
1. 如此强健的人口成长在富裕国家中独树一帜。
2. 并不是人人都会喜欢作者这种独树一帜的风格。
3. 这些独树一帜的分析师让里昂证券受到专业投资者的欢迎。
4. 马维尔擅长思想创作,这使得他在英国小说家中独树一帜。
5. 他耗费10年时间苦苦研究一位固执己见、独树一帜的画家。独树一帜是什么意思_独树一帜在线翻译_独树一帜什么意思_独树一帜的意思_独树一帜的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
独树一帜是什么意思 独树一帜在线翻译 独树一帜什么意思 独树一帜的意思 独树一帜的翻译 独树一帜的解释 独树一帜的发音
独树一帜 基本解释独树一帜[dú shù yí zhì]词典fly one's own colours -- become an independent school:独树一帜。词典create a separate school:独树一帜。词典develop a school of one's own:独树一帜。词典establish a separate sect in religious faith:独树一帜。独树一帜 汉英大词典独树一帜[dú shù yí zhì](比喻自成一家) fly one's own colours -- become a crea develop a school of one' establish a separate sec have a style of one' not
set [hoist] one' strike独树一帜 网络解释1. develop a school of one's own:独具匠心show originality | 独树一帜develop a school of one's own | 独一无二in a class by oneself2. Nothing in Common:- 1986 - The Money Pit - 钱之坑 | - 1986 - Nothing in Common - 独树一帜 | - 1985 - The Man with One Red Shoe - 红鞋男子3. unique, unparalleled:繁荣 Prosperous, thriving, flourishing, rich, affluent | 独树一帜unique, unparalleled | 优势advantage, superiority4. 独树一帜4. deelop a school of one's own:独具匠心show originality | 独树一帜deelop a school of one's own | 独一无二in a class by oneself独树一帜 双语例句1. 因为她写权谋惊心动魄,说智慧千转百折,在架空世界里独树一帜。&&&&Because she wrote trickery soul-stirring, that wisdom to Baizhe 1000, is unique in the world of overhead.2. 急需论文题目和摘要的英文翻译,十分感谢!题目:试论虎妞与三十年代其他代表作家小说中女性形象的差异摘要:三十年代是中国现代文学的繁盛期,长篇小说激增,涌现出大量优秀作家,巴金、茅盾、沈从文和老舍是其中最有代表性的作家,他们在小说中塑造了一系列经典的女性形象,而在其中有一个独树一帜的女性形象——虎妞。&&&&On Huniu and other representatives of the 1930s fiction writers in the image of the differences between women Abstract: In the 1930s the Chinese Modern Literature is prosperous period novels surge, emerged a large number of outstanding writers, Ba Jin, Mao Dun and Lao She, and Shen Congwen is one of the most representative writer, in the shape of their novels in a series of classic Female images, and in one of the unique image of women - Huniu.3. 独树一帜3. 他们都在魔术、幻术、戏法和逃生术表演上独树一帜,有着各自独到的风格。&&&&All of them have brought their own unique styles to performing magic, illusions, tricks and escapology.4. 独树一帜什么意思4. 最重要的是精选集向您呈现出林肯独树一帜的语言风格,展现出他的机智、风范,以及源自先祖独特真实的拓荒者精神。&&&&Above a11.here is Lincoln's absolutely distinctive language, resonant with dignity, wit, and the uniquely American flavor with the bark on of his frontier origins.5. 独树一帜是什么意思5. 先进的营销理念和超前的销售模式使Longe朗捷品牌独树一帜,为汽车补品行业发展打下良好的市场基础。&&&&And advanced marketing idea ahead of the sales model so that Longe Lantier unique brand, the tonic for the automotive industry and lay a sound foundation for the market.6. 我公司许多产品在市场上独树一帜,是馈赠,收藏,镇宅的首选产品,深受用户青睐。&&&&Me lot of products the company unique in the market, are gifts, collectibles, home town of choice for products, preferred by the user.7. 说到俱乐部风格,设计师独树一帜——对空间的改造别具匠心,即使久坐亦不会产生审美疲劳。&&&&Blue Frog does its job in a way that is totally stylish – not a tacky thing or overdone in sight.8. 