
千万不要和女汉子一起玩鬼屋,鬼都会被她吓跑千万不要和女汉子一起玩鬼屋,鬼都会被她吓跑糗事百科百家号TOP1一次,我和女汉子闺蜜去鬼屋玩。里面阴森森的,很恐怖的样子。转角处,一只鬼突然从棺材里蹦出来,我吓的“啊”一声尖叫,那鬼也跟着“啊”一声尖叫,然后仓皇逃回棺材里。黑暗中,传来闺蜜的声音 : “特么的敢吓我?捏碎你!!”TOP2闲得无聊,关注了一个号,就随便发了几个字,居然还有机器人回我,于是我没事就经常调戏机器人玩。各种调戏,机器人智商还挺高,一直配合……直到有一天,机器人主动跟我发了他的电话号码,让我无聊的时候打给他,我才知道那不是机器人……TOP3多么邪魅狂狷的眼神啊TOP4初中考试,有道题不会,照抄同桌的。前面步骤没看懂,后面却发现一个小错误,自己改了。第二天,老师说那道题全班就一人做对,然后指着我:“你,上来给大家讲讲……”TOP5走在野外又累又饿,遇到这个饭店,进不进?TOP6什么玩具,想玩TOP7LZ电脑工程技术人员,前两天去精神病院楼顶检查网络,因为只有两层楼,站在楼顶就把院子里走来走去的精神病患者吸引着都在看我!突然LZ脑子一抽,向楼下大手一挥,曰:同志们好!楼下一片兴奋,纷纷向我回礼问好同行的院长对LZ说:怎么?等网络弄好了给你在里面登记个单间?TOP8今早看到某中学教室门口贴的:现在的学校很宽容很人性化啊!TOP9这让我想起了小时候被大鹅支配的恐惧TOP10当年和异地恋的女友吵架,手机被拉黑,微信也被拉黑,无奈我只能写了封书信,信誓旦旦保证对她好之类。结婚后,动不动就拿出这封信威胁我,“你要做言而无信的人吗?”(更多精彩请关注:糗事百科)本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。糗事百科百家号最近更新:简介:天王盖地虎,小鸡炖蘑菇作者最新文章相关文章已收藏本页面
在高铁防水施工中,通常使用以“聚脲材料”做成的涂层。它不仅具有优异的耐磨性、抗冲性、抗开裂、耐紫外线以及耐高低温性能,而且在施工效率极高,一次施工即可达到设计厚度,还不受环境温度、湿度影响,可在任意曲面、斜面及垂直面上快速喷涂成型,完全满足了无碴轨道的苛刻要求,而生产聚脲材料的主要原料便是聚氨酯。1个回答wduser_1 2 3
4 5 6 应急用的话吧12(23)、45(56)同时接通就可以1个回答wduser_欧普照明、雷士灯饰、华艺灯饰、新特丽照明、开元灯饰、祺雅照明、文联灯饰、松伟照明3个回答wduser_开眼角疤痕多久可以消?怎么消的快?你好 我是今年3月份开的内眼角,三个月以后眼角红色的疤痕会逐渐变淡,如果本身不是疤痕体质的话,半年后红色疤痕会消失。当时做完手术医生给我开了一种重组表皮生长因子的罐装喷雾,我坚持用了一个月,现在我的内【点击了解更多→】 查看原帖>>1个回答wduser_一般就榆木、榉木、橡木等
根据自己喜好和经济能力吧3个回答wduser_家庭装潢 厨房和卫生间做防水最好的防水水材料就是使用聚合物水泥基防水涂/浆料,即市场上名称为:通用型、柔韧型、K11、JS、GS防水涂/浆料,这类产品无毒无害无污染、施工简单快捷、和水泥基材粘接紧密、使用寿命长、防水效果强、价格适中等显著特点。
迷你小冰箱技术:迷你小冰箱采用太空科技PELTIER效应的全新概念,无压缩机的笨重,噪音及氟利氨污染,寿命长,外观可爱,体积娇小而轻便携带,适合室内外使用,具有冷热两用功能。 PCW-07半导体便携式冷暖箱系列产品配有DC(直流)12、24V和AC(交流)110V-240V电源插座(并配有交、直流电源线)。
第三方登录:一、外国网民惊呆了:中国人仅用6天盖起15层高楼?!先发优酷的视频地址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIzMTUyMTIw.html                下面LZ就机械化地复制黏贴啦。。。            译文转载自:网贴翻译论坛    译者:米狐狸         从各地 2000 多评论里挑了 130 条出来,选的标准基本是排除了重复的,纯表赞叹或纯开骂无多少内容的、跑题跑太远的,还有那些虽然 ID 显示国外但看主页似乎咱自家留学生或华裔的评论因为时间所限也没翻。被标注推荐比较多的基本都入选了。                 wazham2     17 小时之前     everything is possible in Japan     在日本真是一切皆有可能 ~          allin1readerwriter     17 小时之前 @wazham2     Its Chinese... learn to differentiate your Asians fool.     这个是中国……学学怎么分辨亚洲人吧白痴。          dinmagic     17 小时之前 @wazham2     This is China.     这个是中国。          LuizLHAM     16 小时之前 @wazham2?     china, dude! china! !     这是中国,老兄!中国!!          taroliw     4 天之前 4 推荐     A 15-story building /done/ in SIX days?? Wow... just WOW.     15 层高的建筑 6 天完工??哇靠!。。。除了哇靠真不知该说啥好。          ocelotrevs     4 天之前 3 推荐     Thats kinda of scary, you couldve gone away for a week, and when youve come home a building has suddenly appeared.     多惊悚啊,你不过出门了一礼拜,等你回家时一幢楼就赫然竖在那儿了。          palyman92     3 天之前 2 推荐     Imagine coming home after a 2 day trip and you look out your window like WTF     想象一下出去玩了两天后回到家,打开窗户往外一看:我勒个去!          euromann12     3 天之前 29 推荐     Imagine looking for a hotel room, there is no vacancy, and the receptionist says, “just wait for a few minutes, we will put up another hotel.”     想象一下去酒店订房间,结果已经客满了,前台接待对你说“请稍等几分钟,我们马上再建一座新的。”              maurotamm     18 小时之前     &We build your skyscraper in a week, buy 1 get 2 for 9,99m $, call now and you get this amazing parking house for free. WAIT, there is more, we even give you your own personal train station.&     “我们将在一周之内建好您的摩天大厦, 9 亿 9 千 9 百万,买一赠二,现在马上拨打电话还有免费车库赠送。哦,等等!还有更多惊喜在等着您,我们甚至可以提供您的私人火车站哦 ~ !”         MrMuseenglish     4 天之前 2 推荐     thats gotta be the music from SimCity 4     真该配上《模拟城市 4 》的背景乐。   
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  xinsky01     4 天之前 3 推荐     all this is amazing, it is said the Broad Pavilion in Shanghai Exop was built within 24 hours, any video on that?     太给力了。据说上海世博的远大馆只用 24 个小时就建成了,谁有关于那个的视频?             AndrewNoNumbers     1 天之前 3 推荐     Thats why in 2012 the Chinese build the Ark     这就是为啥在《 2012 》里诺亚方舟是中国制造。         deadmansvoice     1 天前 4 推荐     and we wonder why china is going to rule the world : /     现在我们还奇怪为什么中国将统治世界么?         MeketoaI     4 天之前 2 推荐     This  would have taken 3 years in the USA.     这在美国得花 3 年。         roan33     4 天之前 5 推荐     In America wed still  be going through bullshit protocol and politics for 5 years.     在美国我们光是通过那些该死的法案和过政客那关就得花上 5 年。         Antwnhs92     4 天之前 23 推荐     In my country  Greece...they cant even make a doghouse in 2 days.     在我的国家希腊…… 2 天时间估计他们连狗窝都盖不起来。             ak471deag     1 天前 7 推荐     amazing stuff.     here in Canada everything takes forever to complete.     whole fukin day to clear some small debris from accidents on highways.     small sections of roads take a whole fukin year. then winter the road cracks again from all the salt sprayed on it. so repeat next year!     WOOD houses take like fukin two years.     sigh     真是惊艳。     在俺们加拿大所有的东西都好像一辈子建不完。     从高速路上清点儿小碎片要花他妈的一整天。     一小段路修了一整年,到冬天一下雪,撒上盐后路又坏了,很好,来年接着修。     木屋都他妈的要盖整整两年。     叹。         foudo     1 天前     @ak471deag : in my country building a round-about takes 5 yrs     (回 ak471deag ):知足吧,在我们国家修个转盘都得 5 年。     【这哥们儿是科威特的……】              16 小时之前     Chinese came to my country to build roads. Kings Highway took less then 50 days to finish. Buiding a seawall took less then 30 days, building the South Pacific Games Stadium, Pool, Tracks and field less then a month! My country is Fiji & Australia is whinning that Fiji is having ties with China LMAO - too funny!!     中国人曾经来过我们国家修路。 Kings 高速花了不到 50 天就竣工了,建海堤用了不到 30 天,建南太平洋体育场,泳池,运动场地用了不到 1 个月!顺便说我的国家是斐济。而澳大利亚居然还在抱怨为啥斐济跟中国走那么近?!真逗!!   
