hellokitty动态壁纸 kitty Online好玩吗

70后女生Hello Kitty简历曝光_百度文库
70后女生Hello Kitty简历曝光
&&今​年​H​e​l​l​o​ ​K​i​t​t​y​迎​来​了​自​己0​岁​的​生​日​。​不​过​你​可​知​道​?​这​个​赢​得​了​中​外​无​数​女​生​亲​眯​的​H​e​l​l​o​ ​K​i​t​t​y​竟​然​不​是​猫​?
你可能喜欢Hello Kitty Online (HKO) is the first and only official massively multiplayer online game (MMORPG) of Hello Kitty, Badtz-Maru, My Melody, Dear Daniel, Keroppi and the others! You
adventure with thousands of other players and computer-controlled characters in a virtual world full of cuteness and kawaii. HKO provides a brand new experience in gaming with built-in social media like video sharing and blogs. HKO is free to play! .
Mar 30, 2012
Hello everyone!Springtime has finally come, Easter is just
around the corner, and we're holding several events in celebration!
We'll post details soon, so keep tuned in or you'll miss out on fun
games and prizes!
See you in-game!The Hello Kitty Online Team
Dec 16, 2011
Hello everyone, it's that time of the year again! On December 19, 2011, joy and merriment abound in Hello Kitty Online as we celebrate the spirit of love and giving. Lots of giveaways and fun-filled parties will be had in Hello Kitty's Holiday Blowout! Click
to learn all about it! && && &
Nov 04, 2011
Hi everyone!
Hello Kitty's birthday festivities are now officially over. Many thanks goes to everyone for making our beloved Kitty's birthday this year a huge success.
Most of all, not only did you guys help make this birthday bash fun, you also made it very special by participating in A Helping Hand for Thailand.
Thanks to your efforts, HKO and Sanrio Digital will donate an amount of US$ 2,606.5 each to
and , for a total donation of US $5,213, to help them in their
to aid the children affected by the floods. The results and a receipt of donation will be posted on the
page once the payment is processed.
Thanks again to everyone! We hope you guys had tons of fun, because we certainly did!
See you in-game!
The Hello Kitty Online Team
Oct 28, 2011
Hello Kitty’s Birthday is just around the corner, and we’ve prepared a special birthday celebration!
It’s a weekend full of fun and surprises, and you’ll even get a chance to take part in a special charity event. Mark your calendars, because starting on October 28, we'll party hard from dusk ‘til dawn, counting down to Hello Kitty's big day on November 1, 2011!
Hello Kitty loves presents, but on her birthday, nothing would give her more joy than sharing what she has with those who are in need. As part of Hello Kitty's birthday celebrations, Sanrio Digital will be hosting a special in-game charity event to help the many children in Thailand who have lost their homes due to incessant flooding in the country. Find out how you can give “A Helping Hand for Thailand”!
What’s a birthday without a party? You’re in for an exciting weekend, because we'll be holding special events every day starting on October 28! Join as many as you can and you can be a part of the grand Tokyo Trip finale! Read all about these fun events, and don’t miss out on the memorable merrymaking!
Join us in greeting our beloved Hello Kitty a happy birthday! Enjoy the festivities, and see you in-game!
The Hello Kitty Online Team
Hello everyone, it's that time of the year again! On December 19, 2011, joy and merriment abound in Hello Kitty Online as we celebrate the spirit of love and giving. Lots of giveaways and fun-filled parties will be had in Hello Kitty's Holiday Blowout! Read on to learn all about it! && && & Holiday Giveaways&Hello Kitty and the other Sanrio characters greatly value the friendship among all of you. They would like to show their appreciation of your being part in Hello Kitty Online by giving away 100 USD worth of Sanrio Cash Points! All you have to do to receive this awesome gift is simply log in the game once during the following event period:&Start: December 19, 2011 - 8:00 am EST (December 19, 9:00 pm GMT+8)End: December 22, 2011 - 8:00 pm EST (December 23, 9:00 am GMT+8)&&Parties Galore!&Everyone knows the holiday season isn't complete without parties, so we'll be holding our very own in-game! There'll be lots of fun and goodies to be had so don't be a party pooper! Reservation for the parties start at the following dates and times:&International ServerDecember 23, 2011 - 5:00 am EST (December 23, 6:00 pm GMT + 8)&US & Canada ServerDecember 23, 2011 - 9:00 pm EST (December 24, 10:00 am GMT + 8)&&We look forward to having fun celebrating this holiday season with everyone! See you in the game!& & & The Hello Kitty Online Team
Since late July 2011, Thailand has been suffering from
due to intense monsoon rains. The flood has affected over 2 million people, with over 300 reported deaths and billions of dollars in property damage.
This is your chance to make a difference. As part of Hello Kitty's birthday celebrations, Sanrio Digital is giving the players of Hello Kitty Online an opportunity to reach out through A Helping Hand for Thailand, a special in-game charity event to aid in the Thailand relief efforts.
Your efforts for this event will translate into a real-world cash donation to
and , who have
to ensure the safety and protection of the children who lost their homes due the disaster. Every child deserves a safe and child-friendly environment to live and play, and you can help make sure they get the care they need. Nothing would make Hello Kitty happier on her birthday!
How to Help:
This event runs from October 28 to November 2, 2011 Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Step 1: Obtain the following items to complete one set:
50& 100 100
Step 2: Hand in one complete set to the Game Masters (GM) in Sanrio Harbour at the following times during the event period:
8:00 p.m EST4:00 a.m. EST12:00 noon EST
Step 3: Repeat as many times as you want to increase the total donation amount.