从1989年创建至今,G-Star一直以其创新前卫的风格在牛仔世界里独树一帜在不断的积极尝试与产品研发的同时,G-Star也在全世界刮起了一股牛仔风潮返朴归真,本色刚劲的特质更造就了其始终坚持独特与个性的品牌形象&&&&From its conception in 1989, G-Star has been known for its innovative and cutting edge style in the world of denim. Pushing the boundaries, continuous experimentation and product development, has lead to a strong following worldwide. The rough, rudimentary, and raw characteristics of the brand allow G-Star to maintain its distinct and unorthodox style.9. 随着世界经济的不断发展和现代科技的日新月异,以出色的管理和独树一帜的经营理验迎领着IT领域的服务营销,在长期的发展过程中,始终不渝地坚持着一个基本信念:永续经营,共同成长。&&&&With the continuous development of the world economy and modern science and technology with each passing day, with excellent management and unique operating rationale for post-mortem Ying led the field of IT Service Marketing, in the long-term course of development, unswervingly adhere to a basic belief: Wing continued to operate and grow together.10. 10. 在长期的专业经营实践中,天祥公司通过不断的大胆尝试,形成了独特的经营销售模式,特别是对优质潜力品牌的选择、定位、推广方面更是独树一帜,创新的销售模式结合周密的市场营销策略,再加上在经营中与网络商的充分交流研讨,使一个接一个崭新的品牌在销售市场中崛地而起,同时,也为渠道销售商们赢取了更大的发展空间。&&&&Operating at long-term professional practice, Tienhsiang the company through continuous bold attempt to create a unique sales model operation, in particular the potential for high-quality brand selection, positioning, promotion is a unique combination of innovative marketing model of careful market marketing strategy, coupled with the network in operation to communicate the full study, so one after another new brand in the sales market rise to the sky, at the same time, as well as channels for vendors to win a greater space for development.11. 薪酬咨询公司ORC Worldwide的执行副总裁杰弗里拉塔说:雇用美国人比用其他国家的人复杂得多,因为美国在发达国家中独树一帜,无论其公民身处何地,都要对之课税。&&&&&&Is unique amongst developed countries in wanting to tax its citizens regardless of residence, 'says Geoffrey Latta, executive vice president ORC Worldwide, a management-consulting firm specializing in compensation.12. 整个项目别墅区尽头有一块18个球洞的高尔夫球场地,毫无疑问这个高尔夫住宅小区以其独特的摩洛哥建筑风格以及山顶景观独树一帜。&&&&&&Dominated by its 18-hole golf course surrounded by high-end villas, this golf andresidential community is truly distinct with its classic marocarchitecture on a breath-taking natural mountainlandscape.13. 在城内的李家山青铜器博物馆,最具代表性的牛虎铜案、鎏金铜鼓、贮贝器等数百件世间罕见的青铜文化精品赫然再列,这些青铜器在世界青铜文化史上独树一帜,占有重要地位。&&&&&&Li Shan in the city's Museum of the Bronze Age, the most representative case of bovine Tiger copper, gold gilt Tonggu, Pui-storage world, such as hundreds of rare bronze culture of quality are out again, these bronzes in the world history of bronze culture is unique, occupies an important position.14. 事实上,回顾历史,也只有相对公平的20世纪堪称独树一帜了。&&&&&&Actually, if one looks at a broad sweep of history, it is the relatively egalitarian 20th century that seems the exception.15. 当你和别人谈话的时候,可能被认为是独树一帜的或革命的。