
第一次见对方家长 穿什么衣服合适呢
  Maybe it’s been a few months and they’ve heard so much about you, or it’s only been a couple of dates and they barely know you exist. Regardless of how much time has passed, meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time can be exciting and terrifying. So many things are out of your control, but what you wear is completely within your power. Consider a few guidelines that could streamline the process.
  Classic and Conservative
  Stay true to your style while opting for an ensemble that errs on the conservative side, recommended Jennifer Mumford, buyer and owner of Hub Clothing in Scottsdale, Arizona, who recently met her significant other’s parents for the first time. “Stay away from an outfit that is too revealing, as it can come across aspolarizing,” she said. Also, try to keep your look timeless. This means staying away from trends like ripped jeans or denim with distressed features.
  Jennifer Mumford,亚利桑那州著名服装买手和店主Mumford建议,根据自己的风格选择一套保守点的套装是很好的选择,她最近才刚第一次见对方的家长。“别穿过于暴露的衣服,这会带来相反的效果。” 而且要穿的中规中矩点,别穿当下流行元素,比如破洞牛仔裤或非主流的那种。
  Holiday Rendezvous
  If this meeting is over the holidays or at a holiday gathering, a little festivity is a nice touch. For men, Mumford suggested a button down shirt in classic plaid or check paired with a dark wash, straight leg jean. For women, opt for an outfit like a cashmere sweater, dark rinse skinny or straight leg jeans and a ballet flat or riding boot. “It’s nice to wear a bit of color like fuchsia, cobalt or red. Color is inviting and always appropriate.”
  Casual Affair
  If an afternoon barbecue is the venue, guys will be good with either jeans or khakis with a polo or crew neck tee. Mumford suggested finishing the look with staple footwear, like a pair of Converse or a loafer. Gals can opt for a maxi dress or sundress paired with a denim jacket or scarf, and completed with sandals or ballet flats. Petite ladies can also try a silk top, skinny jeans and a wedge heel. “Whatever outfit you choose, keep the look feminine, pretty and cohesive,”Mumford said.
  Figure Flatterers
  Stick with clothing in your size that has worked for you in the past and steer clear from ill-fitting or unflattering colors that clash with your skin tone. Feeling good in your clothes will boost your confidence and rub off on others around you. “The last thing you need is for your partner’s parents to think that you are borrowing your older sibling's clothes or do not know how to dress,” Mumford said.
  Dress for Comfort
  Especially in a casual setting, take advantage of the laid-back vibe with feel-good gear. Wear that pair of comfy jeans and a simple top that you love, suggested Anthony Leroux, fashion director and stylist for A. Leroux Styling in Tempe, Arizona. Pair with comfortable nude or black heels that complement the ensemble. “Being comfortable in a casual setting has everything to do with how relaxed the clothes you wear make you feel so that you are on your A game.”
  尤其在轻松地环境下,穿舒服点来感受一下吧。一条牛仔裤外加你喜欢的简单点的上衣,时尚领军人物Anthony Leroux推荐:再搭配裸色或黑色的高跟鞋,简直完美了。“轻松的场合不妨穿得舒服点,这样你方便玩任何游戏任何运动。”
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