口袋我家农场是天庭种植园cherry tomato怎么种植出来呢

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樱桃西红柿Cherry Tomato是转基因品种吗?
  很多朋友从互联网上得到了海量的信息,而讨论生物基因改造技术的话题在互联网上是热点之一,随处可得,争论得热火朝天。在新西兰的超市中,冬季经常会有Cherry Tomato,也就是樱桃西红柿在销售,一盒一盒的包装得非常精美,小西红柿如樱桃一样在透明的塑料盒里娇艳欲滴、吹弹欲破,让人无法抵抗它带来的诱惑。
image souce: google images
  答案是否定的,樱桃西红柿Cherry Tomato是天然的、通过育种技术挑选并培育出来的西红柿的品种之一,绝非转基因产物。
  看到这里您可以放心大胆的购买超市和菜市场的Cherry Tomato了吧?樱桃番茄的营养物质含量稍高于普通番茄,经常食用樱桃番茄,能够帮助人体排除毒素,增强抵抗力,延缓衰老;另外,番茄中含有的番茄素还能够保护人体免受香烟和汽车废气中的致癌物的侵袭;西红柿还有提高防晒能力的作用,爱白爱美的女士们千万不要错过这个机会;而男士们,西红柿一样是你们的福音,因为番茄素对男性的前列腺益处颇多。樱桃西红柿的食用方法非常简单,洗一洗当水果生吃即可,也可以中间劈开,拌入生菜沙拉之中食用。
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Tomato nutrition facts
Tomato is a juicy, nutritious fruit commonly eaten as a vegetable, is another wonderful gift of the Mayans to the world. This humble vegetable of Central America has seized the attention of millions of health seekers for its incredible nutritional properties. Interestingly, it has more health-benefiting compounds than that of some popular fruits like
Botanically, tomato belongs to Solanaceae or nightshade family of common vegetables, which also includes ,
, , etc. Its scientific
name is Lycopersicon esculentum.
Tomatoes- Red skin variety.
Fresh produce in a market.
This exotic vegetable of all seasons is native to the Central America and
was cultivated by the Aztecs centuries before the Spanish explorers
introduced it to rest of the world.
Many hundreds of cultivar varieties with different
type and size, either organic, hybrid or genetically modified are being
in use. Most cultivar however, some
cultivars with yellow, orange, pink, purple, green, or white colors are
also a common scene.
Tomatoes- Raw, green.
Heirloom tomatoes tend to produce more natural and
flavorful fruits. Heirloom cultivars are becoming increasingly popular,
particularly among organic vegetable consumers.
They are now grown worldwide at a larger scale as one of frontline
vegetable, in line with ,
Cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) are
small, round, cherry-sized fruits of the same Solanaceae family. They
are quite popular in the Mediterranean regions featuring commonly in Italian
and Greek cuisine.
Health benefits of Tomato
Tomatoes are one of the low- hold just
18 calories per 100 g. They are also very low in fat contents and have zero cholesterol levels. Nonetheless, they are
excellent sources of antioxidants, dietary fiber, minerals, and
vitamins. On account of their all-round qualities, dieticians and
nutritionists alike often recommend them in cholesterol
controlling and weight reduction diet programs.
The antioxidants present in tomatoes are
scientifically found to be protective against cancers, including colon,
prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic tumors. Total -ORAC
(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) in this vegetable is 367 umol TE/100 g.
Lycopene, a flavonoid antioxidant, is a unique phytochemical compound found in the
tomatoes. Red variety fruits tend to possess more of this
antioxidant. Together with carotenoids, lycopene may help protect cells
and other structures in the human body from harmful oxygen-free radicals. Studies show that lycopene
protects the skin from ultra-violet (UV) rays and thus offers some defense against skin cancer.
Zea-xanthin is another flavonoid compound present abundantly in this vegetable.
Zeaxanthin helps protect eyes from "age-related macular related
macular disease" (ARMD) in the older adults by filtering harmful
ultra-violet rays.
It contains very good levels of vitamin-A, and flavonoid antioxidants such as a and ss-carotenes,
xanthins and lutein. Altogether, these pigment compounds are found to have antioxidant properties and take part in night-vision, maintenance of healthy
mucosa and skin, and bones. Consumption of natural vegetables and fruits rich in flavonoids is known to help protect from
lung and oral cavity cancers.
Additionally, they are also a good source of
antioxidant vitamin-C (provide 21% of recommended daily levels per 100 g); consumption of
foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body develop resistance against
infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals.
Fresh tomato is very rich in potassium.
100 g contain 237 mg of potassium and just 5 mg of sodium. Potassium is
an important component of cell and body fluids that helps
controlling heart rate and blood pressure caused by sodium.
Further, they carry average levels of vital
B-complex vitamins such as folates, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin as well
some essential minerals like iron, calcium, manganese and other trace elements.
Selection and storage
Fresh ripe tomatoes feature beautiful bright-red color and have a rich fruity
flavor. In the markets, buy fresh, firm, uniform sized fruits. Avoid
those with wrinkled surface, discolored spots, cuts and too soft and
Firm, yellow fruits can be placed in cool, dark place at room
temperature for 2-3 days. However, ripe tomatoes are one of the easily
perishable vegetables and should be stored in the refrigerator. Use
them while they are fresh to gain full benefits of vitamins and antioxidants.
Preparation and serving methods
Pests are common in tomato. Hybrid varieties usually subjected to
insecticide sprays. Therefore, wash them thoroughly in the cold running
water in order to remove dirt, soil and any insecticide/fungicide
To prepare, discard stem and top calyx end. Cut
into desired halves, cubes, slices, etc. Peel the skin and puree its
juicy pulp. Some prefer to discard seeds before adding in cooking.
Tomato-onion cheese tart topped with basil.
Photo courtesy:
Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, and onion.
Photo courtesy:
Here are some serving tips:
Tomatoes employed generously in the cooking
especially in Mediterranean, Greek, Italian, Southeast Asian, and East
European cuisines.
Raw ones have extra acidic taste, but when
mixed with other ingredients while cooking, they impart a wonderful flavor and
rich taste.
All kinds of tomatoes, including cherry, are one of the commonly featured ingredients in salad
preparations worldwide.
Fresh tomato juice and soup are popular healthy dishes served as an appetizer. Organic varieties hold three times more lycopene than non-organic fruits.
Delicious Spanish cold tomato
soup, gazpacho, is a popular Andalusian preparation.
Unripe, green tomatoes can be used in similar ways like other raw vegetables to prepare in curries, stews and to make
"chutney" in some of the Indian states.
Safety profile
In general, allergic reactions to tomatoes are relatively rare. However, it may sometimes occur
in sensitive individuals with symptoms like itching skin
and eyes, runny nose, and gastrointestinal disturbances like
stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. ().
nutrition facts.
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. Please visit
here for an impressive list of vegetables with complete illustrations of their nutrition facts and
health benefits.
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Visit here for very informative pages on:-
on nutrition.
Further resources:
(Link opens in new window).
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the table below for in depth analysis
of nutrients:
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), red, ripe, raw,
Nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National
Nutrient database)
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