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厄运和命运 (Doom and Destiny)
《厄运和命运》是一款采用经典DD规则的传统RPG游戏,本作由XNA引擎开发,在PC、XboX360、Windows Phone、iOS、Android等平台上均有发布,是一部不可多得的佳作。
《厄运和命运》是一款采用经典D&D规则的传统RPG游戏,本作由XNA引擎开发,在PC、XboX360、Windows Phone、iOS、Android等平台上均有发布,是一部不可多得的佳作。剧情介绍一个奇怪的事故把四个书呆子带到了一个幻想世界里,这个世界里到处都是陈腐的思想,奇怪的人们,以及滑稽幽默的事情,甚至还有一名不知道姓名的超级大反派。四人的奇幻冒险故事由此展开。试玩评测这个游戏能为你带来超过15小时的游戏乐趣,它有超过100种的技能,要打败200 +的敌人和超过300个的收藏项目。你可以探索一个巨大的世界,超过600个地点和千奇百怪的怪物!心得技巧1、健康力量塔 ,在第一次过去的时候是没办法进去的,因为你没有戒指(戒指在elventown拿)。等可以进去了,上面某层有个妹纸可以一个技能秒杀你,自己想办法过(据说是不打2回合就自杀,可以强杀)2、健康塔西北面那个小镇,进去是不会有剧情的,请睡一觉引发剧情3、在elventown那里那到(注意墙壁有一个口可以走过去,之后有很多类似的地方),上飞机mario救你之后那边的15分钟挂机也没问题的4、日本那里收集6颗龙珠就够,收集齐是没有奖励的,但是角色的经验是很重要的,弄完可以直接去乘飞艇5、到了雪城 西北处有个城市,进去在一个卖冰棍的地方有个洞进去可以杀冰龙,杀了之后可以去国王的卧室拿蜡烛(在打完DOOM拿到大船后某副本有用),那块冰块目前融化不掉的。这里可以买到小船,请周游大海把4个戒指增幅都拿到,不拿到也没事。。就是低几点属性和戒指的特殊效果6、接下来乘飞艇去destiny城,由于这里打好无法再回去进去截图,打STORY7的boss前要拿到4个球开门,请仔细找,3个好拿,还有个蓝球,提示是,他把那个球放在了一个对称的地方。是在2楼最右边,注意看地面,红色地毯黄色边缘,有个地毯走向一堵墙,有一个蜡烛熄灭一个亮着,点燃熄灭的那个,发现什么了吗?后面的不提示7、DOOM打完之后,如果你不想完了可以直接shut down。想玩就去destiny城下放买大船学好新技能开始新的航程吧游戏视频
厄运和命运 (Doom and Destiny)
327.2M / 05-10
261.1M / 05-10
183.5M / 05-10
ACT动作游戏 / 61.6M
SLG策略棋牌 / 34.4M
STG射击游戏 / 312.7M
STG射击游戏 / 132.8M
STG射击游戏 / 352M
STG射击游戏 / 9.6M
SLG休闲益智 / 156M
SLG休闲益智 / 105M
SLG策略棋牌 / 1.38G
STG射击游戏 / 61.9M> Doom and Destiny
应用大小:164.7 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 7.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
简介:Doom & Destiny 是一款Xbox平台与Windows Phone...
Doom and Destiny应用说明
Doom & Destiny 是一款Xbox平台与Windows Phone平台上,由独立开发者开发并获奖的日式角色扮演类游戏.目前已经有 中文 版本(如发现不是中文,请在Extra-Adv.Settings中手动切换)!四个宅男, 意外进入一个神奇的世界并被误认为英雄, 需要披荆斩棘勇往直前,去战胜荒唐的大反派!这款角色扮演游戏具有魔法,地下城,披萨,大量吐槽等多种元素. 如果你喜欢最终幻想系列,时空之轮,圣剑传说,龙与地下城,那你一定会喜欢这款游戏的!D&D 的特点是不含有任何内购元素 (IAP) - 一次付费永久使用!* 20小时的主线剧情加上另外20小时的探索,冒险,支线以及更多隐藏彩蛋等你发现!* 回合制, 容易上手的战斗模式* 改变你的队伍顺序获得额外属性加成* 100级封顶* 超过200种技能与魔法* 超过300种敌人* 超过500件物品,包含药剂,芯片,武器,服饰,盔甲等* 超过700个地点* 超过10,000行对话* 还有史诗级飞翔的意大利面怪兽等着你!
