murder manor 攻略manor是苹果内部游戏吗

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& &皮皮果种苹果游戏也能赚钱吗?一年好几万是真的?V:qinnni& &皮皮果种苹果游戏也能赚钱吗?一年好几万是真的?V:qinnni富丽果皮皮果项目是一款游戏,给我们产生利润的是游戏装备:果园,果树和苹果,都想买装备参与理财游戏,因为装备有价值,有需求,所以就会进入需求链,利润就在买卖中产生。就是这么简单。国家对网络游戏装备自由买卖是支持的,有的网络游戏装备几千,几万,几十万,不足为奇!我们的只要330,注意了!一次性投资只要330。& &  英伦果资料概括:  1.背景是英国pergame(帕伽姆)游戏公司  2.公司承诺发行50万苹果,永不增发  3.苹果可以随时交易,即卖即变现  4.英伦果商城购物可以用苹果全额兑换  5.只需投资一次,永久拆分,一次种植,永久结果  6.注册就拥有300个苹果种子,种植后第二天即可产出苹果,可随时收获  7.注册仅需330,人人都承担的起  8.推荐一位会员系统奖励16颗种子,满100可兑换90颗苹果,每天可踩蜜直推收益的10%  9.每推荐十位会员系统赠送一个稻草人,每天收益增加0.1%,一个果园可赠送四个稻草人,每天收益增加0.4%,一个稻草人可申购1000苹果  10.种一棵树贫农,种10棵树中农拆分率加0.01%.11棵树中上农拆分率加0.02%.  12棵树富农拆分率加0.03%.13棵树农场主拆分率加0.04%.  14棵树庄园主拆分率加0.05%。种满15棵树成为地产主拆分率加0.06%,免手续费。  11.苹果总生长量达到5万系统赠送一条哈士奇,提高拆分0.05%,总生长量达到15万再赠送一条藏獒,提高拆分0.05%  12.棋牌游戏已出,可直接消耗苹果娱乐,  全球比特币交易,国际版上线  英伦果是一款新开发的理财游戏,可大可小,一个苹果1块钱,一个果园可产18万苹果,收获后可重复生长。&&英伦果背景:  【1】市面上项目、平台推陈出新,换汤不换药,模式和套路都差不多,但真正走过三个月的有几个?能走5个月的更是寥寥无几,浪费了时间和精力,还伤人脉!  【2】英伦果,以小博大,只需330元,利用拆分和复利的原理,让财富持续倍增!是一个真正稳定长久的游戏理财项目!公司打造的是10年计划,国外的FMI已经走过9个年头了还在运行,充分说明了制度的优越性!  【3】英伦果平稳的走过了七个多月,其独特的模式让市场在七个月后还能保持苹果严重脱销,买不到苹果,严重的供小于求!好多平台根本做不到!  【4】英伦果由国内走向国际,低调运作但目标远大!前面这七个多月只是起步期和风险期,年才是它的发展和爆发期!  【5】英伦果是一个游戏理财项目,利用拆分复利倍增的原理,让每一个参与的会员真正赚到钱,没有一个亏本。模式非常简单,操作也非常简单,每天花一到两分钟即可,而且充满趣味性,动静皆宜,无任何压力,容易推广。  【6】英伦果,玩的是游戏,理的是财富,养的是人脉!年前来英伦果园撒个种子,年后必定有意想不到的收获!还等什么,心动不如行动,快快注册吧,加入我们的大家庭!& &皮皮果种苹果游戏也能赚钱吗?一年好几万是真的?V:qinnni& &皮皮果种苹果游戏也能赚钱吗?一年好几万是真的?V:qinnni
TA共获得: 金币:0枚
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Lv2初学乍练, 经验 380, 距离下一级还需 20 经验
Lv4初学乍练, 经验 950, 距离下一级还需 50 经验
Lv2初学乍练, 经验 380, 距离下一级还需 20 经验
<font color="#5178169 发表于
Lv2初学乍练, 经验 380, 距离下一级还需 20 经验
<font color="#9404886 发表于
公告日本揍里羽毛,你刷给日本人的,知道羽毛难搞,你就想这法刷给内部人员,不管怎么说,错先在你们游戏公 ...
