狱数月,S-21前身是金边市内一所法国高中,后被红色高棉政权改造成为关押其宣称敌人的刑讯地。据计大概有14,000人被送进S-21监狱,接受日常惯例的电击,水刑和鞭刑,直到在附近的“杀人场”被断头处决――用铁锹或铁锨击打头部。凡纳是仅存的六七名生还者之一。He never expected to. Like almost all the others, he had no idea why he had been sent there. He was his family was poor and provincial, and he just a painter in a small business making signs and billboards. In 1975, obedient to the Khmers Rouges, he had joined a peasant commune and worked hard there. When he first saw the wasted prisoners in S-21, he thought it was all over for him. But after withering away for a month, fed so sparely on rice gruel that he felt an urge to consume the flesh of the dead, he was asked to paint portraits of the regime’s leader, Pol Pot.他从未想到这些。和众多人一样,他不知道自己为什么被送到这里。他不是知识分子,远在乡下,家境贫寒,他只是一家小牌匾公司的画师。1975年,他从红色高棉下达的命令,加入一个农民公社,在那里卖力劳动。第一次看到S-21里羸弱不堪囚犯的时候,他想一切都结束了。一个月过去他逐渐消瘦萎靡,吃的不过是稀粥,他只想速死。但这时有人要他去画领袖像:红色高棉的领袖波尔布特(Pol Pot)。 At first he thought he could not do it. The shocks and beatings meant that he could barely stand. Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked like, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy. All the time he painted, day and night, the screams of the tortured echoed from other rooms. He hoped, with every brush-stroke, that his jailers would like his work and let him live. He focused by thinking how much he would like to kill the man he drew.起初他觉得自己做不来。但他受不了电击和殴打。此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。他一直在画,夜以继日,其他的房间里回荡着受刑者的惨叫。每画一笔,他都希望看管他的狱卒会喜欢这幅画,让他活命。他多想杀掉画中人,他靠着这种想法来集中精力。232。}


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