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真心的蛋疼啊,每次更新都是一种煎熬,更新慢的要死,游戏里面的各种卡我就不多说了,连更新都卡,玩来有什么意思? 游戏更新的快慢应该是个人方面的问题:如你当地线路的问题或是国家线路限制。就个人而言,我自己就没有遭受你遇到的问题。由此可见你的问题一定是个人方面的。The speed of the game update is likely to be a personal issue rather than the update itself: such as the problem with your local internet connection or the limitation set by your country.
Personally, I have not encountered the pr thus, the issue addressed by you clearly is a personal issue on your side.
Postat ini?ial de 美言:真心的蛋疼啊,每次更新都是一种煎熬,更新慢的要死,游戏里面的各种卡我就不多说了,连更新都卡,玩来有什么意思? 游戏更新的快慢应该是个人方面的问题:如你当地线路的问题或是国家线路限制。就个人而言,我自己就没有遭受你遇到的问题。由此可见你的问题一定是个人方面的。The speed of the game update is likely to be a personal issue rather than the update itself: such as the problem with your local internet connection or the limitation set by your country.
Personally, I have not encountered the pr thus, the issue addressed by you clearly is a personal issue on your side. 这个么,应该也有一点是个人线路问题,但是我介绍了几个朋友来玩这个游戏,也只有我能玩的下去,其他的不是更新卡在那里后没玩了,就是游戏里面卡的玩不了(他的电脑配置比我的还好),所以说个人线路应该也有问题,但是更主要的是这游戏的线路问题多一点!
真心的蛋疼啊,每次更新都是一种煎熬,更新慢的要死,游戏里面的各种卡我就不多说了,连更新都卡,玩来有什么意思? 我住在紐約, 沒有更新問題...每次只需要用大約3-5分鐘更新..有可能是地區性問題嗎? Good Luck.
这个么,应该也有一点是个人线路问题,但是我介绍了几个朋友来玩这个游戏,也只有我能玩的下去,其他的不是更新卡在那里后没玩了,就是游戏里面卡的玩不了(他的电脑配置比我的还好),所以说个人线路应该也有问题,但是更主要的是这游戏的线路问题多一点! 如 Hannah 所言,很多人都没遇到你的问题。 然而,你强调你友人也遭受同问题,这明显就是个人地区性问题:国家线路或国家限制。Like what Hannah stated, many of us never have the issue you addressed.
However, you insisted that even your friends encountered the same problem as you have, this clearly is a sign of personal issue with your internet: either it is the &connection& or it is the &limitation& with your country's internet.
呵呵,就是这问题才来这里发发牢骚,不然没人注意到怎么解决问题呢,问题要问出来才能有人解决,不然一直是这样没用的! 这不是游戏官方的论坛,这只是玩家交流的地方。你这样发牢骚也无法解决问题,同时也造成其他玩家们的困扰。以后这类问题请你用游戏官方的回应发报给官方人士。This isn't the official Warframe forum, but rather, just a forum for the STEAM players of Warframe.
By ranting here will NOT solve your problems and, at the same time, causing disturbings for other players here.
For fututre references, you should use the &feedback& system offered on the official Warframe site to report your &game problems&.
呃,没回应就不让发贴了?而且我也没刷贴啊,就只是在这一个贴里面说说话而已,怎么好像罪大恶极一样呢? 我何时说你不能发帖了?我何时说你「罪大恶极」了?你抱怨这游戏的问题,这论坛没人能帮你,我们没人是官方人士。我好心请你去回应给官方,这样才能解决你的问题 ... 如此我有错吗?我很不明白你为何一开始就如此不友善。When have I stated you cannot post here?
When have I claimed you have &wronged deeply&?
You ranted about the game issues and, none of us here in this forum can help you because we are not the DE devs.
I told you to report your issues to the official staffs via the offical Warframe website, so that, your problems with the game maybe solved ... how am I &wrong& in even trying to help you?
I fail to understand why are you trying to look for a fight since the start.
呃,没不友善,没话题找找话题,嘿嘿 你的游戏问题解决了没?Have you solved the game problem?
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Data post?rii: 25 apr., 2014 @ 21:40Mesaje: 17
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