Lv2初学乍练, 经验 380, 距离下一级还需 20 经验
<font color="#4781578 发表于
Lv8略有小成, 经验 3571, 距离下一级还需 429 经验
苹果平台下载7月1日起手游未经审批不得上线 苹果游戏上架必须有批号
7月1日起手游未经审批不得上线,今日,苹果AppStore后台向中国地区开发者推送了一则信息,根据日国家新闻出版广电总局颁布的公告,移动游戏需要通过国家新闻出版广电总局的审批才可发布。苹果官方今天给开发者推送消息:根据有关规定条文的详情,请参阅条例信息。请在&App 审核信息&部分的&备注&字段输入游戏类App批准号码和日期。"
剩余数量:计算器:游戏 Calculator: The Game
In a world of calculators, one dared to become a game. Sure, you've used calculators before, but have you ever "played" a calculator?Welcome to Calculator: The Game where you'll manipulate numbers by adding them, subtracting them, converting them, reversing them, and stuffing them through portals ... yes ... PORTALS.Calculator: The Game features:- LCD DISPLAY for extra long equations- COMFORTABLE BUTTONS designed for modern gameplay- CLICKY, THE SNARKY ASSISTANT who will help you win- FUNCTIONING SOLAR PANEL- APPROVED for use in Calculator: The Game
回忆之旅 Old Man's Journey
这是一个关于生命、失去和希望的暖心游戏。《回忆之旅》是一款找回初心的全新互动冒险游戏,是一场寻找生命中珍贵的回忆、破碎的梦想和自身的蜕变的旅程。置身于一个充盈着阳光和美景的梦幻场景,踏上一段寻找过去的旅程,伴随着压力的释放,问题自然迎刃而解。有趣的线索隐藏在这个宁静而又充满想象的世界中,从周围的风景和连绵的山丘中发掘老人前进的道路。让自己沉浸在动人的叙述中,通过美丽的记忆碎片渐渐揭开老人曾经的生活故事。通过老人的眼睛去探索生命的无常,体会他的心痛、遗憾和希望。欢迎加入《回忆之旅》官方QQ群: 和我们,和他人,一起分享你的回忆故事。 更有机会获得游戏明信片等精美周边礼品。-触屏操作-轻松的游戏氛围-独特的场景生成机制-形成独具创意的互动模式-简洁清新的画面设计-通过优美的视觉叙述呈现一个充满能量及情感的故事-紧凑的游戏节奏、引人入胜的原声音乐-带给您身临其境的游戏体验设备要求: iPHONE5 (或以上)或iPAD 3(或以上)
整蛊邻居:第一季 Neighbours from Hell - Season 1
Neighbours from Hell: Season 1Creep around your neighbour ’s house performing ever more elaborate tricks upon the unsuspecting resident. As the star of a fantastic new TV show, cameras will track your every move as you set your fiendish traps. Your objectives are to create more and more disarray, increase ratings and maybe even winning prestigious awards. But beware of watchful neighbors
if they catch you then the show will be taken off air.Key Features Neighbours from Hell (Full Version of the game) :- 14 hugely varied episodes of anarchy- Use stealth, skill and style to perform the perfect ambush- Easy to use interface and controls- Superb cartoon-style graphics- Excellent soundtrack
Evergrow: Paper Forest
Merged 中文版
《Merged 中文版》是一款趣味方块合成游戏。游戏短小而精悍,是您闲暇时刻必不可少的伴侣。1. 轻松操作:拖动方块到游戏地图即可进行游戏。各种颜色的方块相互之间发生的反应会帮助您建造属于自己的色彩图块。2. 舒适感官:极具吸引力的色彩,简洁明快的界面,这是一杯令人舒爽的下午茶。3. 无限游戏:无体力限制,无时间限制,舒缓的游戏节奏给您带来更多愉悦。这款简单的小游戏会带给您无尽的快乐!下载《Merged 中文版》,让您的每一个下午都更加美好!