  polkjhgfdsaqw     1 天前     i wish those guys could come to Edmonton. In one of the highways it took Canadian cosntruction workers 2 years to finish a road     我真希望这些家伙能来埃德蒙顿,加拿大的建筑工一条高速路都能修上两年。         kamathln     20 小时之前 38 推荐     These guys should have rebuilt World trade center.     该让这些家伙来重建世贸中心。         blkhauck     4 天之前 3 推荐     This is why they are better than us. Our version of construction is 5 guys standing around and 1 guy working. DAMN IT     这就是为啥他们比我们强。换我们的版本,工程建设就是 5 个人站在一边儿看一个人干活儿。         mrjezerc     4 天之前     That is why you should send your kids to Chinese language lessons!!!     这就是为啥你得赶快把孩子送去学中文!!!         asiansjason     3 天之前 37 推荐     man, the only thing i can think America can get done fast is fast food orders -_-     我能想到唯一美国人干得快的事儿就是订快餐 -_-             allgood789     3 天之前     Evan fast food in America some times still take 15-20 minutes to get your order. The quick that can get done in America is get devorces. Married today maybe devorces next week.....     在美国就算快餐有时都得等 15-20 分钟才拿得到。在美国能干得快的事儿是离婚。今天刚结也许下礼拜就离了…         dadnesia     4 天之前 2 推荐     Anyway, we can print money faster than these guys!     至少我们印起钞票来比那些家伙快!         PowerRizer     4 天之前 13 推荐     I bet they bought it from IKEA. Build it your self 15 story hotel.     我打赌他们是从宜家买的可供自行组装的 15 层酒店。             weirdbuckle     4 天之前     it is okay, it is okay, our building lasts for more than 100 years.     不错,不错,(但)我们的建筑物可是能撑 100 多年哦。         kerinlau     4 天之前 @weirdbuckle     Not really gonna last for more than 100 years. A road of quarter mile at front of my home had been messed up for five months, but will still crack in five years. If its in China, it would be a 2-day job, I guess. And another 2-day job after five years.     (回 weirdbuckle )也不是真能撑 100 年。我家门前一条几里的小路坏掉施工了 5 个月,但 5 年内肯定还得照坏。如果这在中国,也就是两天的活儿。最多 5 年之后花上两天再修一遍。             elbuggo     3 天之前 5 推荐     When Ron Paul becomes President, Americans will complete a project like this in half  the time.     如果 Ron Paul 能做总统,像这样的项目美国人只花一半的时间就能完成。     【 Google 了一下这位神奇的“未当选总统”: Ron Paul ,美共和党成员,德州众议院代表。他的政治主张是反对干涉他国内政,他特别指出台湾问题是中国内政,也不支持美台关系法;他反对美元贬值,反对向伊拉克发动侵略战争,反对在外地驻军,反对以反恐之名剥夺公民自由。他从七十年代开始便主张精简政府行政部门、大幅削减公共支出、取消联邦政府征税、废除联储局、扬弃令货币购买力不断下降的政策、返回 以金本位为基础的金融及货币制度。】     【。。。。好可惜╮ ( ╯ _ ╰ ) ╭】         c76h     4 天之前     im quite curious about the foundation design of this building. any sort of reliable foundation for such a building can not be built in several days. furthermore, surveying, designing, off-site fabrication and mobilization, even procurement are part of the construction period. Construction is not only site works!     whatever, good try to improve the efficiency of the industry and humiliate those arrogant architects.     我很好奇这栋楼的地基设计。像这样一栋楼要打个可靠的地基可不是几天就能完工的事儿。另外,勘测、设计、工地外的生产和调度,甚至包括采购这都是工期的一部分。建筑可不是只在工地上的活儿。     但不管怎么说,能提高工业效率又能让那些自大的建筑师难堪,算是个不错的尝试。
  lidoz     3 天之前     As a civil engineer u need to consider other factors. 1. FOUNDATION, it would have taken them at least 21days to construct a deep foundation for this building. 2. All those components were prefabricated at different factory, God knows when they started working on those beams and even design, it could have taken them months at least. Whats impressive is that all peaces came in time and the construction management was superb!     So its not 6 days.     作为一个民用工程师,你必须得考虑到其他因素。 1. 地基,像这样的楼至少也要花上 21 天才能挖出足够深的地基。 2. 所有这些组装件都是别的工厂里事先做好的。天知道他们是打从什么时候就开始制作那些大梁甚至着手设计的,恐怕最少也让他们花了几个月。这里真正令人钦佩的是所有这些部件都按时备齐了,以及卓越的建设管理。     所以这并不单是 6 天。         madklint     3 天之前 3 推荐     Well it obviously took time to design and get all that stuff done just like everything else does, but the fact that they planned everything so well that they could construct the hotel in six days is AMAZING.     没错当然先得花时间做完设计和搞定所有配件,做任何事都是这样。但他们竟然能把先期计划做得这么好,以至于能用仅仅 6 天就建起这酒店,这一点足够令人惊叹。         maseratieeee     3 天之前     right it probably took them a long time to design it...but dude now they can build them all over the place and take like two weeks to build each one.     没错,他们也许得花更长的时间做先期设计…… 但是兄弟,现在他们可以把这设计用在其他所有地方,每一地儿都只要花两周就能建起一幢楼。              Snowandrews     3 天之前 3 推荐     There only a few factors to be aware of, so that this type of approach to construction can be much more universal. - A) SYSTEMATIC DESIGN B)  PROJECT PRE-PLANNING C) MODULARITY D) SCREW-THREAD FASTENERS (bolts) E) PRE-MANFACTURED & PRE-ASSEMBLED components F) A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO ACCURACY, TOLERANCE, and ALIGNMENT G) Pre-build components & sub-assemblies, in a controlled environment offsite, and deliver JIT.     只要留意下面这几个因素,这种建筑方法就能更加普及了: 1 )系统化设计; 2 )工程的前期规划; 3 )标准模块化组建; 4 )旋式螺栓; 5 )先期制造和先期组装好的部件; 6 )处理精度、公差和定线的系统化方法; 7 )在可控的工地外环境里先期做好的零配件和组装分件,以及按期运抵。         realchimera     4 天之前     Actually I can do the same thing without even trying. Like if I buy a desk from IKEA, I need only 30 minutes to put it together. But for a  similar desk, it may cost more than 1 week for a carpenter to build it. Am I amazing?     连试都不需要试,我也能做到这个。就好比我从宜家买来一张桌子,我只需要 30 分钟就能组装好,但同样一张桌子,木工却得花一个多星期来制造它。这能说明我牛 X ?         cyberpunkmark     4 天之前 2 推荐     @realchimera if u put it toguether in 30min, u are not amazing... but the Ikeas designers who made this possible, they are...      (回楼上) 30 分钟能组装好并不说明你牛 X ……但宜家的设计者能设计出这种桌子,能证明他们很牛 X ……             youngien     4 天之前 2 推荐     a lot of you are missing the point here, is not the build or its speed thats amazing here. It is the planning, the designer who design this. Think Ikea..... so you can screw something together in 2 hrs, doesnt mean you are amazing, its the designers job. This is an engineering Per-Fab house.     这儿的很多人都没搞清重点:不是建筑也不是它的速度了不起,而是它的规划以及设计了这一切的设计师了不起。想想宜家…… 你能花俩钟头把组装家具拼起来,不代表你出色,而是设计者的工作出色。这是一幢工程学上的预制建筑。              igrenade     3 天之前     lol retards on yahoo are crying about how &shitty& this building is when they know nothing about architecture.     呵呵 yahoo 上那些脑残在大声嚷嚷这建筑有多“渣”,可他们压根就没人真懂建筑学。