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3 Sep, 2012 @ 5:33am
26 Jan, 2016 @ 7:40pm
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Last Online 2 hrs, 54 mins ago
Benjamin Ficus
Last Online 27 hrs, 3 mins ago
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DOOM & DESTINY ADVACED IS NOW AVAILABLE ON STEAM EARLY ACCESSNerds are back into this preposterous turn-based rpg! Fight against Solomon Steel, the evil businessman, while he tries to conquer the universe with his ruthless startup! Get involved with the development of the game, experience glitch as never before and create with us the game of YOUR dreams!
is coming for PC #Steam as an EARLY ACCESS game the 4th of June! Less than a week!!!You'll be able to play the BETA of the game, share with us your thoughts about it and join its development and help Do&De Adv to become the BEST RPG EVARRR!!!1!!1!
Doom & Destiny is finally
Thanks to your endless support you can now play it on you pc, mac and linux on Steam!And you can get it now with a 20% DISCOUNT!SHARE saves between mobiles and Steam using the option in the title screen &extra & save online &upload/download&!Play it on Steam to unlock Achievements, get rich selling Steam Cards and unlock nerdy backgrounds and emoticons!Help Nigel, Mike, Johnny and Francis, four nerdy friends, to fight their way through the funniest quest they ever had!Trapped in a fantasy world and mistaken for Heroes, those four nerds will have to deal with long journeys, hundreds of enemies, villains, super villains and even an Unnamed super villain!Will they be destined to become real Heroes? Will they manage to return home? Will they manage to find a good Pizza restaurant in this weird fantasy world?An epic and yet comic adventure of over 20 hours of gameplay!Huge customization of your party!Over 500 items, between potions, weapons, armour and accessories!Over 200 special Powers and attacks!An immersive and rich world, with tons of locations, cities, dungeons, secrets and challenges!Over 300 enemies to defeat!Proudly powered by RPG Maker, XNA and Love!---&Doom & Destiny is a deep, immersive RPG experience. It completely caught me by surprise with high quality RPG gameplay, a well-written story, and a unique style of humor that doesn’t take itself too seriously.&- Indie Games Channel&Doom & Destiny is a great indie RPG that should not be missed by any RPG fan.- Gamers Heaven&Doom & Destiny is an impressive game at a very reasonable price, Benjamin Ficus and Heartbit have succeeded in creating a game that every RPG fan should own while also demonstrating that the Indie marketplace is alive with hidden talent.&- Game Life&The comedy is great and laugh out loud worthy.&- Empty Lifebar&Doom & Destiny is fun all the way from the beginning to the ending. 9/10&- DigitalQuarters&So go forth, don your D&D LARP gear, and toss these dudes your 3$&- Two Fedoras&Doom & Destiny è un romanzo di vita interattivo, una porta sul passato... un racconto che vuol far rivivere antiche esperienze con una nostalgia costruttiva ed efficace.&- Cyberludus&Doom & Destiny mélange très habilement une histoire parodique à un gameplay très sérieux. Pour une si petite équipe, c’est un véritable tour de force magistral...&- Game Side Story---Currently 24th on USA XBLIG top rated,1st in Canada and 2nd in Italy!Winner of the 2011 Summer Uprising.---The game was released on XBox Live Indie Games the 25th of August 2011 and has been released on PC via Desura, on Windows Phone, Windows 8, Google Play and iOS!Doom & Destiny is also available in an exclusive boxed copy!!!---Follow Doom & Destiny on
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