《空间游侠》是一款融合和空间思维、推理、策略等元素的创意益智游戏,由《最强大脑》科学团队设计研发。神秘百变的折叠空间,技能各异的蠢萌角色让你体验不一样的乐趣!【游戏背景】蓝小怪登陆辣椒星球,辣椒星人岌岌可危!为了守护家园,辣椒游侠挺身而出,它们幻化的火焰是蓝小胖最害怕的武器。但是只有深谙空间物理定律的你,才能帮助辣椒游侠准确定位,精确打击蓝小胖! 【经典模式】根据折叠、旋转、立体、多面体对称等原理,判断将会和蓝小怪重叠或对应的方块,让辣椒游侠在这个正确的方块上幻化出火焰,精确击中蓝小怪。【挑战模式】挑战模式的蓝小怪无法一击毙命,必须配合使用技能各异的辣椒游侠,从各个方向进行攻击,才能消耗掉蓝小怪所有的生命值,找到能攻击到蓝小怪的位置是关键!【操作方法】拖动辣椒游侠到正确方块即可。如果遇到难关,可以试试时光机和过关提示!【游戏特色】独一无二的折叠世界脑洞大开的关卡设计技能各异的蠢萌角色精致优美的美术体验
一个都不能死2: 混合乐章
◆全球玩家实时对战,结交你的生死朋友!◆全球累计超过4千万下载!第一名多个国家!◆风靡全球的火柴人跑酷!极具创意&个性!◆面对面一起玩,与好友双打一起刷新蛇精病等级!◆全球排行榜,超600个成就系统!◆上瘾创意玩法,超过80种玩法!◆不能死,不怕死,勇敢站起来!:-)你还在等什么,赶紧加入吧??拥有它,玩得开心一起来创造高分吧~谢谢...?关注我们: /ringapps微信公众号:RinzzGameQQ群号码:◆(一个都不能死:属于RINZZ原创游戏)
Dead Reckoning: Brassfield Manor - A Mystery Hidden Object Game
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!Wealthy investment banker Reginald Greer has been found dead at his home on the eve of his annual murder mystery party. Brassfield Manor is brimming with party guests, family, and staff, and any one of them may be the culprit!o CAN YOU WADE THROUGH THE LIST OF PRIME SUSPECTS?Was it the shady business partner, or a jealous family member? Who benefited most by seeing Reginald Greer dead? It’s up to you to crack the case and bring the killer to justice!o USE YOUR TRUSTY DETECTIVE KIT TO EXAMINE THE VICTIMGather clues from the hidden object games and piece them together to solve the case. o QUESTION PARTY GUESTS
AND STAFFPlay a range of dazzling interactive puzzles to eliminate suspects and discover the true motive.o PLOT TWISTS AND TURNS ABOUND IN THE THRILLING BONUS CHAPTER Is this case really closed? Find out in the bonus game and enjoy additional Collector’s Edition exclusives including souvenirs, morphing items, and bonus puzzles.*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
Little Caves: The Legend of Princess Pixel
An open world puzzle quest into underground imagination.Little Caves is a massively deep, handcrafted adventure game made by people who love adventure games. A quirktastic quest filled with mind-bending mazes, and perplexing puzzles for the wisest of sages.-Where is Princess Pixel? What are the secrets of Little Caves?(What, did you think we'd actually tell you here??)----------------“I can't explain how much this game exceeded my expectations.” -jayg2015“…a beautiful game. Acting as a middleman/messenger between a subterranean cat and a unicorn is only one example of the weird stuff I’ve had to do, and it’s just as fantastic as it sounds.” - 148games“This is a fun game with hours of play, I recommend getting this game if you enjoy good quality games with lots of fun. Plz make more games like this” -Zookn“I think it adds a free roam massive scale adventure-puzzle app which iOS has been sadly lacking.” -Mfiempire“I just want to say that I love this game so much.. It's hard not to fall in love with the artwork, the "puzzles" are gripping, story is very amusing and the dialogs are hilarious (on the same time as they can be very deep or even dark)! .. So immersive! Anyway, one of the best games I have ever played! 5/5!” -Daniel“It's MASSIVE. And there's a lovely surprise at the end” -TheGreatEscape“”it's not what you do, it's the way that you do it." Ambiance, narrative, done well, can elevate any simple idea.” -Gabriel----------------HOW TO PLAYTouch anywhere to activate the joystick. This is your center position, use small movements to control the direction you fly. Our control allows nuanced flight, and reduces manual interference.Fly wherever you like! Learn what you can, search where you dare, push what needs pushing, chat with who's chatty, and use that item bag whenever it glows!FOOTNOTEPlays best on iPhone 5 or later, iPad Air or later, and iPad Mini 2 or later.Message us on Facebook or @RecordShed if you experience any bugs so we can fix them as fast as possible. :) No asking for hints, though! That would be cheating. At best you’ll get a cryptic haiku or something.-A GOOD VIDEO GAME BY RECORD SET SHED 2015-simplest herosimplest goalbut..What will you findbeneath the surface?
