
[BuildCraft] Logistics Pipes - Minecraft Mods - Mapping and Modding - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
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Minecraft 1.7.10
BuildCraft 6.3:
BuildCraft 6.2:
BuildCraft 6.1.5:
BuildCraft 6.0.17/6.0.18 and 6.1.1:
Minecraft 1.6.x
BuildCraft 4.2:
Minecraft 1.5.2
BuildCraft 3.7.x:
BuildCraft 3.6.0:
BuildCraft 3.5.3:
Any older builds
Always use logisticspipes-x.x.x.x.jar for normal use, not logisticspipes-x.x.x.x-dev.jar !
Note: Those builds are not always stable and may not work. If you are using the newest build, report bugs and try an older one instead. If you are using an older build, try a newer one instead.
Issues / Bugreports / Feature requests
and post an issue there. Please!
Getting Started / Wiki
If you want to get started with Logistics Pipes, I recommend watching one of the video series below or hang out with us on GitHub and IRC.
Our (still-not-done) Wiki site is over at . Come check it out and tell us what you think. We are always searching for contributors of course.
If you have any questions or other things to discuss, we will gladly welcome you in our channel #RS485 on irc.esper.net!
Instead just write generally in the channel and ask random people.
License / Modpack permissions
You are free to use this mod in your modpack.
We got a donation link set up, because we want you to be able to give something back to us.
If you want to know more about the project, please ask in IRC.
We want to thank all our !
Also there are a few people that did and still do contribute something else than code.
And there are nice YouTubers around who help us explaining and showing the mod to you. See some of them above with embedded videos!
Do you want your name in the credits? Do something for it and do not bother to ask!
Credits for the idea and basic code go to Krapht and his original Logistics Pipes. Still, this is one of the biggest thanks!
Was using Forge #716. BC 3.6.0 & LP along with a list of other mod but ruled out everything else as i tried again with just BC & LP and still getting it.
nvm.. it seems you have already fixed that after i tried a Dev version instead of the recent release
Because you tried to use LP with BC 3.6 . See the notes on the downloads above and you know what you did wrong.
Great! I'm glad there's finally a forum thread. Hopefully it'll eventually be just as good as AE is right now.
If you want something like AE, then why not use AE?
I think AE is a good mod, but I also think it's fallen into the 'magic block' syndrome that so many mods succumb to. The last thing I want to see if LP going the same route as AE.
In my opinion, there is no better mod for automated processing. Keep up the awesome work!
I couldn't agree more.
I haven't been around the minecraft scene too long, mediocre player from the prealpha to release 'til now etc., but I can assuredly say, in my humble opinion, that your opinion is indeed exactly what I believe.. lol...
This mod is just too good.
I also agree that I would hate to see it go down the route of any magic anything.
I'm not a magiccraft player, I like the machines and what-nots, so I hope that it keeps in line with what the title of it essentially is "[BUILDCRAFT] Logistics Pipes", nothing more.
Just refinements.
Then again, who am I but a player and not a modder.
Thank you again.
This seriously revolutioned my Minecraft experience.
This mod is just too good.
I also agree that I would hate to see it go down the route of any magic anything.
I'm not a magiccraft player, I like the machines and what-nots, so I hope that it keeps in line with what the title of it essentially is "[BUILDCRAFT] Logistics Pipes", nothing more.
Just refinements.
Actually - when I was talking about 'magic blocks' I was talking about blocks which do something with no rational justification for them achieving that thing.
A good example of this is the Forestry farms (both the old ones and the new multi block structures). You hand the farms the necessary materials (eg saplings) and they plant the saplings, cause them to grow, and chop them down all with nothing actually DOING the planting, chopping etc. There's no lasers shooting out, no arms moving around, nothing to explain how the saplings got from the inventory into the ground, or how the wood/apples/whatever got from the trees into the inventory. It all happens as if by magic.
With Logistics Pipes there's none of that. If you want a chest to store certain items you have to tell the logistics network that that chest stores those items. If you want that chest to make those items available to the logistics network then you have to install the correct type of pipe or chassis pipe/module to do that.
While AE isn't on the same level as Forestry for 'magic blocks' I feel it lacks the involvement at the 'nuts and bolts' level that we get from Logistics Pipes.
I think that there is room for both mods. I like building robust logistics networks with LP, and if others chose a different mod, that's all good as far as I'm concerned.
Actually - when I was talking about 'magic blocks' I was talking about blocks which do something with no rational justification for them achieving that thing.
A good example of this is the Forestry farms (both the old ones and the new multi block structures). You hand the farms the necessary materials (eg saplings) and they plant the saplings, cause them to grow, and chop them down all with nothing actually DOING the planting, chopping etc. There's no lasers shooting out, no arms moving around, nothing to explain how the saplings got from the inventory into the ground, or how the wood/apples/whatever got from the trees into the inventory. It all happens as if by magic.
With Logistics Pipes there's none of that. If you want a chest to store certain items you have to tell the logistics network that that chest stores those items. If you want that chest to make those items available to the logistics network then you have to install the correct type of pipe or chassis pipe/module to do that.
While AE isn't on the same level as Forestry for 'magic blocks' I feel it lacks the involvement at the 'nuts and bolts' level that we get from Logistics Pipes.
I think that there is room for both mods. I like building robust logistics networks with LP, and if others chose a different mod, that's all good as far as I'm concerned.
Ahhh, I see.
Thank you for clarifying.
Ya, I totally agree
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Clear All Quotes阅读下面的文字.按要求作文.我们的生命经历完全是我们自己造就的.我们的一思一念都在创造我们的未来.生活永不停 滞.每一个时刻都是新生的.新鲜的.我欣喜地发现:在我的世界里.一切都很美好.请以“在我的世界里.一切都很美好 为题目.写一篇文章.要求:①文体自选.②不少于600字.③不要套作.不得抄袭.④涉及人名.校名.地名.一律用英文大写字母A.B 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。亲爱的同学们,我们无法选择父母,无法选择出生的历史时期与国家,也无法选择周遭环境。但是在这些无法选择之中,我们却可以选择自己的生活态度:是勇敢无畏还是胆小怯懦,是目标坚定还是随波逐流,我们能决定生活中哪些事情至关重要,哪些事情微不足道……请以“我选择 &&&&&&&&&&&&&”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙文。要求:①在题目的横线上填上恰当的词语(如勇敢、忍让、坚韧),使题目完整;②要有真情实感。
阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。(40分)我们常想拥抱一下自己的亲人,但总是等适当的时机。&&&& 我们常想写封信给最好的朋友,表达一下浓郁的情谊,但总是告诉自己不急。&&& 我们常想完成自己的一项创意,但总是说“找机会”。&&& 我们常想……&&& 很多美妙的想法就这样被搁置了。&&& 其实每天早上我们睁开眼睛时,都要告诉自己这是特别的一天,是多么可贵的一天。要做的事就从现在开始。请以“就从现在开始”为题写一篇600---800字的文章,文体不限。文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。&
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