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英文药名: Lanacane (Extra Strength Cream)
中文药名: 抗皮肤搔痒(高强度霜)
2 x 30 grams(克)&
如果您在白求恩药房购买抗皮肤搔痒(高强度霜),您不仅可以得到品质的保证,而且还可以节省大把的金钱。Lanacane - ExpressChemist.co.uk - Buy Online
Lanacane - Buy Online from Express Chemist UK Pharmacy
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Lanacane offers a range of products to soothe and aid in the healing of distressed skin. From itching and irritation to chafing, Lanacane soothes and calms skin fast.
Lanacane anaesthetic cooling cream brings relief from the symptoms of minor pain, itching and irritation in localised skin conditions, such as insect bites, nettle stings, minor skin abrasions and external genital and external anal itching.
Lanacane medicated body powder brings instant soothing relief to itching skin, rashes, , personal itching, nettle rash, and prickly heat.
Lanacort provides relief from allergic rashes and itches due to soaps, jewellery, toiletries, detergents, plants and insect bites. It can also be used to relieve mild to moderate eczema. It is a Hydrocortisone based topical treatment which relieves itchy skin. Lanacort penetrates itchy inflamed skin cells to soothe, relieve and aid natural healing.
Lanacane Cream provides cooling, soothing itch relief to stop itching fast. It medicates and soothes dry irritated skin and so aids natural healing. The cream doesn't sting and has a non-greasy formula. Contains Benzocaine.
Lanacane cream contains bezocaine 3%. Provides cooling, soothing itch relief to stop itching fast. It medicates and soothes dry irritated skin and aids natural healing.
Price: &3.79 (incl&VAT)
(Buy any 3 or more Lanacane products and save 5%)
Provides cooling, soothing itch relief to stop itching fast. It medicates and soothes dry irritated skin and aids natural healing. Lanacane cream contains bezocaine 3%.
Price: &5.89 (incl&VAT)
(Buy any 3 or more Lanacane products and save 5%)
Lanacane anti-chafing gel creates a protective barrier and reduces the pain caused by rubbing and .
Price: &5.79 (incl&VAT)
(Buy any 3 or more Lanacane products and save 5%)
Lanacane medicated body powder brings instant soothing relief to itching skin, rashes, chafing, personal itching, nettle rash, and prickly heat.
Price: &3.99 (incl&VAT)
(Buy any 3 or more Lanacane products and save 5%)
Lanacort provides relief from allergic rashes and itches due to soaps, jewellery, toiletries, detergents, plants and insect bites. It can also be used to relieve mild to moderate eczema. It is a Hydrocortisone based topical treatment which relieves itchy skin. Lanacort penetrates itchy inflamed skin cells to soothe, relieve and aid natural healing.
Lanacort Ointment provides relief from allergic rashes and itches due to soaps, jewellery, toiletries, detergents, plants and insect bites. It can also be used to relieve mild to moderate eczema.
Price: &2.99 (incl&VAT)
Lanacort Ointment is a Hydrocortisone based topical treatment which relieves itchy skin. It penetrates itchy inflamed skin cells to soothe, relieve and aid natural healing.
Price: &2.99 (incl&VAT)
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Lanacane - Buy Online from Express Chemist UK Pharmacy
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& Paydens Ltd T/A Express Chemist 2015. Unauthorised use of images and text contained within this site is prohibited. Though we are an , information contained on this web site is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare professional such as your doctor or a pharmacist. Always read the label and all product packaging before use.& 楼主你好,你知道澳门那些地方有卖精油的。脸部护扶的。我上次在威尼看到一瓶小小的要...
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