  Bolero08     4 天之前     Is building built in that speed stable? I don’t believe.     建这么快的楼能牢靠么?我可不信。         EmperorOfMars     4 天之前 @Bolero08     Is a fork made by black smith over two hours better than a stamp metal one built in 2 second better?     (回 Bolero08 ) 难道铁匠花俩钟头打的叉子就比机器冲压 2 秒做出的合金叉子更牢靠?         Bolero08         4 天之前 @EmperorOfMars     I am not familiar about constructions that is why skepticism.     In my current city Reykjavik, Iceland Chinese are building by part but it is not staying correct at all. Here is storm, earthquakes and a lot of rain. Maybe is construction on video only ok for Chinese ground.     我不熟悉建筑学,所以我抱怀疑态度。     就我现在所在的城市——冰岛的雷克雅维克来说,中国人搞组装式建筑可是一点儿都不靠谱。(因为)这儿经常会有暴风雪,地震和暴雨。也许视频上的这种建筑只能在中国那种地理环境下行得通吧。         helloterran     3 天之前 3 推荐      @Bolero08: dont look for excuses. The empire state building took only 410 days to complete. Americans used to be hardworking people who are good at making instead of consuming. USED TO BE.     (回复 Bolero08 ) 别找借口。以前帝国大厦只用 410 天就建好了。现在只懂浪费粮食的美国人过去也曾经很勤劳过。“过去曾经”。         indescribabledavid     3 天之前 7 推荐     Why do I have this feeling I can tip this building over by kicking it...     为嘛我总感觉这建筑我踹一脚它就塌了。。。         MouSeDeEr95     1 天之前     when the wind blows, the building sure will collaspe HAHA ?     一阵风就刮倒了吧哈哈 ?         gahoffm     4 天之前     Just like everything else built in China, it will begin to fall apart almost immediately.     这个就像中国建造的其他东西一样,估计马上就开始要崩坏了。         bizman82     4 天之前 2 推荐 @gahoffm     LIKE YOUR IPOD, IPHONE, PS3, HP, DELL, LOGITECH, NIKE, XBOX, BLACKBERRY and the list goes on and on.. I wish I can still find something that does not read Made in China these days.. LOL......     (回 gahoffm )(像中国建造的其他东西一样?)像你的 IPOD, IPHONE, PS3 ,惠普,戴尔,罗技,耐克, XBOX ,黑莓… 要列单子的话永远都列不完……。真希望现在这世道我还能找得出一件没标“中国制造”的东西呵呵……         AGNOSSI     1 天之前     Slapped together = poor quality     I work construction. Were not allowed to use most things made in China. From sheetrock screws to crane rigging...nothing Chinese made - because of the poor quality.     China = cheap junk     简单匆忙 = 低质量     我是干建筑的。我们平常都不允许用大多数中国制造的东西,从石棉板螺丝钉到工程机械……没有一样是中国制造的——因为中国制造的质量不好。     中国 = 廉价垃圾         CeBitsMobile     1 天之前 3 推荐     @AGNOSSI : Generalization on one whole country is ignorant and stupid. Most of the high-tech stuff of today are made in china. You live and buy them as American products, but they are actually manufactured and assembled in China. American / European companies build factories in China as the labor and taxes are lower and then sell the product to you the naive customer and the rest of the ignorant americans.     (回 AGNOSSI )动不动就给整个国家贴标签真是有够愚蠢无知。现在大多数高科技的东西都是中国制造的。你把它们当成美国货来买,但实际上它们是在中国生产和组装的。美国 / 欧洲的公司在中国设厂,因为那儿的劳力便宜税也更低,然后这些公司再把产品返销给你这个天真的消费者以及其余那些无知的美国佬。         randeDANDE     4 天之前 3 推荐     so many butthurt americans here. get over it. were not perfect.     这儿有好多恼羞成怒的美国人哦,省省吧。我们不是全能的。         onirocknroll     1 天之前     I smell jealousy here.     看来这儿有人嫉妒了。         piperfawn1     4 天之前 3 推荐     Hahah comment from occidentals jelous people are so funny. They dont accept the truth. Nowaday China is the real head of the world. Sorry but if this building dont fall, and im pretty sure it will not, you are just showing that you are drating selfish and jelous. Sorry occident (im occidental) but our golden age is finish the only smart thing to do is to accept that fact.     哈哈哈那些西方人酸溜溜的评论真是好笑。他们不肯接受现实。现今中国已经是真正的世界领头羊了。抱歉但如果这座楼不会倒的话(我非常肯定它不会),刚刚你们所说的就无异于在展示你们该死的自私和嫉妒。不好意思了西方世界(我自己正是西方人),但我们的黄金时代已经结束了,现在能做得最聪明的事就是接受现实。   
  btphy     4 天之前 4 推荐     in 1934 Americans could build the empire state building in a year, that was 100 stories. Similar type of spirit and what they wanted to prove is exact what the Chinese do so as well today. I dont see americans complaining about how unsafe and low quality the construction was. The truth is, the west has lost the glory and now they only find sour grapes seeing the same miracle is only happening in China today.     在 1934 年,美国人能用一年的时间建成 100 层的帝国大厦。这是一种类似的精神,他们当年想证明的也恰恰正是今天中国人所证明的。当时我可没见有哪个美国人抱怨帝国大厦有多低质量或不安全。其实真相不过就是:西方社会失去光环了,当他们看着今天同样的奇迹只能发生在中国时,他们只有酸葡萄。         piperfawn1     4 天之前 23 推荐     To all people that hate instead to apreciate this impressive job i say that usualy hate and jelousy are the only bitter things that remains in the hands of losers.     Great job China i hope you can lead the world to a new era with your strenght.     对所有那些不是怀抱着欣赏,而是怀抱着憎恨态度看待这项出色工作的人我只想说一句:通常憎恨与嫉妒正是失败者手中仅剩的苦果。     干得漂亮中国人。希望你们能用你们的优势在新的时代中领导世界。         projectcares     4 天之前     Chinese may seem &like ants& compared to G7 euro giants ... but they are the mightiest and most hardworking beings I know - they say, &in the end, China will win.& With all admiration in terms of work attitudes, we have a lot to learn from the Chinese - if they can do this amazing feat, why cant we? Congratulations for this achievement!     比起欧洲的七大巨头来说,中国人看上去也许像是“蚂蚁”……但他们是我所知的最为强大也最努力的生物——人们说“最终的胜利将属于中国”。怀着对敬业精神的钦佩,我们能从中国人身上学到很多东西——如果他们能做出如此惊人的业绩,为何我们不能呢?对这项成就谨表祝贺!         TayouJin     4 天之前     Cool! Looks very well thought out on the engineering front. I used to be amazed when theyd pop up a 7eleven in a couple of weeks in Japan. Not any more.     Our Chinese brothers and sisters are catching on technologically.     真酷!从工程面来看构想的非常不错。我过去还惊叹日本人能在几个礼拜之内建起一家 711 ,不过打这以后就不会了。     看来我们的中国兄弟们已经在技术上迎头赶上了呢。     【从这兄弟的 ID 地区显示,外加他收藏视频,外加好友留言看,基本判断他的确是个日本人。】             ironbull2003     3 天之前     to be fair you have to take into account several things     a) They worked 24 hours/day, so thats about 4-6 work days in America     b) much of the parts were already assembled     c) considering it is a chinese product, this building would collapse at the slightest earthquake...     Its nice that they did it so fast... but pointless... a lot of little things were probably overlooked in the process too..     为公平起见你还得考虑以下几件事儿:     1 )他们一天工作 24 小时,而这在美国相当于工作 4-6 天     2 )很多部件都是事先组装好的     3 )鉴于这是中国制造的产物,这建筑估计都顶不了最轻微的地震     他们能这么快竣工不错…… 但毫无意义……而且在这个过程中很多细微之处可能都被忽视了……             Basketballbat     3 天之前 @ironbull2003     Level 9 Earthquake Resistance, hard to read the description or does the facts hurt your pride that much?     (回 ironbull2003 )(这楼是)九级抗震。你到底是读不懂说明呢,还是这个事实实在太伤你自尊了所以选择性无视?         reinfred2007     4 天之前     Quality is the god here in America! We spent 7 years on the NJ-Hudson tunnel, we will spend more time on it!!!! And well spent another 30 years on the new WTC!     在美国质量是王道!建新泽西的哈德逊隧道我们已经花了 7 年,而且我们还打算花上更多时间!!!!之后再花个 30 年建新的世贸中心好了!         maseratieeee     3 天之前     we may not build really fast, but god DAMN!!! did you see how fast we flattened Hiroshima?! oooo and remember Nagasaki?!! WOW     论建造我们美国人也许是不够快,但是见鬼去吧!!!你们没看到俺们平了广岛的速度有多快?!喔喔喔还记不记得长崎呢?!!   