Special Reward:
Hand in your first set of items (1 set = 50 Strong Wood, 100 Dry Mud 100 Long Curvy Vine) to receive a Tattered Bunny as reward for participation (maximum 1 per character).
At the end of the event, we will calculate the final cash donation based on the number of sets submitted, and the total amount will be given to UNICEF and Save The Children. There is no limit to how many times you can give, and each time you hand in a set of the required items, you are increasing the sum of money that Sanrio Digital will donate to this worthy cause.
Every bit of help counts, so we hope you all enjoy this special charity event. Thank you, and see you in the game!
The Hello Kitty Online Team
Following up on our , Hello Kitty Online is proud to announce HKO Japan Earthquake
Aid Part 2, in which you can again deliver much-needed help to the people of
disaster-stricken Japan.
The event will run from April 1 to April 10, 2011. Despite the date, this is NOT an April's fool joke.
&HKO Japan Earthquake Aid Part 2April 1 - 10, 2011 &
As in the previous event, HKO players will be asked to
contribute their time to help the people of Japan, which a few weeks
ago was devastated by . The
scale of this disaster is enormous and that’s why we have announced this
follow-up charity event with new and improved mechanics to allow you to
maximize your contributions.
Charity Information&
At the end of the event, Sanrio Digital will count the total
player efforts and make a donation to ,
through our associate GLOBIS
University. Project KIBOW
is an initiative by GLOBIS
University to raise funds
Japanese non-profit organization that delivers emergency services during
large-scale crises.
If you are interested in donating directly, or do not have
time to participate in this event, you can make donations at the
NOTE: GLOBIS is no longer matching donations because they
have already reached their ceiling (which is great news). However, they are still
accepting donations until the end of April.
New Mechanics: Choose a Tier that's suitable for you&
We’ve made some changes to the event
mechanics in order to give everyone a chance to participate, regardless of
level, progress in the game, and farm ownership.
There are now four tiers of
donation items, each worth a certain number of donation points. The higher the
tier, the higher the donation points. Simply pick the tier that suits you,
obtain those items, and hand them in to a Game Master (GM).
With each hand-in, you generate donation points. In addition, when you reach or
exceed 40 points in this event, you will receive a special brand new reward to commemorate
your generous efforts.
The fastest way to obtain the
reward is to work on the highest tier that your character is capable of. The higher the tier, the more donation points you generate and the quicker you get to the reward. Please do
try to reserve Tier 1 for newbies and low level characters.
TIER 1 (one set is worth 3.5 points)
Dark Opal Basil x 35
Clover x 35
Prerequisites:Must have reached Sanrio Harbour
TIER 2 (one set is worth 5 points)
Cherry Tree Wood x 100
Woodcutting level 2Planting level 2Must have reached Floralopolis
TIER 3 (one set is worth 6 points)
Green Tea Leafx 100
Planting level 3Gathering level 3Must have reached London
TIER 4 (one set is worth 11 points)
Veggie Tempura x 50
Cooking level 6Planting level 5Gathering level 5Farm level 4Must have reached Paris
Step 1: Gather the items required in any one tier. You can gather items for multiple
tiers, if you wish, but please reserve Tier 1 for newbies and low-level
Step 2: Give the item sets you’ve gathered to a Game
Master (GM) at Sanrio
Harbour during the
event period. You must hand in exact amounts – for example, at Tier 4 you need
to hand in Veggie Tempura in multiples of 50.
Step 3: You will earn
donation points corresponding to which tier of items you hand in. Obtain 40 or more points to get the event reward. Note that the higher the tier, the faster you generate
donation points, so do not waste time at lower tiers if you are a high level character.
Step 4: Repeat as many times as you want to increase
the total donation amount. You can continue to hand in items even after you get your event reward - we will count every single (complete) submission when it is time to calculate the charity payment.&
Every time you hand in a set of the required items, you are
adding to a point tally. At the end of the event we will calculate the final
Event Special Prize
Earn 40 donation points or more to receive a Tokyo Outfit as reward for participation (maximum 1 per character). This is a brand new item of clothing that looks truly spiffy.&
Remember: every set you hand in equals a higher donation
toward relief efforts in Japan.
There is no limit on the number of times you can hand in items. Thank you
and see you in the game!
&&&The Hello Kitty Online Team
&(C) '76, '77, '79, '81, '82, '84, '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '98, '99, '00, '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '10& SANRIOAll rights reserved.& Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above,
no part of this website may be reproduced in any form (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or taping on information storage and retrieval systems) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.Hello Kitty主题公园有什么好玩的?
11:15:47 来源:
  史上最萌学院暑期开课 &精彩项目让你流连忘返
  小伙伴们,告诉你一个一般人哥哥不告诉他的秘密!史上最萌学院Hello Kitty主题公园暑期就要开课了,想在青山绿水间的彩色童话王国一次&疯&个够吗?想在这里忘掉烦恼吗?那还等什么呢,赶紧一起来吧,让这里的精彩项目留住生活、留住精彩!
  Hello Kitty家园有什么特色呢?
  Hello Kitty家园有什么好玩的呢?
  Hello Kitty家园有友谊广场、欢乐港湾、音之村、精灵森林、蒸汽王国、凯蒂猫小院。每个区域都有独有的主题人物、主题景观、剧场演艺、互动体验、游乐设施、餐饮和商铺。整个园区将创意、温馨、快乐、梦幻与环保贯穿一体。
  Hello Kitty家园有什么&魔法&呢?
  让孩子永远单纯快乐。园区为了孩子而精心设计的游乐项目随处可见。每天一场的天使剧场,让孩子在音乐剧中随着Hello Kitty一起成长,感受到来自朋友和父母最真挚的爱。
Hello Kitty主题公园
Hello Kitty主题公园
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