
NEI Integration - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge
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Yes, you're free to include this in your modpack. Do it up.
NEI Integration is two things-- a playground to try out new types of Not Enough Items recipe handlers, and a place to put NEI handlers if I somehow can't get them into the mods they were made for. The mod aims to stimulate other mod developers to add NEI handlers to their own mods, and to help them make their own handlers easier by providing examples.
IntegrationThis is a list of the NEI handlers that are in the mod.
Minecraft Forge (disabled by default)List of all registered Fluids and associated Fluid ContainersOre Dictionary usage handler
Big ReactorsCyanite Reprocessor recipes
Electrical AgeCompressor, Macerator, Magnetizer and Plate Machine recipes
Forestry 3.6 (integrated in Forestry itself as of Forestry 4)Custom crafting, Bottler, Carpenter, Centrifuge, Fabricator, Fermenter, Moistener, Squeezer and Still recipes
MineFactory ReloadedRecipes of most machines that produce or consume fluids, and the Laser Drill (including which foci works on which ore)
Pam's HarvestCraftPresser, Churn, Oven, Quern and Apiary recipes
RailcraftBlast Furnace, Coke Oven, Rock Crusher and Rolling Machine recipes
Other featuresNEI Integration includes some other features that can be useful to developers.
Item tooltips (can be toggled and configured in the config file or Forge's config GUI)Ore Dictionary names, Item IDs (like 'minecraft:stone'), Fluid Container information, and burn time in furnaces
Additional data dump types for NEILoaded mods, registered Entities and Tile Entities, dimensions, Ore Dictionary Entries, chest loot, registered Fluids and related Fluid Containers, and NEI recipe handler class names
RequestsRequests for additional NEI handlers will gladly be accepted. Just , and I'll see what I can do.
For mod developersIf you are a mod author and want to migrate some of these handlers to your mod, please do so! That's one of my goals. Just try to follow these guidelines:
Tell me. We don't want duplicate NEI handlers, do we?
Credit me somewhere. Maybe even link to this mod, but it's not required.
Alternatively, if your mod is open source, you could just ask me to do a pull request.【水贴】让我943教你如何用curseforge【minecraft吧】_百度贴吧
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