Mystery Trackers: Nightsville Horror - A Hidden Object Adventure (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!The Owl Man was just a fable created to scare the children of Willowsville… until now. When a child is abducted from this small hometown, the citizens believe that the fictitious villain may actually exist! o DISCOVER THE SUSPICIOUS HISTORY BETWEEN TWO TOWNSThough the Owl Man serves as a nightmare for Willowsville, you find that this same villain serves as a good omen in the nearby town of Nightsville. Uncover the rivalry that exists and get closer to the truth!o RECEIVE THE GIFT OF FORESIGHTSearch through several hidden object scenes and use the gift bestowed onto you by a local townsperson to find out what has caused this kidnapping. o IS THERE SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE MISSING CHILD?Play through a variety of mini-games and challenging puzzles and collect the clues you need to crack the case.o PLAY AS THE OWL MAN IN THE BONUS GAMEDiscover another story in the bonus chapter and enjoy other Collector’s Edition exclusives including achievements and collectible objects.*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
Grim Facade: The Artist and The Pretender - A Mystery Hidden Object Game (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!You receive a concerning message from the legendary inventor Leonardo da Vinci. His beloved town is under attack and you must help the fight against evil before the arts and sciences are lost forever!o WILL THE RESISTANCE BE STRONG ENOUGH TO STOP THE DESTRUCTION?You team up with a small group of ordinary citizens who have decided to stand up and fight. Overthrow the mysterious man who has taken over Florence!o FIGHT AGAINST A POWERFUL MAGE AND HIS FOLLOWERSCollect the tools and weapons you need by searching through interactive hidden object scenes. o PROTECT LEONARDO DA VINCI’S INVENTIONS AND WORKS OF ARTVenture through the city and collect Da Vinci originals by playing exciting mini-games and solving tricky puzzles.o HELP THE MAYOR RESTORE FLORENCE IN THE BONUS GAMEContinue your adventure in the bonus chapter and enjoy Collector’s Edition exclusives including collectible items and a strategy guide.*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
马格努斯博士的 梦境空间2 (Full)
特别优惠,*节省40%!*过期无效!体验不同寻常的魔幻世界。享受肆虐的超自然力量带来的刺激冒险。一位超自然现象的研究者遇到了新的挑战。一位年轻的女孩消失的无影无踪。借助神秘的水晶,她能够看到常人无法察觉的灵异现象。我们的女主角很快就意思到,绑架失踪女孩的,正是一股超自然的力量。她历经噩梦的折磨,揭露谜团的真相,直面邪恶的幽灵,并最终揭开了马格努斯博士的梦境机器之谜,救出了被绑架的女孩。她能够击败现身于现实世界的噩梦吗?她又能否解开离奇绑架的谜团?o 噩梦与现实之间的传奇故事。o 22个令人着迷的小游戏!o 28个隐藏着黑暗秘密的场景!o 14个推理成就!+++ 更多ARTIFEX MUNDI游戏! +++ 女王历险记: 黑暗之塔恐怖传奇: 被遗弃的新娘恐怖传奇2: 黑天鹅之歌狩魔者: 不为人知的故事时间之谜: 遗产乌鸦森林之谜2: 鸦林迷雾时间之谜3: 最终谜团时间之谜2: 远古幽灵启航: 加勒比乌鸦森林之谜: 枫叶溪幽灵致命迷局: 玩具匠发条传说: 格拉斯与英克+++ 尽在这里 +++WWW: FACEBOOK: /artifexmundiTWITTER: /ArtifexMundiYOUTUBE: /user/ArtifexMundiPINTEREST: /artifexmundi
锈湖旅馆 Rusty Lake Hotel
Welcome our guests to the Rusty Lake Hotel and make sure they will have a pleasant stay. There will be 5 dinners this week. Make sure every dinner is worth dying for. Rusty Lake Hotel is a mysterious point and click game developed by the creators of the Cube Escape series.Features:- Pick-up-and-play: easy to start, but it will be hard to put down- Tons of puzzles: a total of 6 rooms full of unique and various brain teasers- Thrilling and engaging story: there will be 5 dinners with intriguing guests and staff- Full of suspense and atmosphere: Rusty Lake Hotel is a surreal place, where anything can happen…- Impressive soundtrack: every room has its own designed theme song- Achievements: an all-time gallery you never seen beforeTap on the arrows to navigate inside the rooms and lobby. Interact with guests, staff and objects by tapping. Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.We will unfold the Rusty Lake story one step at a time. So
every day for new content and follow us: @rustylakecom.