  Playsitlouder     3 天之前 3 @maseratieeee     For fucks sake, that was Japan not China. Please dont make all Americans look like retards. Good job Chinese people!     看在草泥马大神的份儿上,(广岛 / 长崎)那是日本,不是中国!别因为你一个人而让人觉得所有美国人都是弱智。干得漂亮中国人!         Triumphit1     3 天之前 @maseratieeee     another troll on the internet. Good job looking like a freaking douchbag who doesnt know about History. Hiroshima + Nagasaki = Japan     (指 maseratieeee )又是一个网愤。你的表现真不愧为一个对历史一无所知的脑残。广岛 + 长崎 = 日本。         vplane007     3 天之前 3 推荐     This is why American ranks #1 in confidence, and 28 in academics     这就是为啥美国人的学术水平只排名 28 ,自信程度倒是排第一。         tib080808     1 天前     Its more interesting to read the comments than watching the video.     看评论比看视频有趣多了。         cucxoimap     4 天之前     I dare not to use stuffs made in China     我从不敢用中国制造的东西         havocrein     4 天之前 @cucxoimap     you are proberbly using it right now.     (回 cucxoimap )你八成现在就正在用着。         Lamthalas     4 天之前 @cucxoimap     Since you dare not using stuffs made in China, can I have you computer?     (回 cucxoimap )既然你不敢用中国制造的东西,那可以把你的电脑给我吗?         copperpot77     4 天之前 @cucxoimap     Can I haz your computer? Cellphone? TV?     (回 cucxoimap )那可以把你的电脑、手机、电视给我吗?         giorkaro8971     3 天之前     Made in China, with chinese drywall, chinese appliances and underpaid chinese workers???? The building will fall down in six months!!!!     中国制造,用中国土墙,中国设备和低薪的中国工人????这楼 6 个月内就得塌了。         aristotledude     3 天之前 @giorkaro8971:     It has a steel frame construction and is built to be &EARTHQUAKE& resistant. Stop being such an ignorant racist.     (回 giorkaro8971 )它是钢筋架构而且是按 “防震”功能来建造的。别表现得像个脑残的愤青。         TheLamarPie     3 天之前 @giorkaro8971     Your a dumass, go look up those terms in the video...Stop hattin, face the fact in 10 years, China will be way above the US, you could sense US Foreign Policy struggling already, selling advance weapons to Chinas Neighbors for a future war...     (回 giorkaro8971 )你这白痴,去看看视频说明先…… 停止憎恨面对现实吧,现实就是 10 年之内中国将会超越美国一大截。你能感觉得出美国的外交政策已经是在垂死挣扎了:把先进武器卖给中国的邻国们,准备未来要打场战争。         ezyflyer     1 天之前 5 推荐     90 Hours? Thats nothing, the Americans can destroy two skyscrapers in just 2 hours!     90 个小时有啥了不起的,美国人两个小时就能毁掉两座摩天大楼!         airr916     3 天之前 6 推荐     I think people are stereotype and saying that everything made in China is fucking sucks. Just look around you and all your shits, even the computer monitor in front of you or your itouch/ipod. Almost every high-tec are made in china now and you guys just didnt realize. And please give at least some credit to these people who actually built this hotel and the engineers...jeez     我看那些嚷嚷所有中国制造都是垃圾的人根本是食古不化。看看你周围的所有那些玩意儿,甚至包括你眼前的电脑显示屏,你的苹果手机 /MP3 。你们只是没意识到,现在几乎所有高科技玩意都是中国制造。还有至少请给这酒店的建设者和工程师们一些尊重 Orz …   
  maseratieeee     3 天之前 6 推荐     they are advancing REALLY fast. all we do in america is bitch about it and talk shit and wait for someone to &fix& it. we advanced really fast a long time ago. i wish we would do it again, but i think its Chinas turn.     他们进步得非常之快。而我们美国人所做的就只有挖苦人家,说说废话以及等着别人来处理。我们很久以前也曾经进步的很快,我真盼望我们能像从前那样再做一次。但我看下面是该到中国出场了。         Ardenwolfe     3 天之前     Yes, they are the next Superpower. Between the new bullet train and this, no doubt.     是的,他们是下一代超级霸权。且看看他们新的子弹头列车和这个视频吧,毫无疑问。         TheLamarPie     3 天之前     Most Comments here are mostly Americans, saying what? Talking crap cause their jealous. Im AMERICAN myself, but everyone has to face it, were NOT the superpower anymore. Stop Complaining, do something to help this country move forward instead of sitting on your asses watching tv     大多数在这儿评论的都是美国人,猜猜怎么着?他们因为嫉妒而废话个不停。我自己也是美国人,但每个人都得直面现实,我们不再是超级霸权了。停止抱怨,干点儿能有助这个国家发展的事吧,而不是整天窝在家看电视。         jimmiepatrick     3 天之前 77 推荐     An American company would have done just as good a job only milked it for months and took weekends off and asked for more money per hour. We are so greedy and lazy and self centered and that plays a big role in why our economy is going down the toilet and Chinas is skyrocketing. Look at the work ethic of the Chinese and then look at all the people around you. Its pathetic. People need to get off the couch and stop playing Call of Duty and BE SOMETHING!!!     一个美国公司如果要做出点儿像样的活儿得墨迹上几个月,周末要求休息而且还得要求增加时薪。我们是如此懒惰贪婪又自我中心,很大程度上正是这一点致使我们的经济像被冲进了马桶而中国的却一路飙升。看看人家中国人的敬业精神,再比比你身边那些家伙。这就是杯具。快点儿从沙发上爬起来,跟《使命召唤》【 Activision 公司制作发行的 FPS 游戏系列】 说再见,做点有意义的事儿吧!!!     【这好像是所有评论里推荐数最多的一个】         igrenade     3 天之前 @jimmiepatrick     well said. all they do is complain like little kids.     (回 jimmiepatrick )说得好。他们能做的就只有像小孩儿那样抱怨。         Paradiddler45     3 天之前 2 @jimmiepatrick     Arent you the one on YouTube? How hypocritical.     (回 jimmiepatrick )你自己还不是泡在 YouTube 上的一族?多虚伪呵。         jjjjeeeeffffc     3 天之前 @jimmiepatrick     what is great bout everythin u said is that being in america (or another country) allows us to do those things. If we had a population that was bursting at the seams n needed a hotel or apt building put up in that time, im sure as hell wed do it. but we dont n we dont need to rush. our work ethic is great. if i was workin on that id only work 8 hours a day, weekends off, coffee breaks, lunch breaks, n still get paid more! its great. but wed rush n work overtime if we had to     (回 jimmiepatrick )你所说的那些里最棒的一点就是:正是作为一个美国(或是别国)人,才使得我们能做这些。如果我们有像他们中国那样多到塞不下的人而不得不以那种速度来建酒店和公寓楼,我保证我们也做得到。但我们不需要,所以也没必要那么紧赶慢赶。我们的敬业精神很好。如果是我来做那个,我将每天只工作 8 小时,周末休息,有咖啡和午饭时间,可拿到的薪水却更多。这多好。但是如果我们不得不提速或加班时,我们也一样能做得到。         Bekach     3 天之前 @jimmiepatrick     the one thing I love about America, and pretty much all western countries is the hate and loathing they show to certain &less worthy& professions (pretty much anything that involves working with your hands). However, being a handy-man as part of a hobby is a-okay, just dont try to make a living out of it or people will think bad things about you... thats the impression I have anyway.     (回 jimmiepatrick )我最喜欢美国(或者说所有西方国家)的一点,就是他们对所谓“含金量不高”的工种(基本就是指体力劳动)的厌憎。把打打杂工当个爱好还 ok ,但别指望这个过活,否则人们就会看不起你……反正这是我的感觉。
