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drug facts
冲金冠天然防病毒顺势Sambucol儿童黑接骨木浆糖浆120ml感冒 ... Directions 用法 Drug Facts成分表 Other information其它成分 ...
求翻译:政府应该关闭一些工厂或者是把工厂的设备现代化 是什么意思? ... it might be an interesting question 它可能是一个有趣的问题 drug facts 药物的事实 live out 活出 ...
明天晚上七点半的票已经买好了,电影名叫冰河世纪。电... ... SC coupler >> SC耦合器 drug facts >> 毒品事实 This work really hard. >> 这项工作很困难。 ...
1美国儿童非处方药布洛芬混悬液说明书格式剖析1.1药品说明(DRUG FACTS)本项位于药品非处方名下方,起到引领的作用,表示其下方内容为药品说明部分。1.2活性成分[AC
For OTC drugs, side effects are included in the "Drug Facts" printed on the outer wrapper or container of the drug.
Both the Warnings and Precautions section of the prescription labeling and the Drug Facts label on OTC proton pump inhibitors will address these findings.
Ticktin was recently picked up and confined for exposing facts about CIA drug running into the U.S. (to the nation's most vulnerable) according to investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen.
We are also striving to stop substance abuse before it starts by supporting local prevention programs and providing youth with the facts about alcohol and drug use.
My worry is that the bad feelings drug companies have generated by marketing medicines too hard are preventing us from facing facts.
We have invested in outreach programs that empower young Americans with the facts about substance abuse, and we have worked to stem the tide of prescription drug abuse through education, monitoring, proper disposal, and enforcement.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, contained in
and other beverages, is the most widely used
in the world. 90% of
consume the substance on a daily basis.
, consisting of about 90% acetylsalicylic acid, along with a minor amount of inert fillers and binders. Aspirin is a
often used to treat , , and .
A drug is any substance (other than
that provides nutritional support) that, when , , , ,
on the skin, or
causes a temporary physiological (and often psychological) change in the body.
In , a drug is a chemical substance of known structure, other than a nutrient of an essential dietary ingredient, which, when administered to a living organism, produces a biological effect. A , also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to , , , or
or to promote . Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from , but more recently also by . Pharmaceutical drugs may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for .
Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into —groups of related drugs that have similar , the same
(binding to the same ), a related , and that are used to treat the same disease. The
(ATC), the most widely used drug classification system, assigns drugs a unique , which is an alphanumeric code that assigns it to specific drug classes within the ATC system. Another major classification system is the . This classifies drugs according to their solubility and permeability or
are chemical substances that affect the function of the , altering ,
or . They include , a
(and a stimulant in small quantities), and the
and . These three are the most widely consumed psychoactive drugs worldwide and are also considered
since they are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes. Other recreational drugs include ,
and some of these are also used in spiritual or religious settings. Some drugs can cause
and all drugs can have . Excessive use of stimulants can promote . Many recreational drugs are
and international treaties such as the
exist for the purpose of their .
In English, the noun "drug" is thought to originate from Old French "drogue", possibly deriving later into "droge-vate" from Middle Dutch meaning "dry barrels", referring to medicinal plants preserved in them. The transitive verb "to drug" (meaning intentionally administer a substance to someone, often without their knowledge) arose later and invokes the psychoactive rather than medicinal properties of a substance.
is a . It is used to reduce the production of stomach acid.
A medication or medicine is a
taken to cure or ameliorate any symptoms of an
or medical condition. The use may also be as
that has future benefits but does not treat any existing or pre-existing diseases or symptoms. Dispensing of medication is often regulated by
into three categories— medications, which are available in
and supermarkets without
medicines, which are dispensed by a
without needing a doctor's prescription, and , which must be prescribed by a licensed , usually a .
In the United Kingdom, behind-the-counter medicines are called
which can only be sold in registered pharmacies, by or under the supervision of a pharmacist. These medications are designated by the letter P on the label. The range of medicines available without a prescription varies from country to country. Medications are typically produced by
and are often
to give the developer exclusive rights to produce them. Those that are not patented (or with expired patents) are called
since they can be produced by other companies without restrictions or licenses from the patent holder.
Pharmaceutical drugs are usually categorised into . A group of drugs will share a similar , or have the same , the same related
or target the same illness or related illnesses. The
(ATC), the most widely used drug classification system, assigns drugs a unique , which is an alphanumeric code that assigns it to specific drug classes within the ATC system. Another major classification system is the . This groups drugs according to their solubility and permeability or
An Amazonian shaman
, a psychoactive cactus
Some religions, particularly
are based completely on the use of certain drugs, known as , which are mostly ,—, , or . Some drugs used as entheogens include
which can act as a , a , a
and an . The roots of the kava plant are used to produce a drink which is consumed throughout the cultures of the .
from different cultures use entheogens, defined as "generating the divine within" to achieve . Amazonian shamans use
(yagé) a hallucinogenic brew for this purpose.
have a long and continuous tradition of religious use of
plant. Its use is to facilitate
during spiritual healing sessions.
is regarded by the
as a sacred plant and used as an entheogen. Its root is traditionally used to induce vivid (and according to the Xhosa, prophetic)
during the initiation process of , classifying it a naturally occurring
similar to the more well-known dream herb .
a small spineless
has been a major source of psychedelic
and has probably been used by
for at least five thousand years. Most mescaline is now obtained from a few species of columnar cacti in particular from
and not from the vulnerable peyote.
has also been widely practised
for centuries.