Delicious - Emily's Hopes and Fears
Delicious - Emily's Hopes and Fears takes you on an adventure like no other before... During the hottest summer of the century, Paige fights to survive a mysterious disease. While Emily stays unwaveringly by her struggling daughter’s side, Patrick embarks on an epic journey through the blistering cold in search of the only cure: a magical flower… Can he save his little girl? The first 10 levels are free with an in-game unlock for the full complement of levels.Game features:- Enjoy the 12th season of the Delicious time management game series.- Dash through 65 stirring story levels, plus 32 extra challenges- Embark on a spectacular quest with Patrick, and help him puzzle out the location of the magical flower that can cure the fever that is threatening the life of his beloved child- Become a star chef, and cook great recipes from kitchens all over the world- Serve each diner delicious cookies, ice-creams and wonderful waffles - Collect all stars and discover exciting new restaurants and start cooking in destinations you’ve never seen before5 STARS: “I don't normally buy games, but your games are a big exception. Definitely worth the money, because it's not just talent you bring to the table, but heart as well.”5 STARS: "I’m so excited to have another Emily game. I just love the story lines and the characters. Thank you for another job well done. I own all the Emily delicious games and cannot wait for more."5 STARS: "I just scared my husband and my four kids. I screamed when I saw the new game was out. LOL! I’ve been waiting for this and I'm so so so happy!"Enjoy other Delicious - Emily games:- Delicious - Emily's Home Sweet Home- Delicious - Emily's New Beginning- Delicious - Emily's Honeymoon Cruise- Delicious - Emily's Wonder Wedding- Delicious - Emily's True Love
杰克从小在杂技团长大,最拿手的本领就是隐身术,这一次杰克的师傅交给他一项重要的任务:去位于纽约的军事基地偷一种化学药品。关于这个化学药品是做什么的,杰克的师傅并没有告诉他太多!只是这个任务他必须完成!!!纽约的军事基地一共有25道门,每一道门都由特警守着,杰克必须非常小心。而且还要躲开激光红外线高清摄像头的跟踪。杰克得分清每一个房间里的机关,尽可能用最少的时间打开大门,并拿到三颗金星。特别提醒:### 悄悄跟在警察的身后,将警察打晕,扔到垃圾桶里;### 走地下通道时最好弯着腰;### 箱子看想来好像没用,但是它可以为你垫脚;### 拿到正确的门禁卡,还有其它有用的物品。精美的画面Q版逼真有趣的人物设计巧妙的关卡设计2015最新解谜越狱密室逃亡游戏!!!