  rileymayhem20     3 天之前 @jimmiepatrick     they all seem to be doing quality work, not the Chinese that America think pulling 18 hour shifts to make them a pair of Levis... they are doing some big things in China that is going to blow America out of the water     (回 jimmiepatrick )看上去他们做的全是高质量工作,不是美国人观念里那种倒 18 个钟头的班给他们加工牛仔裤的中国人,在中国他们在做能把美国佬击败的真家伙。         earsummer     3 天之前     Just imagine how much would US companies pay the overtime workers for construction done during the nights. Admit it or not, China has her advantages in many things, which turned out to be very important these days and have been transfered to real economical growth power.     US might lose a battle in constructing a building, however, for China to win a WAR of developing, she has a long way to go.     想象一下换做美国公司,得付那些工人多少加班费才能让他们在夜里干活儿。不管承认与否,中国在很多事儿上有她独特的优势,当今世道下这些恰好是非常重要的,而且已经转换成了真正的经济增长力。     美国也许在建楼上棋输一着,但中国想要赢得这场名为“发展”的战争,她还有很长一段路要走。         cheezenug     3 天之前 @earsummer     I think they do have a long way to go but compared to us they are moving ten times as fast and are closely approaching. Im not going to get into the business and politics of everything involved but I think this sets a new standard. And to the guy who said this will collapse when a door is slammed.....come on. Because cheap, low quality items are made in China it applies to everything they do? Im sure this is no a Ritz-Carlton but developing countries have standards too. Grow? up.     (回 earsummer )我想他们确实还有很长一段路要走,但跟我们比起来,他们发展的速度快了 10 倍且在飞速接近中。且不讨论每件事里包含着的商业和政治因素,但我想这事儿树立了一个新的标准。前面有人说门摔得使劲点儿这楼就能塌了……扯吧。难道仅因为一些廉价低质商品是在中国生产的,就说明中国人做每件事都是如此?没错这酒店不能跟丽思卡尔顿大酒店比,但发展中国家也同样是有建筑标准的,成熟点儿吧。         armypenguin     3 天之前     Good job china you are soon to share the seat of &superpower& with the US.     干得不错,中国很快就能变成跟美国平起平坐的超级霸权了。         MrDwk3     3 天之前 @armypenguin     Share? I think they will surpass us unless we get off our &self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitudes& about our place in the world. Parents jobs arent to give their children a better life than they had as children, but to instill the work ethics and sensibilities to live life on their own. &Too coddled& does not allow for learning, it just allows for more wanting and whining! Sorry thats how I feel about it. =|     WE CAN IMPROVE AND MAKE THINGS BETTER! LETS START TODAY PEOPLE!     平起平坐?我看他们将超越我们,除非我们不再用咱们“自以为是 & 自命清高的态度”去看待咱们在世界中的位置。父母的任务不是提供给孩子比自己小时候更优渥的生活条件,而是培养起他们独立生活的能力和敬业精神。“过度溺爱”不利于学习,它只能招致更多的缺陷和抱怨!抱歉这就是我的感觉。     我们可以进步可以做得更好!让我们从今天开始吧!         TuReal4Lyfe     3 天之前 3 推荐     As an American I applaud the Chinese. We Americans is so fucking lackadaisical sitting around thinking were still the number 1 nation not realizing other countries, such as China, is DEFINITELY on the come up. We think because we have money (well did have money) and power that &oh well just take our time on shit e.g. economy, infastructure, civil rights, the POINTLESS ASS WAR, etc, because were America&. While other nations, such as China, will take our spot while we parlay on barrowed money.     作为一个美国人我为中国人鼓掌。我们美国人只会懒散地坐一边儿以为自个儿还是世界第一,而意识不到其他国家,比如中国,毫无疑问正奋起直追。我们以为因为我们有钱(呃,该说曾经有钱过)又有力量,就可以说什么“哦 经济啦基建啦民权啦还有无意义的战争什么的,我们有时间慢慢磨叽好了,因为我们是美国人嘛”,可就在我们还拿着借来的钱混日子的时候,其他国家,比如中国,将会取代我们的位置。         myu106     3 天之前 2 推荐     Todays Chinese are excatly like Americans, well, Americans decades ago.     Remember how long did Americans build Emoire State Building? Roughly 1 year.     Remember, that was early 1930s.     今日的中国人恰恰就像是美国人,呃,是像几十年前的美国人。     还记得美国人曾经用了多少时间就建成了帝国大厦么?只一年多。     别忘了,那是 30 年代初。         ddnguyen278     3 天之前 @myu106     This is true at one time Americans had the drive and work ethic.. Sadly now everyone wants to be a millionaire basketball movie MMA rap star..     (回 myu106 ) 确实美国人曾经有过拼劲儿和敬业精神。。。真是杯具,现在所有人都只想成为身价百万的篮球 / 电影 / 格斗 /RAP 明星。。         myu106     3 天之前 @ddnguyen278     Americans were amazing before WW2. Just one example: Most brilliant Americans use to go to universities to study Science and Engineering. Today? All kids are dreaming of quick and dirty cash, lawyers, Wall Street, etc.     Take a look at NASA. Most scientists in NASA are 50+ in age.     Capitalism built America but extreme capitalism finally kills America.     (回 ddnguyen278 )二战前的美国人曾经是了不起的。就说一个例子:那时候大多数聪明的美国人都会选择去大学研读科学与工程学。现在呢?所有的孩子都梦想一夜暴富,当律师,或者去华尔街什么的。     看看航空航天局,那里绝大多数科学家全是 50+ 的年纪。     资本主义成就了美国,但极端的资本主义最终毁了美国。   
  ddnguyen278     3 天之前 @myu106     I agree, I was watching some interviews of the WW2 veterans because of Veterans day, its like they come from another planet! All of them articulate and well spoken and you can hear the depths of their courage and conviction, irrespective of color or race.. but now.. ugh listening to todays youth you can tell the IQ points have dropped a few pegs..     我同意。正好是老兵节,我刚才在看一些对二战时期老兵的采访,感觉他们基本就像从外星来的!所有被采访者都表达流利,讲的也很好,不论他们的肤色和种族,你都能听得出他们怀有深深的勇气和信念……可现在呢……靠!听听看现在的年轻人你就知道平均智商降低了多少……     【美国的老兵节在每年的 11 月 11 日】         mightymudas     3 天之前 6 推荐     All eyes are now on china. This is their century. I went to beijing a couple of months ago and all i see is people working round the clock and i am not exagerating here. Their bank are on open Mon - Sunday. Yes Sunday banks are open there. I woke up 4 am because of jet lag and shops were open.     Chineese people are awesome too.     现在所有的目光都在注视着中国。这是他们的世纪。我几个月前去过一趟北京,我所见的就是人们在日夜不停的工作,完全不是夸张。他们的银行从周一至周日全部上班——是的星期天那儿的银行也开门。我因为时差原因在凌晨 4 点钟醒了,发现商店居然还开着门。     中国人的确非常出色。         BroyhillVideo     3 天之前 18 推荐     China is in gear and rolling.     There was a time and place for the US. The Empire State building was built in under a year back in the 30s. But today it takes over a decade to replace the Twin Towers. Just sad, it really is.     中国好像上了发条似的在规律运转。     美国也曾有过这样辉煌的时代。在 30 年代帝国大厦我们只花了一年就建好了。可现在重建个双子塔得花上十多年。让人如何不悲哀。         jangkrikngocok     4 天之前     China is the new US...     中国是新一代的美国…         WertzOne     4 天之前 5 推荐     @jangkrikngocok : Wow, stop insulting the Chinese people.     (回 jangkrikngocok )嗨楼上的,别侮辱中国人好么。         335Mat     4 天之前 3 推荐     A car is built in what? 1 day? Its all about planing, training, and preparation. Good for them. We are lazy over here and we think we are oh so smart for outsourcing every manufacturing job. The result of is that we pay THEM all the money, gave THEM to time to become industrial. And now we look in disbelief asking ourselves &where is all our money? Where is all our expertise? Why do the Chinese DGAS when we try to tell them that we are the boss.