
它以热情欢快的旋律与百鸟和鸣之声,表现了生气勃勃的大自然景象. 在河南等地,百鸟朝凤经常会用在结婚的仪式上.代表着是吉祥,幸福.
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百鸟朝凤 基本解释百鸟朝凤[bǎi niǎo cháo fèng]词典A hundred birds are paying homage to a phoenix.:百鸟朝凤。词典birds paying homage to the phoenix:百鸟朝凤。百鸟朝凤 汉英大词典百鸟朝凤[bǎi niǎo cháo fèng]A hundred birds are paying homage to a phoenix.; birds paying homage to the phoenix (民间管乐合奏曲)百鸟朝凤 网络解释1. HUNDREDS OF BIRDS VISIT A PHOENIX:1.大起板 RISING | 2.百鸟朝凤 HUNDREDS OF BIRDS VISIT A PHOENIX | 3.婚礼曲 WEDDING MUSIC2. ALL BIRD OBEISANCES TO PHOENIX:15.TANGO 探戈 | 16.ALL BIRD OBEISANCES TO PHOENIX 百鳥朝鳳 | 17.MORNING MELODY早晨的旋律3. A Phoenix Worshiped By Hundreds Of Birds:02. 黄土情 Love For The Yellow Earth | 03. 百鸟朝凤 A Phoenix Worshiped By Hundreds Of Birds | 04. 抬花轿 Raising The Bridal Sedan4. Myriad of birds hail the phoenix:07. 喀什噶尔舞曲 Dance from Kirghiz | 08. 百鸟朝凤 Myriad of birds hail the phoenix | 09. 绣金匾 Embroidering golden letters on the banner百鸟朝凤 双语例句1. 入口大堂有前厅三宝:百鸟朝凤洮砚、千龙戏海洮砚、千年古樟木雕刻的贺寿图等供宾客欣赏。&&&&The entrance hall, possessing 3 different ink stones has been delicate designed.2. 如果财富掌握在大慈大悲充满智慧的人手上,一定会天下太平,四海升平,宇宙间祥云缭绕,百鸟朝凤,百花齐放,天上人间一派繁荣祥和的景象。&&&&If the wealth of wisdom lies in the hands of mercy will definitely be peace and harmony universal peacefulness, the universe, clouds shrouded, Bainiaochaofeng all sorts of heaven and earth prospered and peaceful scene.3. 百鸟朝凤什么意思3. 我的百鸟朝凤图,何故连鸟头都不见了?&&&&Why a bird is missing from my picture?4. 这道菜就叫做百鸟朝凤。&&&&This dish was called Birds Pay Homage to the King!5. 墙壁上的风筝构成了一幅百鸟朝凤图。&&&&The kites on the wall form a picture of one hundred birds flying towards the phoenix.6. 《云南民歌5首》、《陕北民歌4首》、《梅花3弄》、《百鸟朝凤》、《浏阳河》等。&&&&During his creative career over 40 years, he created tens of works which won universal praises, like, Five Yunnan Ballads, Four Ballads in North of Shanxi, Mei Hua San nong can ancient melody, Handreds of Birds Worship for Phoenix and Liuyang River.7. 7. 这道菜就叫做百鸟朝凤。&&&&This dish was called birds pay homage to the king!8. 911查询·英语单词8. 新中国成立后,焰火工艺在继承中推出了七响长肢、八响长肢及七节老架杆、马火等。1980年后,平定化工厂转入纯焰火生产,引入国内先进水平的礼花产品,有高空礼花弹、长肢焰火、地面焰火3类40多种,其中包括春风扬柳、绿联新、旭日东升、满天红、银光闪烁、白绣球、草原红花、彩莲星,还有蜜蜂采花、金丝兰、炮打黄莺、闪光雷、金龙吐珠、环球赤、百鸟朝凤、全家乐等。&&&&Founding of New China, fireworks launched in the succession process in the ring for seven long limbs, long ring of eight limbs and 7 under the old planes, such as a fire horse. In 1980, down into pure chemical production of fireworks, The introduction of domestic advanced level of fireworks products, high-altitude Shell, a long limb fireworks, the fireworks on the ground more than 40 kinds of Class 3, including spring Yang Liu, the new Green Alliance, the rising sun, the sky red, flashing silver, white hydrangea, grassland Safflower, Cai Lian Xing, there are flowers bees, the yucca, Ying Huang gun fight, the flash of Mines, Golden Dragon thomsonae, red globe, Bainiaochaofeng, music, and so the whole family.9. 不太坏,斯图兰特先生,那位对手说,你吹奏百鸟朝凤的手法还不很高明。&&&&" That's not very bad, Mr. Stewart, " said the rival, " but you show a poor device in your warblers ".10. 10. 这一阶段涌现出了一大批高质量的钢琴改编曲,其中不乏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》、《百鸟朝凤》、《夕阳萧鼓》等具有世界影响力的中国钢琴音乐精品之作。&&&&This stage appeared a large number of high-quality and world-influence piano reorganization music works, such as piano concerto " Yellow River ", solo piano work " A Hundred Birds Paying Respect To The Phoenix " and " Music At The Sunset Time ".11. 钢琴曲《百鸟朝凤》的审美特征与音乐表现&&&&&&The Aesthetic Characteristic and the Musical Exhibition of the Piano Music 100 Birds Singing in Homage to the Phoenix12. 不太坏,斯图兰特先生,那位对手说,你吹奏百鸟朝凤的手法还不很高明。&&&&&&" That's not very bad, Mr. Stewart," said the rival," but you show a poor device in your warblers ".13. 13. 这一阶段涌现出了一大批高质量的钢琴改编曲,其中不乏钢琴协奏曲《黄河》、《百鸟朝凤》、《夕阳萧鼓》等具有世界影响力的中国钢琴音乐精品之作。&&&&&&This stage appeared a large number of high-quality and world-influence piano reorganization music works, such as piano concerto " Yellow River ", solo piano work " A Hundred Birds Paying Respect To The Phoenix " and " Music At The Sunset Time ".百鸟朝凤是什么意思,百鸟朝凤在线翻译,百鸟朝凤什么意思,百鸟朝凤的意思,百鸟朝凤的翻译,百鸟朝凤的解释,百鸟朝凤的发音,百鸟朝凤的同义词,百鸟朝凤的反义词,百鸟朝凤的例句,百鸟朝凤的相关词组,百鸟朝凤意思是什么,百鸟朝凤怎么翻译,单词百鸟朝凤是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 梦见百鸟朝凤―预示近期的运势很好,身边的所有事物都会平安顺利,万事如意。在人际关系方面也会收获大家的赞誉,是你的鼎盛时期。生意人梦见百鸟朝凤―预示近期财运很好,不仅自己的生意能红红火火,而且所做的投资也会顺利收获,还能结交到忠诚可靠的生意伙伴,是积累财富的好时机。学生梦见百鸟朝凤―预示学习运上升,平时的学习中都能得心应手,还能在考试中取得优异的成绩,要继续保持,勤奋努力,争取学业上的更大成功。领导者梦见百鸟朝凤―预示近期的运势很好,能将有才能的人招到自己麾下,为自己的事业如虎添翼,让自己更上一层楼。求职者梦见百鸟朝凤―预示近期的工作运势不错,不仅有好的工作机会,而且还能得到领导的赏识,能快速晋升,要把握机会,成就自己的辉煌事业。
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