PuppetShow: The Price of Immortality -
A Magical Hidden Object Game (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!The Theater of Emotions has earned a reputation for its life-like puppets and has become notorious for the number of people who have vanished while visiting. Help discover the truth behind these disappearances!o WILL THIS BE YOUR BIG BREAK OR YOUR FINAL ASSIGNMENT?Attend the theater’s show and figure out why the actors are being murdered! Be sure to avoid becoming another one of the missing journalists!o PIECE THE MYSTERY TOGETHER WITH HELP FROM THE PUPPETSComb through beautiful hidden object scenes and find helpful items that will assist you on the investigation. o FIND THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THIS EVIL SCHEMECan you work your way through assorted mini-games and tricky puzzles to save your friend Enrique?o HELP THE DOCTOR IN THE BONUS GAMEContinue this murder mystery in the additional chapter and enjoy Collector’s Edition exclusives including a puppet collection and a strategy guide!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
Witch Hunters: Full Moon Ceremony - A Mystery Hidden Object Story (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!Upon receiving your Aunt Isabella’s antique mirror, it seems that some unwelcome guests have tagged along to wreak havoc. Will you be able to stop the evil creatures before they destroy the world?o SAVE THE MOON QUEEN FROM THE EVIL WITCHESEvery century, a ceremony is held to choose a new Moon Q one who brings light and hope to the world. Defeat the witches before it’s too late!o PUT AN END TO THE MISCHIEVOUS DWARF’S DESTRUCTIONThis little goblin comes packed with great powers! Work through fun and challenging puzzles to defeat the wickedness at hand. o FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH THE TRANSFORMATIONSAt every turn, you discover each part of your house has been morphed by the dwarf! Guide yourself to the next room by searching through interactive hidden object scenes.o TRY A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE IN THE BONUS CHAPTERSee the story unfold from your sister’s point of view. Plus enjoy exclusive Collector’s Edition extras like additional puzzles and a Strategy Guide!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
In Sanitarium you play an amnesiac thrust into a morbid, really creepy universe. After a car accident you wake up to find that instead of lying in a hospital, you’re in an asylum with your head wrapped in bandages. Who the hell am I? What am I doing here? How do I escape? There endless questions eating away at you, and so too are the many puzzles you’ll need to resolve throughout this immersive, captivating adventure.Featuring a rich, complex plot set in an intense world where a very thin line separates reason from madness, Sanitarium is a masterwork suitable for point-and-click beginners, experts and everyone who enjoys captivating storylines and horror games. This version has not only been authentically recreated for mobile, but also enhanced with brand-new features:o Choose between touch mode and pad mode o A new easy-to-use interface specially adapted for touch deviceso Automatic save systemo Dynamic ON/OFF hint systemo New inventory system o 20 Achievements to unlocko Choose between full screen mode & original modeo 3 languages available: English, French, German (voices and text)Originally released in 1998 for PC and Adventure Game of the Year Winner, this timeless point-and-click horror game is a must-have for adventure game fans. Discover or rediscover one of the scariest games of all time with this mobile version you can play anywhere!MORE ///dotemu
Hex FRVR - 六边形益智游戏
冒险逃跑:时间图书馆(神秘房间、门,以及楼层点,点击时间旅行故事!)Adventure Escape: Time Library (Time Travel Story and Point and Click Mystery Room Game)
你能解决谜题并从时间图书馆中逃脱吗?厌倦了脑海中白雪皑皑的利特尔顿之后,爱丽丝决定去图书馆借一些书籍看。她遇见了 Hiro,一个自称具有“互联网个性”的人,两人一场时间旅行冒险中的非自愿合作伙伴,这场冒险的后果超出了他们的想象。加入数百万快乐的冒险逃生玩家,看你能否解开时间图书馆的秘密!好好玩一下这个高级逃生游戏!- 精美的画面让历史场景显得栩栩如生!- 旅行穿越到过去,找到失落已久的宝藏!但要小心......在表面以下有一些阴险的东西!- 完成9个章节 - 全部免费 - 每章都有唯一的逃生挑战!- 收集可帮助你逃生的工具和物品!- 探索时间图书馆的秘密!- 爆笑经历,还有令人难忘的人物,如 Hiro!- 解决错综复杂的谜题和谜语!- 寻找有助于你获得自由的隐藏物品!- 游戏是免费的!无需注册,没有任何繁琐的手续,只需下载即可开玩。旅行穿越到过去,找到失落已久的宝藏!但要小心......在表面以下有一些阴险的东西!Can you solve the mystery and escape the Time Library?Bored out of her mind in snowy Littleton, Alice decides to go to the library to restock on some books. She meets Hiro, a self-styled “internet personality,” and together the two become unwilling partners in a time-travelling adventure that has consequences far beyond what they imagined.
Join millions of happy Adventure Escape players and see if you can solve the mystery of the Time Library!Play this premium escape game!- Beautiful graphics bring historical scenes to life!- Travel through the past and find long lost treasure!