&&&&&&You might be perceived as unique or revolutionary when you speakwith others.16. 而他晚年遭逢不幸,际遇坎坷,在特殊历史时代经历了特有的惨厉磨难之后写下的旧体诗更是别开生面,独辟蹊径。它以杂文笔法入诗,随感而作,慷慨深沉,突破了传统旧体诗窠臼,在旧体诗史上独树一帜。&&&&&&On past he had developed Lu s apirit and method in essay writing, gradually his unique language style and culture taste began to be known, that made him an important writer among those essay writer who admired Luxun heat and alone.17. 17. 独树一帜的时尚感,在流光溢彩的都市夜景中,Nokia 7380 是您的绝佳夥伴。&&&&&&Complementing your unique style, the Nokia 7380 phone is perfect for a night on the town.18. 中国人民解放军军校教育思想就是指土地革命时期1927年毛泽东创办我军第一个军校教育机构──工农革命军教导队以来,历经抗日战争时期、解放战争时期和建国以后的建设时期,中国共产党领导的、马克思主义军事教育理论与中国实际相结合形成的、具有中国特色的、独树一帜的军校教育思想。&&&&&&Through the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation and the construction period after the founding of new China, it has formed a distinctive educational thought of military academies of Chinese characteristics, that is to combine the basic military educational theory of Marxism with China`s realities under the leadership of CPC.19. 19. 胡先骕大半生从事教育工作,长期的教育实践,使其对中国教育存在的诸多问题,有着独到的见解,形成了独树一帜的教育思想。&&&&&&The great half a lifetime of Hu Xiansu is engaged in the education, in the long-term educational practice, it causes him know many questions existing in Chinese education, and forms the original opinions.20. 英若诚先生对于戏剧的翻译可谓是独树一帜,他的译文口语化、简练和性格化,使得译文非常适合演出,同时也达到了中西文化交流的效果。&&&&&&Ying crutching`s translation of theatrical plays is very unique, because spoken language, brevity and characterization in his translations are very suitable for performance, while at the same time the translations achieve the goal of cultural exchange between the east and the west.独树一帜是什么意思,独树一帜在线翻译,独树一帜什么意思,独树一帜的意思,独树一帜的翻译,独树一帜的解释,独树一帜的发音,独树一帜的同义词,独树一帜的反义词,独树一帜的例句,独树一帜的相关词组,独树一帜意思是什么,独树一帜怎么翻译,单词独树一帜是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 独树一帜的黑龙江方言 - 第一星座网独树一帜的黑龙江方言 10:44:00来源:第一星座网作者:匿名  方言是语言的变体,根据性质,方言可分地域方言和社会方言,地域方言是语言因地域方面的差别而形成的变体,黑龙江方言有着自己独特的特色。本期小编就带你们去探索独树一帜的黑龙江方言。  对黑龙江方言可以有两种理解:  1、黑龙江省的汉语方言。  2、作为从属于北京官话的东北官话中的一个分支。关于黑龙江方言的第一种理解,是从地域角度来说的,指黑龙江人使用的所有汉语方言,包括一些因移民原因而形成的方言岛。我们所说的黑龙江方言是作为北京官话的一支,这样,不属于北京官话也处于黑龙江地域属于其他方言的方言岛。  西区主要分布于黑龙江西部嫩江流域、南部中部的松花江流域以及北部黑龙江流域上游地区,共有53个县市:  哈尔滨、庆安、木兰、方正、延寿、宾县、巴彦、呼兰、阿城、五常、双城、肇东、肇州、肇源、安达、富裕、嫩江、黑河、讷河、甘南、龙江、泰来、齐齐哈尔、杜尔伯特、大庆、德都、北安、五大连池、克山、克东、依安、拜泉、明水、青冈、望奎、海伦、绥陵、铁力、通河、漠河、呼玛、孙吴、逊克、嘉荫、绥化、兰西、尚志、海林、宁安、穆陵、东宁、鸡东、鸡西。  东区主要分布于牡丹江流域、乌苏里江流域、黑龙江下游和松花江中下游地区,共有21个县市:  伊春、鹤岗、汤原、佳木斯、富锦、萝北、桦川、集贤、双鸭山、绥滨、同江、抚远、饶河、宝清、密山、桦南、依兰、勃利、七台河、林口、牡丹江。  你可能也喜欢:        星座测算子时23点子23-0丑1-2点寅3-4点卯5-6点辰7-8点巳9-10点午11-12未13-14申15-16酉17-18戌19-20亥21-22男白羊座男白羊座男金牛座男双子座男巨蟹座男狮子座男处女座男天秤座男天蝎座男射手座男摩羯座男水瓶座男双鱼座女白羊座女白羊座女金牛座女双子座女巨蟹座女狮子座女处女座女天秤座女天蝎座女射手座女摩羯座女水瓶座女双鱼座男子鼠男子鼠男丑牛男寅虎男卯兔男辰龙男巳蛇男午马男未羊男申猴男酉鸡男戌狗男亥猪女子鼠女子鼠女丑牛女寅虎女卯兔女辰龙女巳蛇女午马女未羊女申猴女酉鸡女戌狗女亥猪男:A型血男:A型血B型血O型血AB型血女:A型血女:A型血B型血O型血AB型血copyright &
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