&     一部车要怎么造?用一天工夫?最最重要的是规划、培训和充足的准备。他们干得不错。我们懒成这样,却还以为我们多聪明啊,知道把工作外包出去。结果就是我们把所有的钱都付给了他们,也给了他们变成工业强国的时间。现在我们不敢相信地看着这一切自问:“我们的钱都哪儿去了?我们的专家呢?为啥当我们试图告诉中国人我们才是老大时,人家根本不屑一顾?”         ijin01     4 天之前 32 推荐     china is going through its industrial phase so all these comments about safety and wages dont make sense, look at when they were building skyscrapers in new york, workers were sitting on the beams eating their lunch up in the air, no safety. you cant compare like for like     中国现在正在经历它的工业化时代,所以所有那些关于安全啊工资啊之类的评论都毫无意义,看看人们在纽约建设摩天大楼的那个时代吧,建筑工人们曾经坐在横梁上吃露天午餐,没有安全措施。你不能拿着现在的美国来比。         ijin01     4 天之前 16 推荐     China is going ahead because they pull together westerners are too selfish and lazy     中国现在正在领先,这是因为他们能够齐心协力来做成事情,西方人却又自私又懒。         6Sepulnation6     4 天之前 5 推荐 @ijin01     I dont agree. China can pull this shit out because they have a big-ass labour force who can be easily exploited for ridiculously low wages.     (回 ijin01 )我不同意你说的。中国能做到这个是因为他们有庞大得要命的劳动力,这些人会为了一点儿少得可笑的工资被榨取剩余价值。         gottawachit     4 天之前 @6Sepulnation6     Well right now they can up the wages by making their &money& value to go up but they learned from our (American) mistakes. Its better to be a producing country than a consuming country. One makes money while other one uses it. They are trying to get everyone out of poverty and are doing great at it considering the pop size of China. Plus they are in the industrial age but with greater speed, technological advances, and economy and yes mostly due to the labor force.     (回 6Sepulnation6 )那么现在他们只要让自家“货币”升升值,就等同于变相提高工资了,可是他们从我们(美国人)犯过的错误中吸取了教训。做生产型的国家比做消费型的国家要好。当其他人都在花钱的时候他却在挣钱。他们正试图让所有中国人脱贫——就他们国家庞大的人口来看,这一点他们已经做得很不错了。另外没错他们正处在工业化时代,但他们有更快的发展速度、科技进步及经济更强大。是的这确实很大程度要归功于劳动力。   
  ThomasRohl     4 天之前     Im guessing you Chinamen havent watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition before?     MOVE THAT BUS! MOVE THAT BUS!     Also, America doesnt sell fake food like in China where bread is made out of wet cardboard.     我猜你们中国人以前没看过《彻底改变之——家庭再造》吧?     开走巴士!开走巴士!     还有,美国可不卖掺假食品,不像中国,那儿的面包都是用湿纸板做成的。     【《彻底改变之——家庭再造》——美国非常著名的电视秀。由剧组找来有需要的穷人家庭,然后屋主一家被安排到外地进行为期一周的旅游。屋主外出期间,参与“家庭再造”的竞赛队伍会拆掉主人原有的房子,完整重建一座全新 house ,包括室内外装修。——这是通常要几个月才能做到的活儿,但剧组要求参赛队伍必须在一周内完成建造。当屋主一家归来时,会有一辆事先停好的巴士挡在新建的房子前遮住屋主视线,然后大家伙儿一起大喊“开走巴士!”“开走巴士!”当巴士最终开走时,呈现在主人面前的就是充满惊喜的新居了。】         romanosalvatore     4 天之前 2 @ThomasRohl     Really? We sell 100% real food here in the U.S...LOL.....LOL....Our food is PACKED with MSGs and GMOs and RED 40 and a WHOLE lot of crap. HOME EDITION, this is a 15 story, earthquake resistant building....Have you even been to China? Take a trip to Hong Kong, I assure you your face will melt in awe.     (回 ThomasRohl )是么?咱美国卖得都是百分百货真价实的食品?哈哈哈笑死我了。。。我们的食品根本是成堆的味精、转基因货、色素以及别的许多垃圾的合体。你拿《家庭再造》来比这个??这可是座 15 层高,带防震功效的高楼啊。……你根本都没去过中国是吗?去香港转转吧,保证你到那儿会看傻眼的。         rodricav     4 天之前 @ThomasRohl     You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real!     (回 ThomasRohl )你真是个傻子。纯傻子。纯的。         Vaioleto     4 天之前 @ThomasRohl?     You must be pretty morbidly obese if you consider the stuff you buy in America &food&.     (回 ThomasRohl )如果你把你在美国买到的东东当做“食品”的话,你现在肯定已经是病态肥胖症患者了。         philoilman     4 天之前     It is understandable that there are Americans who doubt the capabilities of China. When China was at the top of the world during the time of Marco Polo there were just the Native Americans then. China invented the gun powder, compass, paper and a lot of others. The British had to bring Opium to China because their gold and silver was being depleted importing silk, porcelain etc. which resulted to drug addiction of the Chinese. I guess the Chinese are now reclaiming their old glory.     呵呵,美国人怀疑中国人的能力这情有可原。毕竟在马可波罗时期,在中国站在世界之巅的年代,美洲大陆上还只有土著呢。中国发明了火药,罗盘,纸张以及许多别的东西。正因为英国人的金银都在从中国大量进口丝绸和瓷器时花光了,他们才不得不向中国输出鸦片来使中国人染上烟瘾。我猜中国人现在是想重新拿回属于他们的古老的荣耀了。         gottawachit     4 天之前 2 推荐     WHATEVER!!! Say all you want but in America we said the Chinese Americans couldnt and wouldnt be able to we were wrong. We complain every time someone else does something impressive, Give them their due!!!     We Americans complain so much about other countries success and point out their failures. WE a bunch of depressed and spoiled kids!!!     随便你去说什么!!!在美国我们曾说过那些华裔美国人建不了铁路也不会有这个能力,后来事实证明我们错了。每次当别的什么人做出什么了不起的成就的时候我们就只会抱怨。给人家应得的尊重吧!!!     我们美国人老在抱怨其他国家的成功,对别人的缺点评头论足。其实我们不过是群沮丧又被惯坏了的孩子罢了!!!             nosesteel     4 天之前     Spent a month in China this summer and this kind of thing is going on all over their country on a massive scale. Its not their government that builds these, its private enterprise led by innovative and very hardworking Chinese. This year they built the fastest train and supercomputer in the world, and their construction techniques, both in scale and technology, are second to none in the world. At 10% growth rate per year, China is leaving the USA in the dust.     今年夏天我去中国待了一个月,像视频上这种事情正在中国各地大规模地发生。并不是他们的政府建了这些,而是由私企。这些私企都由充满创新和苦干精神的中国人所主导。今年他们建成了世界最高速的列车和最高速的超级电脑。而他们的建筑技术,无论从规模上还是科技上讲,都是世界最高水平。通过每年 10% 的成长速度,中国正在把美国远远抛在身后。         gottawachit     4 天之前     YOU know, we can do this in America except we are to spoiled. We complain that they are communists/socialists all the time but we do that shit too. We call others commis all the time for lame shit but when it comes down to money we give a lame excuse to say its okay. Labor UNIONS are socialism people!!! when it comes to money we dont care, when come to peoples rights we argue forever.     你知道,我们美国人也能做到这个,可惜我们被宠坏了。我们总抱怨他们中国人是共产主义者或社会主义者,但其实我们干的勾当跟他们一样。我们因为屁大点儿事儿就把别人称作共产分子,但当有钱赚的时候我们随便找个借口就什么主义都 ok 。兄弟们,“工会”这东西本身就是社会主义的吧!!!谈到钱的时候我们啥都不在乎,当扯到人权我们就吵个没完。   