But watch out… there is something sinister brewing beneath the surface!- Complete 9 chapters - all FREE - each with unique escape challenges!- Gather tools and items to aid in your escape!- Discover the mystery of the Time Library!- Hilarious story with memorable characters like Hiro!- Solve devious puzzles and riddles!- Find hidden objects that help you break free!- It’s free! No registration, no hassles, just download and play. Discover the secrets of the Time Library!
Travel to the past and escape with long lost treasure.
But watch out… there is something sinister brewing beneath the surface.
Living Legends: Wrath of the Beast - A Magical Hidden Object Adventure (Full)
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases! Bear attacks have increased since Goldilocks, the hero of Fortress, passed away three years ago. As her only son, you’ve taken on her legacy to protect the village and keep its people safe.o BEARS ARE ATTACKING YOUR VILLAGE!What’s causing the bears to suddenly attack? Your mother’s diary may hold the answer but will you survive long enough to read her final chapter?o AN ENCHANTING TWIST ON A FAMILIAR LEGENDExplore mountainous forests, snowy cliffs, and remote castles to uncover the truth behind the history of the village and unlock the secret of the magical bears who roam deep in the forest.o FEEL THE FURY OF THE BEASTUse the skills you’ve learned at the Hunting Academy to find useful items within hidden object scenes and solve challenging puzzles and mini-games! Learn your mother’s darkest secrets—only you can stop the deadly attacks!o CONTINUE THE ADVENTURE OF THE MAGICAL BEARS IN THE BONUS GAME!Pick up collectibles along the way to learn more about the Alchemist. Then, enjoy exclusive extras such as wallpapers, concept art, and even more puzzles!*** Discover more from Big Fish! ***Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: Fish is the leading global marketplace to discover and enjoy casual games. You can enjoy our virtually endless selection of games anytime, anywhere — on your PC, Mac, mobile phone, or tablet. Learn more ! Become a fan on Facebook: /BigFishGamesFollow us on Twitter:
弹跳理论 Ricochet Theory
恐怖传奇 2: 黑天鹅之歌 (Full)
恐怖传奇2限时优惠40%!“引人入胜、剧情流畅的故事情节” -
(4/5)“Artifex Mundi的这款游戏让人心情愉悦!” -
(8/10)《乌鸦森林之谜:恐怖传奇》将为您呈现一场惊险刺激的解谜冒险之旅!在恐怖传奇系列的第二章中,穿越神秘废墟和魔法森林,进行一项危险的任务。拯救年轻的皇后,改变整个王国的信仰!雄鹰王国的皇后患上了一种神秘的疾病,于是一个著名治疗师被传唤到雄鹰城堡来为她进行检查。在年幼的王子突然神秘失踪之后,治疗师的任务发生了极大的改变。皇后被指控滥用黑暗魔法,于是被投入监狱塔。根据王国的法律,使用巫术要被判处死刑。绝望的国王还是相信妻子的无辜,于是乞求治疗师想办法为皇后澄清。主人公必须在一天时间内,进入天鹅王国的废墟,揭开这个统治家族所背负诅咒的神秘真相。只有这样,她才能找到年轻的王位继承人,将皇后拯救于水深火热之中。治疗师能成功解救皇后吗?她能在黑魔法的包围中救出小王子吗?两大王国的命运都将掌握在她的手中。o 传奇般的幻想国度,42个手绘场景o 3个童话小帮手为你排忧解难o 32个极具挑战的小游戏和16个隐藏物体场景o 14个引人入胜的角色在路途中等待与你会面o 由两个不同角度讲述的额外故事情节!o 29个成就等你来解锁!+++ 更多ARTIFEX MUNDI游戏! +++ 伊莎贝拉公主: 继承者之崛起神幻奇观: 贤者之石西藏冒险: 世界尽头秘密组织3: 远古时代翡翠少女: 梦之交响曲+++ 尽在这里 +++WWW: FACEBOOK: /artifexmundiTWITTER: /ArtifexMundiYOUTUBE: /user/ArtifexMundiPINTEREST: /artifexmundiINSTAGRAM: /artifexmundi
