
This hard-grafting painter may have climbed the ladder to a career high... but one mistake and it's a hard fall back to where he started.Labourers put the finishing touches to the Anzhaite Long-span Suspension Bridge in Jishou, Hunan, China, this week, just in time for its opening.And at 1,102ft up and 3,858ft across the ambitious suspension bridge has become the highest and longest in the world.Scroll down for video
Brush with death: Work started on the engineering feat in October 2007 and the bulk of the work finished at the end of last year
Dizzying: Labourers put the finishing touches to the Anzhaite Long-span Suspension Bridge in Jishou, Hunan, China, this week, just in time for its opening
Work started on the engineering feat in October 2007 and the bulk of the work finished at the end of last year.
It is designed to ease traffic in the Jishou area of Hunan province and officially opened to motorists today.
Drivers can take in the views of the
Dehang Canyon as they steer their way across all 3,858ft of the new
sky-high road which links two tunnels.
bridge, which is lit up at night with 1,888 lights, is the fourth
suspension bridge to cross a valley so wide it seems to be connecting
two mountain ranges.Once on the bridge cars and lorries can motor along a two-way, four-lane motorway at about 50mph. Pedestrians can also walk along it on a special walkway under the road.
No jams: It is hoped the bridge will help ease traffic jams which are common in the mountainous area which has narrow, steep and winding roads
Eerie: The bridge, which is lit up at night with 1,888 lights, is the fourth suspension bridge to cross a valley so wide it seems to be connecting two mountain ranges
High rise: The bridge is a key part of the Jishou-Chadong Expressway, a 64-kilometre road which has 18 different tunnels which cover about half of its length
bridge is a key part of the Jishou-Chadong Expressway, a 64-kilometre
road which has 18 different tunnels which cover about half of its
length. It is hoped
the bridge will help ease traffic jams which are common in the
mountainous area which has narrow, steep and winding roads.
The structure is supported by a base 78ft wide.
China has the longest
bridge in the world, the Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge which is just over 100miles long and was built two years ago to carry the BeijingCShanghai high-speed railway.
Multi-purpose: Once on the bridge cars and lorries can motor along a two-way, four-lane motorway at about 50mph. Pedestrians can also walk along it on a special walkway under the road
日本“超陡”大桥坡度惊人 盘点世界上最惊险的桥
[作者:&&编辑:卢迪] 1
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& & & &&这些桥梁有大型的,有交通繁忙的,有灯火辉煌的,都有各自独特的特征,是人类建筑的伟大成就。&
& & & &&1. 最繁忙:纽约的乔治-华盛顿桥&&&&& 乔治·华盛顿桥连接曼哈顿和新泽西州,桥上有14条交通线路,2011年有5100万的车辆通过,是世界上最繁忙的桥梁。
& & & &&2. 最高:法国米洛大桥&&&&& 米洛大桥的修建历时17年,从1987年到2004年,桥塔高803英尺,而桥上的公路则是在886英尺的高空中,桥的最高点高达1125英尺。夏季的时候这里经常会堵车,因为有些西班牙的游客从这里经过。但是桥上没有人行横道,如果你想参观的话,可以跟个团或自己驾车经过。
& & & &&3. 最宽:悉尼海港桥&&&&& 悉尼海港桥连接了澳大利亚最繁忙的商业区和北海岸的部分住宅区,因此是很多上班族的必经之路。
& & & & 因此不难理解,这座桥梁宽160英尺,有8条交通道,还有两条铁轨、人行道和自行车道。
& & & &&4. 上镜率最高:加州金门大桥&&&&& 充满生气的橙色,从周围茂盛的草林中矗立出来的金门大桥一直是很多摄影师镜头下的焦点,尤其是在早上薄雾萦绕的时候,更增加了大桥的神秘性。但是如果你要看到这座大桥的全景,不妨去加州的北部,在那里,你不仅可以避开人群欣赏大桥的全景,还可以非常亲近自然。
& & & &&5. 最长加盖桥:加拿大新不伦瑞克省哈特兰加盖桥&&&&& 哈特兰加盖桥跨越圣约翰河,建造于1901年,长390米,是世界上最长的廊桥。
& & & & 每年都有成千上万名游客开车前来观赏这座木工精细的建筑。
& & & &&6. 建筑过程中用砖最多的:德国Goltzsch谷桥&&&&& 这座桥梁位于德国的萨克森,虽然只有1860英尺长,但在建筑的过程中却用掉了2千万的砖,怪不得成为了砖桥第一呢。
& & & & 跟着路标你就会到达这座著名的桥梁,把车停在左边的草甸了可以看到整个桥梁的壮观全景。
& & & &7. 最长吊桥:日本明石海峡大桥&&&&& 日本明石海峡大桥是世界上目前最长的吊桥,全长3911米,日正式通车。
& & & & 大桥横跨本州岛与四国岛,落在日本神户市与淡路岛之间。
& & & & 大桥按可以承受里氏8.5级强烈地震和抗150年一遇的80m/s的暴风设计,创造了本世纪世界建桥史的新纪录。
& & & &&8. 最长桥梁:中国丹阳昆山大桥&&&&& 说到桥梁,中国并不乏创纪录的大桥。在全球15大最长的桥梁中,中国就占据了11座。
& & & & 此次上榜的京沪高铁丹阳至昆山特大桥于2011年6月正式开放,登上了全球最长桥梁宝座。
& & & & 桥梁整体长度达到了164.8公里,甚至比纽约到费城的距离还要长。
& & & &&9. 最古老:土耳其卡雷凡大桥&&&&& 根据吉尼斯世界记录大全的记载,卡雷凡大桥是世界上目前所知仍保存并在使用的最古老桥梁。该桥位于今土耳其境内的伊兹密尔,横跨麦尔斯河(RiverMeles),约建于公元前850年,是一条石拱桥,大概有3千年的历史了。
& & & &&10. 最长的步行桥:波基普西火车桥&
&&&& 这条名为波基普西火车桥的大桥位于纽约北部,始建于1873年,并于1888年12月启用,长6767英尺,曾是当时世界上最长的桥梁。大桥曾是连结宾夕法尼亚州煤田与美国东北部工厂区的大动脉,不过随着工业时代过去,加上1974年的一场大火,大桥最终荒废,成为一条横跨哈得孙河的废铁。2009年10月,大桥重新修建,项目造价为3500万美元,并将由纽约州政府管理。届时行人和单车将可在桥上行走,建桥组织形容,游客将可体会“在天上行走”的感觉。


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