  第一回合完结↖(^ω^)↗  -----------------------------------  itsmonti1     4 天之前     I am moving to China and be part of the economic boom. China will be the next world economic power. United States lost its power a while ago. The US was the economic power in the 50s, 60s but now with globalization Recessions and depressions is becoming a norm in the US.     我打算搬去中国,并参与到这场经济大爆炸中去。中国会成为下一个世界型经济力量。美国在很久以前就失去它的能力了。美国在 50 年代和 60 年代曾经代表着经济力量,但随着现在的全球化,经济萎缩和经济萧条在美国已成了常态。         ronineditor     4 天之前 12 推荐     As an American, Ill say that its amazing the work ethic of the Chinese... hard workers, no complaining, a lot of pride no matter the pay. American workers bitch and moan constantly, slide into work late, wanna leave early... have unions to protect any concessions that could save their jobs, etc.     Yes, it might be 7:1 exchange rate in China but its more about their workers being more productive than ours. Look at what they did with the Olympics, for instance - all volunteers.     作为一个美国人,我会说中国人的敬业精神相当值得钦佩…… 辛勤的工人,无怨无尤,不计报酬而是充满对工作的自豪感。美国工人就只会不停地抱怨唠叨个没完,只会惦记迟到早退……只会靠工会来保住他们的饭碗,等等。     没错,也许现在人民币兑美元的汇率是 7:1 ,但(与其说美国人失业的原因是人民币汇率低)更重要的因素是他们的工人远比我们的工人有更高的生产力,比如说,看看他们在京奥时的表现吧——所有那些都是志愿者。         elmano04     4 天之前 @ronineditor     - You are right, but look at the standard living conditions in China compare to the USA.     (回 ronineditor )说得没错,但看看在中国的生存环境吧,跟美国没法儿比。         ronineditor     4 天之前 @elmano04     I will agree... Ive been to five cities in China... what we would consider a small apartment, they consider big. I guess its all relative. Personally, I couldnt do it... but I am spoiled now, Ill admit. Our hotel, for one night, apparently was equal to a month of their rent. I guess what they dont know wont hurt them... but the people, honestly, seem pretty happy with their lives.     (回 elmano04 )我同意…… 我曾经到过中国的 5 个城市…… 在我们看来很小的公寓,中国人却觉得很大。我想这是相比之下的结果。就我个人来说,我可受不了…… 但这是因为我已经被惯坏了,我承认。在我们酒店住一夜的钱拿到中国去差不多够付他们一整个月的房租。我想,也许对他们来说不知道这些是种幸福…… 但是说真的,那些中国人看上去很满意他们的生活。         stevensunding     4 天之前 @ronineditor     I swear that is so true. Ive been to China before and Im telling you the people there (mostly anyway) are a lot better than these lazy ass stupid capitalistic money-on-their-mind depressed American assholes (Im not being offensive cuz Im an American too and its an undeniable fact) (well, alot of them are, but not all).     (回 ronineditor )你说的太对了。我曾经去过中国,我告诉你,那儿的人远比那些懒惰愚蠢沮丧满脑子资本主义铜臭的美国傻 x (无意冒犯,我自己也是美国人,但这些就是不争的事实)好得多——我是说,大多数人,但不是全部。         xvidzzz     4 天之前 3 推荐     These guys worked shifts around the clock for 24 hours a day for 6 straight days. We cant do that in the US without getting approval from the unions first.     那些中国人可是三班倒替每天 24 小时不眠不休地整整干了 6 天。在美国没工会的同意我们绝不可能做到那个。         ks7602     4 天之前 3 推荐     Wow, this video is making a lot of Americans uncomfortable. So much so that they try to find all kinds of excuses. But why am I not surprised. The hard-working, no-BS Americans as the world used to know no long exist. All we have now are bitching and whining lazy fat asses typing away on a computer (that is made in China). Perhaps they should consider shut their pie-hole and start doing things.     喔,这视频让很多美国人不舒服了。所以他们就尝试着找一切借口。对这我一点儿都不奇怪。存在于世人脑海中曾经努力工作的,不那么混蛋的美国人老早就不存在了。我们现在有的全是喜欢唠叨抱怨又肥又懒只晓得沉迷于电脑的混蛋(顺便说那电脑是中国制造的)。也许他们该考虑考虑闭上臭嘴干点儿实事了。         parafaragaramus     4 天之前 21 推荐     In 1978 they had a GDP of $43 Billion. To $4.9 trillion in 2009, you calculate the growth. The dragon is alive and rising 10% each year, and soon we will all thank Mao instead of thanking God for what we have. Goodbye, western civilisation, sleep in peace.     I should have learned Chinese instead of English.     1978 年中国的 GDP 是 430 亿, 2009 年就达到了 4.9 兆,你算算这是什么增长速度。这条龙醒了而且它正以每年 10% 的速度崛起,很快我们大家都会改说“谢谢毛主席”而不是“谢谢上帝”了。拜拜了您内西方文明,敬请安息吧。     我真后悔学英语,早知道就学中文了。
  LZ有好多想贴的。。。但是又怕一下子接这么紧密,导致筒子们看的脑袋晕晕无法消化。。。。纠结。。。    LZ决定等半个小时,不管到时有没有人气都会继续贴下个帖子滴~~    另外刚贴的这翻译贴LZ下午其实是专门开贴来分享滴~~http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/funinfo/1/2365937.shtml不过既然LZ已经搬过来这边了原帖也可以不用去光顾啦~~
好长~ 顺便学习英语吧~    
  老美的网民 素质还是不错的~ 哎~ 让我想起天涯的那些黑粉 总是对其他团体粉丝进行人身攻击~
  LZ回来了~~~~嘿嘿,下面继续转帖~~~接着是最近大热的亚运事件啦~~!            二、美国雅虎:杨淑君事件+香港讨论区:香港网友看法        原帖内容和评论都会帖哦,先帖内容~~~                原文标题】:Taiwan leader protests taekwondo verdict  【中文标题】:台湾领导人抗议跆拳道裁决          TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou lodged a protest Friday against the disqualification of a Taiwanese competitor at the Asian Games, with public furor mounting over the controversy.  台湾总统马英九星期五对亚运中台湾选手被取消资格这个引起公众激怒的争议判决提出了抗议  Yang Shu-chuns disqualification occurred at the tail end of her match against Vietnamese competitor Thi Hau Vu, when judges ruled she was using illegal sensors on the heels of her shoes.  取消资格的判决出现在杨淑君对阵越南的Thi Hau Vu的比赛末段,原因是在杨淑君的电子袜中发现了违规的感应器  Thousands of Taiwanese citizens sent protest messages to the Asian Taekwondo Union, shutting down its website for hours, after the site posted an article calling the incident a &shocking act of deception& — a formulation that all but blamed Yang for cheating.  亚洲跆拳道联盟发表声明指控杨淑君“惊人的骗术”。 其后成千上万的台湾市民向亚洲跆拳道联盟发去抗议信,以致其网站关闭几个小时  The row has spurred anti-China feeling on the island, following media reports that Zhao Lei, an Asian Games official from China, was one of its authors. The competition was eventually won by Chinas Wu Jingyu.  岛内同时也引发了反中情绪,缘由媒体报道,来自中国的亚运官员赵磊也是其中一位决议者。竞赛最后由中国的吴静钰赢得(赛前都认为吴静钰的最大对手就是杨淑君)  Yang Jin-suk, secretary general of the World Taekwondo Federation, has said officials noticed in a pre-match inspection the 2008 Beijing Olympic competitor appeared to have one extra sensor on the heel of each shoe. Points are registered when sensors on the feet connect with others on the body protector.  世界跆拳道联盟秘书长Yang Jin-suk说,在赛前检查官员注意到这位2008年北京奥运会的选手似乎有一个额外的传感器在脚后跟,目的是为当脚的传感器碰到对方身体的保护装置时进行记录  &We have demanded that the match officials launch a fair and impartial probe,& Ma told reporters in Taipei. &Before the probe produces a result, we will not accept any of the accusations.&  马英九强调,已要求主办单位给予公平公正的调查,调查结果还没出来之前不会接受任何的指控  Yang Shu-chun had an insurmountable lead at the time, and was seen as a serious threat to take gold. She broke down in tears when her disqualification was announced.  杨淑君被认为是金牌的有力竞争者,被取消资格后她当场落泪  Games officials later upheld the decision against her, but the Taiwan delegation protested, insisting the sensors were carefully checked and approved before her match.  大会其后还是支持了这个判决,但台湾代表团抗议,坚持传感器在她比赛前已经过了仔细的检查和批准。  On Friday, public antagonism appeared to also target South Korea, with South Korea-native Yang Jin-suk insisting the charges against the Taiwanese competitor were legitimate.  周五,公众同样开始将抗议的矛头对准韩国、而韩裔官员 Yang Jin-suk依然坚持对台湾选手的指控是合法的  Taiwanese citizens called for the boycott of South Korean products, from kimchi, to instant noodles to soap operas. But popular South Korean band Super Junior K.R.Y. arrived in Taipei on Friday without incident.  而台湾民众则开始呼吁抵制韩国产品,包括泡菜,方便面,肥皂剧。但当红韩国组合Super Junior K.R.Y.周五抵达台北没有出现意外         