Graven: The Purple Moon Prophecy (Full)
阻止秘密的德鲁伊骑士团释放出远古的邪灵!一位年轻有为的考古学家被邀请前往布列塔尼嗜睡小镇研究一系列远古石碑,也就是宏伟的竖石纪念碑。她很快就意识到,这次神秘而危险的历险除了能为她带来创新研究之外,还可能改变所有的事情。在黑暗的洞穴中穿行,调查奇怪的灯塔,前往神秘的阿瓦龙之境,在你的灵魂中感受远古德鲁伊教士的力量!先知曾预言过混乱,彗星隐藏在明月之后,将天空变成紫色的夜晚,邪灵就会被释出,揭开这背后都隐藏着什么。和时间赛跑,在拯救自己的同时拯救两个世界的命运!● 50 个迷人的关卡● 22 个动人的小游戏● 九个谜一般的角色● 19 个颇具挑战的成就● 支持Game Center ● 支持 iPhone 6+ Display ______________________________ 游戏有以下语言版本:英文, 法文, 意大利文, 德文, 西班牙文, 葡萄牙文, 巴西葡萄牙文, 俄文, 韩文 中文, 繁體中文, 日文______________________________ * 现在注册,享受来自 G5 Games 的每周精华通讯! /e-mail * ______________________________ *** 每周都有新游戏!——将它们收集齐全!*** 在 iTunes 中搜索 “g5”! 冒险 : ? Games Navigator – By G5 Games ? The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery ? Letters From Nowhere: A Hidden Object Mystery? 9 Clues 2: The Ward ? Hidden City(R): Mystery of Shadows策略 : ? Virtual City Playground(R) ? Farm Clan(TM): The Adventure? Stand O’ Food(R) City: Virtual Frenzy? Kingdom Tales 2? The Island Castaway(R): Lost World(TM)______________________________ 访问我们: 关注我们:/g5enter 寻找我们:/g5games TWITTER: /g5games
斯巴拉城 SubaraCity - Simple Puzzle Game
来自 11 区的消除游戏,玩法为两消,总体和其他消除游戏差不多,也是靠比拼消除的积分来评高下的,看起来并不是特别新奇。比较特别的是,在这里玩家可以通过不断点击那些彩色的土地,让同色的土地上的种种元素相互融合,组成新的一块土地(建筑物),最终构建出个独特的城市和他人显摆。
9 Clues 2: 病房
扣人心弦的 9 Clues 系列游戏推出了最令人毛骨悚然版本,快投入其中!一位年轻的侦探和搭档来到了被雨水浸泡的荒凉岛屿,他们是应当地疯人院的疯狂电话的要求而来。但当他们抵达时,疯人院主管坚称从未有人打过电话求助。但当他们目睹 Crow 医生死亡时,一切更令人生疑。调查不久后,侦探们发现了一些秘密,这些秘密极为黑暗,也许最好是让它们继续不为人所知。每一个新线索引出了更多的疑问。涅摩叙涅疯人院中发生了什么?是谁杀死了 Crow 医生?疯人院中的职员和医生在隐藏什么呢?免费试玩,然后在游戏之中解锁完整的冒险游戏! ● 42 个奇异的地点,等你探索● 18 个具有挑战性的小游戏,等你来玩● 八个有嫌疑的角色,等你调查● 19 个成就,等你解锁● 三种困难模式:休闲、高级和专家模式● 令人毛骨悚然的故事,以 20 世纪 50
年代的美国疯人院为背景● 支持Game Center ● 支持 iPhone 6+ Display ______________________________ 游戏有以下语言版本:英文, 法文, 意大利文, 德文, 西班牙文, 葡萄牙文, 巴西葡萄牙文, 俄文, 韩文 中文, 繁體中文, 日文______________________________ * 现在注册,享受来自 G5 Games 的每周精华通讯! /e-mail * ______________________________ *** 每周都有新游戏!——将它们收集齐全!*** 在 iTunes 中搜索 “g5”! 冒险 : ? Games Navigator – By G5 Games ? The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery ? Letters From Nowhere: A Hidden Object Mystery? Questerium: Sinister Trinity, Collector's Edition? Hidden City(R): Mystery of Shadows策略 : ? Virtual City Playground(R) ? Farm Clan: The Adventure? Stand O’ Food(R) City: Virtual Frenzy? Kingdom Tales 2? The Island Castaway(R): Lost World(TM)______________________________ 访问我们: 关注我们:/g5enter 寻找我们:/g5games TWITTER: /g5games
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