(ganja) as a
in their .
Psychedelic mushrooms (), commonly called magic mushrooms or shrooms have also long been used as entheogens.
, also commonly referred to as "smart drugs", are drugs that are claimed to improve human . Nootropics are used to improve memory, concentration, thought, mood, learning, and many other things. Some nootropics are now beginning to be used to treat certain diseases such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. They are also commonly used to regain brain function lost during .
Other drugs known as
are produced. An early example of what today would be labelled a 'designer drug' was , which was synthesised from . Other examples include analogs of
such as designer
taken to improve physical capabilities and these are sometimes used (legally or not) for this purpose, often by professional athletes. Other designer drugs mimic the effects of psychoactive drugs. Since the late 1990s there has been the identification of many of these synthesised drugs. In Japan and the United Kingdom this has spurred the addition of many designer drugs into a newer class of controlled substances known as a .
have been produced for a longer period of time and are used in the designer drug .
is a commonly used .
is the use of a drug (legal, controlled, or illegal) with the primary intention of
through alteration of the central nervous system in order to create positive emotions and feelings. The hallucinogen
is a psychoactive drug commonly used as a recreational drug.
prohibit the use of differen and medicinal drugs that have the potential for recreational use are often heavily regulated. However, there are many recreational drugs that are
and widely culturally accepted.
is the most commonly consumed controlled recreational drug in the world (as of 2012). Its use in many countries is illegal but is
in several countries usually with the proviso that it can only be used for personal use. It can be used in the leaf form of
(grass), or in the resin form of . Marijuana is a more mild form of cannabis than hashish.
There may be an age restriction on the consumption and purchase of legal recreational drugs. Some recreational drugs that are legal and accepted in many places include , , , and
products, and in some areas of the world the legal use of drugs such as
is common.
There are a number of legal intoxicants commonly called legal highs that are used recreationally. The most widely used of these is alcohol.
All drugs, can be
via a number of , and many can be administered by more than one.
is the administration of a medication, drug or other compound that is given to raise its concentration in blood to an effective level. The administration can be given intravenously, by intramuscular, intrathecal or subcutaneous injection.
, (breathed into the lungs), as an
or dry powder. (This includes smoking a substance)
either: , , , .
, or snorted into the nose.
, as a liquid or solid, that is absorbed through the .
as a , that is absorbed by the rectum or colon.
, diffusing into the blood through tissues under the tongue.
, usually as a
or . A drug administered in this manner may be given to act locally or systemically.
Vaginally as a , primarily to treat vaginal infections.
There are numerous governmental offices in many countries that deal with the control and oversee of drug manufacture and use, and the implementation of various drug laws. The
is an international
brought about in 1961 to prohibit the use of narcotics save for those used in
and treatment. In 1971, a second treaty the
had to be introduced to deal with newer recreational psychoactive and psychedelic drugs.
varies in many countries and even in . Where it is legislated against the degree of prohibition also varies.
(FDA) in the United States is a
responsible for protecting and promoting
through the
and supervision of , , ,
emitting devices, ,
Richard Lovett (24 September 2005). .
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Atanasov AG, Waltenberger B, Pferschy-Wenzig EM, Linder T, Wawrosch C, Uhrin P, Temml V, Wang L, Schwaiger S, Heiss EH, Rollinger JM, Schuster D, Breuss JM, Bochkov V, Mihovilovic MD, Kopp B, Bauer R, Dirsch VM, Stuppner H (December 2015). . Biotechnol Adv. 33 (8): . :.   .  .
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, a database of 4800 drugs and 2500 protein drug targets
, BBC Radio 4 discussion with Richard Davenport-Hines, Sadie Plant and Mike Jay (In Our Time, May 23, 2002)
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
: Hidden categories:drug facts是什么意思_百度知道
drug facts是什么意思
含义:药物实情,药品信息,药品标识冲金冠天然防病毒顺势Sambucol儿童黑接骨木浆糖浆120ml感冒&...&Directions&用法&Drug&Facts成分表&Other&information其它成分&...The twotablet blister package will have both a standard OTC &Drug Facts&panel and space for a prescription sticker.两片吸塑包装将有一个标准的非处方药“药品事实”小组和空间的处方贴纸。In addition, a &Warnings& statement in the &Drug Facts& box will be required ofall sunscreen product manufacturers.此外,要求所有防晒霜产品制造商在“药品”外包装盒增列”警示语“。Drug-testing laws are often touted as a way of saving tax dollars, but the factsare once again not quite as presented.药物检测的法律经常被吹捧为节省税款的一种方式,但事实再次不太提交。
drug facts毒品的事实双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 药品实情例句:1.Did you know these prescription drug facts? 你知道这些处方药的事实呢?
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