  让偶们先看看老美们滴反应~~    下面上评论。。。            14 users liked this comment   14 users disliked this comment  John J Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   what has the world become...blame china for every little thing! Whats next blame China that youre having a diarreha, blame China your sewage backed up, blame China you lost a competition b/c youre not up to par! Give me a break and take a little responsibilty!       这世界都变啥样了?什么鸟事都能拿来批判中国!下次你拉肚子也关中国事?你家下水道堵了也关中国事?自己不达标比赛输了也关中国事?放过我们来点负责任的报道吧     
    13 users liked this comment   2 users disliked this comment  Kurt Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   The judgement is really unacceptable!       此判决真是难以令人接受!     
    12 users liked this comment   8 users disliked this comment  Java Jones Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   China cheats its way to the top all the time. Think about it. Taint the food to gain profit, steal other peoples ideas, hides failure, claims land from their neighbors is theirs, hides the truth to protect the few and put down the average person, poor construction to line their pockets with gold, and many others, so why would sports be any different? A man that gains everything by cheating has achieved nothing but loss of honor.       中国通向世界第一的路一直都是充满谎言的,想想看吧。为获利而污染食物,窃取别人的创意,隐瞒自己的失败,主张钓鱼岛属于自己的领土,为巩固政权而掩盖真相,镇压大众,广厦建设来中饱私囊等等。所以,在体育中作弊又有什么稀奇。一个为达到目的而作弊的人不但失去尊重而且一无所获     
    Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   so sick and tired of all these biased articles. All the author mentions on the article is how Taiwanese think its foul play. Everybody automatically blames China...I think China is the one being bullied by the whole world right now simply because they are rising.       早对这类偏见文厌倦了。作者提到的无一不是台湾人对不公平比赛的想法。然后所有人就会不经思索的将责任归咎于中国…我认为中国是一个被全世界欺负的对象仅仅因为中国现在在不断增长。  Replies (1)   1 users liked this comment   1 users disliked this comment  UWFShooter Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   Anybody can rise... just not in the way China would like. These people need to get rid of the idea that they are the center of the world..       任何人都可以增强…只不过方式是中国不想看到的。这些人早该停止认为自己是世界的中心了     
    11 users liked this comment   10 users disliked this comment  Romster Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   Commies in China couldnt handle the fact Taiwan had a better competitor than them. Doesnt matter if China has all the cash in the world. Its like giving a redneck a billion of dollars. He will sill remain a redneck.       中共是不能接受台湾有比他们好的选手这个现实的,不管中国多有钱,但是他们还是乡巴佬     
  10 users liked this comment   4 users disliked this comment  Darth Juon Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   I prefer to buy things make Taiwan than China, and hopefully those things really make in Taiwan or parts come from other countries than China, also hopefully someday this will be possible.       台湾货和中国货,我宁愿买前者。也希望有一天世界上会有更多的台湾制造或其他国家的制造而非中国制造     
    9 users liked this comment   3 users disliked this comment  j m 20 hours ago Report Abuse   Taiwanese coach and media are also raising the possibility that the Korean judge may have planted the incriminating evidance based on magnified photos during competition. Interesting and a big disappointmnet to China bashers.       通过放大的比赛照片,台湾的教练和媒体已越来越认为那个韩国裁判才是罪魁祸首。反华者们很失望吧     
    9 users liked this comment   3 users disliked this comment  John Chuck Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   This report is incredibly biased. The field judge who disqualified Yang is a Filipino judge of Korean decent. To suggest a Korean-Filipino judge would conspire so China could win in a Korean Taekwondo sport is simply stupid. China has won so many golds, 4 times more than the 2nd place Korea, why would Koreans help China to win more. The reason that Yang was disqualified was because she wore electronic socks that were disallowed back in July. Her claim was that she does not know th well ignorance is not a defense. The ultimate responsibility of wearing and using the proper equipment rest with the athlete and her coach.       真是篇不可思议的偏见文,判处杨淑君失格的场内裁判员是个韩裔的菲律宾裁判。为了让中国赢得跆拳道比赛而建议一名韩裔的菲律宾裁判来做谋划者,这也太蠢了。中国现在的金牌数已经几乎是第二名的韩国的四倍了,为什么会叫韩国人来帮中国赢得更多。杨淑君失格的原因是她的电子袜在七月已被鉴定不准许了。她声称她不知道袜子是违禁的。不知情不能作为借口。最终的责任在于运动员和她的教练  Replies (1)   1 users liked this comment   0 users disliked this comment  Kevin Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   you are missing the point. Yangs equipments were INSPECTED BY THE OFFICIALS before the bout, yet they did not say a word but were quick to disqualify her... they are either lousy at their job or are doing a very sloppy cover-up.       你忽略了一点。杨淑君的装备在较量之前已被裁判检查过了,但他们却一话不说就判她失格。他们要么就在自己的工作上作了肮脏的事,要么正在进行非常草率的掩饰。     
    8 users liked this comment   6 users disliked this comment  j m 19 hours ago Report Abuse   I bet a penny that AP will not report the anti-Korea news cause that would be
something that you will not see from AP.     And dont count on the Taiwanese to acknowl too irrational and insecure.       我敢打赌美联社(yahoo这篇报道来自美联社)不会报道反韩的新闻,就是因为那是事实和无偏见的  还有不要指望台湾人会承认他们是错误的,太不合理和可靠了       8 users liked this comment   8 users disliked this comment  j m Thu Nov 18,
am PST Report Abuse   Some Taiwanese are quite irrational and cannot accept factual evidence. Just look at their past President, A-bien, who was convicted by the Taiwanese supreme court of corruptions and bribery, yet many anti-China Taiwanese claim that the conviction was orchestrated by China. Then there is A-biens son who was convicted by a Taiwanese (A-biens hometown) court of soliciting hookers but he is running for a county seat and his supporters also blame Chinese conspiracy. Very delusional people.       某些台湾人的确是非理}


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