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官方公共微信上传用户:nilxpxtzug资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)本论文是以后独一对锦州地域美术停止零丁专题研讨的论文,之前在《锦州市志》、《锦州汗青人物》、《补遗斋文集》、《医巫闾山志》中固然有一些零碎的小文章,但都不敷体系和深刻,本论文停止研讨的目标是为解救锦州地域清朝和平易近国初年的美术遗产,发掘锦州地域艺术的文明内在。愿望经由过程研讨,惹起社会上对锦州地域美术研讨的看重,对关东艺术停止深刻发掘,弥补锦州美术研讨的一些汗青空白。锦州地域为汗青文明名城,名山医巫闾山,自古八方画师云集,一些绘画绅士纷纭慕名来此作画。辽代的东丹王耶律倍、秦晋国妃萧氏、清朝的年希尧、王天恩、曹玉山、陈秀延、冯灿彰、连蒲等均为绘画名家。清末张瑨以第一位成就考中宫庭画师,他伴随治皇帝南巡时所作《赤壁夜游图》,令同治皇帝赞毫不已,一时惊动京城。刘文翰是清朝锦州人,其时,锦州人立碑多请其代笔。今年夜广济寺《直隶永昌府昌黎县赵颁布施碑记》即出其手,碑文到处颂扬,字体遒劲无力。刘春烺是光绪壬午举人,有大批书法、诗词作品传播于世。李维桢于清光绪二十四年中进士,诗词、歌赋、书法无一不精,甚为先人推重。对锦州地域清朝及平易近国初年画家研讨就是要整顿和发掘这段时代活泼在辽西画坛的画家及其在其时国际所发生的影响。但锦州地域的字画作品还处在零碎无序的状况,急需整顿考据。锦州地域的字画传统,因为地舆地位的特别性,起到衔接西南地域和关里的纽带感化,锦州地域在清朝及平易近国初年已经涌现了在华夏地域有必定影响力的字画家,他们的画风对西南地域的字画都有深远的影响。本论文的研讨,容身人文学的艺术不雅点,以实证考证为基本,把还处在零碎无序的状况的材料整顿考据,以最新的人文学术研讨办法为支持,应用图象学的图闻并貌办法,以新的汗青不雅和艺术不雅研讨现代美术。如今停止商量也照样一个终点,跟着时光的推移,锦州地域清末及平易近国初年画家艺术影响会愈来愈年夜。Abstract:This thesis is later only a pair of Jinzhou area art stop Lingding seminar papers, before in the Jinzhou City &,& Jinzhou historical figures &, addendum Zhai anthology, the Yiwulu Mountain Zhi& although there are some fragmentary articles, but are not systematic and profound, the stop, the purpose of the study is to rescue Jinzhou area in Qing Dynasty and early Republic of art heritage, to explore within the civilization of Jinzhou area art. Wish through the process of discussion, cause a society on the study of Jinzhou area art value, the Kanto art stop deeply explored and compensate for the Jinzhou art research some gaps in the history. Jinzhou area for the historical and cultural city, the famous Yiwulu Mountain, the ancient eight painters gathered, some painting diverse gentleman attracted to this painting. Liao Dong Dan King law times, Qin Jin Fei Shaw, of the Qing Dynasty years of the Greek Yao, Tian en Wang, Yushan Cao, Chen Xiuyan, Feng Canzhang, PU were for a famous painting. At the end of the Qing Dynasty Zhang Jin to first achievement test in court painter. He accompanies the treatment the makerounds austral the emperor made &night Chibi map&, make the Tongzhi emperor praise without unceasingly, momentary sensation capital. Liu Wenhan is the Qing Dynasty in Jinzhou, Jinzhou at the time, the people erected a monument more please. This year night Guangji Temple &Zhili yongchangfu Changli County Zhao Banbu Shi inscription& that is out of their hand, inscriptions everywhere to celebrate, font of Qiu Jin weakness. Liu Chunlang is a dynasty horse lifts, a large number of calligraphy and poetry works spread in the world. Li Weizhen in the twenty-four years of the Qing Dynasty scholars, poetry and calligraphy are all fine, very respect for the ancestors. In Jinzhou Area in Qing Dynasty and plain of China in the early research of painter is to rectify and explore the period active painter in painting in the west of Liaoning Province and its influence in the meantime the the. But the Jinzhou region is still in the works of calligraphy and painting system disorderly situation, urgent need of rectification criticism. Jinzhou area of traditional calligraphy and painting, because of the special geographical position and cohesion in the southwest region and bond action, Jinzhou Area in the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic have come to the fore in the Central Plains region must influence the word artist. Their style to the southwest region of calligraphy and painting have a far-reaching impact. The research, the shelter of the humanities art indecent point, with empirical research as basic, the fragmentary disordered materials to rectify the textual research in and supported by the new humanistic and academic research methods and application of image in Figure smell and appearance way, to new history not elegance and art not elegant discussion of modern art. Now stop to discuss is still a destination, along with the passage of time, of short of early Chinese painter art Jinzhou Area in the late Qing Dynasty and plain will become more and more of the eve of the.目录:摘要4-5ABSTRACT5-6引言11-15&&&&(一)论文意义与研究现状13-14&&&&(二)本论文选题的研究特色和创新之处14&&&&(三) 本文的视角与研究方法14-15&&&&&&&&1.本文的视角14&&&&&&&&2.研究方法14-15一 锦州地区清中期书画家考察15-26&&&&(一) 西方透视学在中国传播的标志性理论成果——年希尧及其《视学》15-16&&&&&&&&1.生平15&&&&&&&&2.《视学》著作15-16&&&&(二)三朝三相——尹继善16-19&&&&&&&&1.“汝父积何德生汝如此之子也”:获宠异数17&&&&&&&&2.八旗读书人,“继善为巨擘”17-18&&&&&&&&3.“保障资三省 忠勤著两朝”18&&&&&&&&4.“就论风雅已压群公”:尹继善与汉文化18-19&&&&&&&&5.遗爱只留庭树好、晚景余晖19&&&&(三)指画大家——傅雯19-25&&&&&&&&1.生平及艺术特点19-22&&&&&&&&2.代表作品——《胜果妙音图》被称作“指画之冠”22-25&&&&(四)文学家——文百川25-26二 锦州地区清末书画家考察26-36&&&&(一)《文征明自书诗册》的收藏者——李鹤年26-27&&&&(二)清代宫廷画家——张瑨27-29&&&&(三)清末翰林 ——陆善格29-31&&&&(四)清末监察御史——朱显廷31-33&&&&(五)闾山名士——刘春烺33-36三 锦州地区民国初年书画家考察36-45&&&&(一)锦州籍书法家光绪秀才——冯灿彰36-37&&&&(二)清代末科进士——张学良的老师李维桢37-38&&&&(三)旁听秀才——刘文翰38&&&&(四)闾山画家——曹玉山38-40&&&&(五)绥中书家——李海峰40-41&&&&(六)白石画友——王天恩41-42&&&&(七)“京东八家”之一 ——邵丹泉42-44&&&&(八)寓居锦州的书家——邹健鹏44-45四 锦州地区清代和民国初年书画家的影响45-48结论48-49参考文献49-51致谢51-52攻读学位期间公开发表的论文52-53分享到:相关文献|}


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